题意 在一个字符串中插入一个字母使其变成一个回文串 可以的话输出这个回文串 否则NA
大水题 插入情况最多就26*11种 可以直接暴力
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> using namespace std; const int N = 20; char s[N], p[N]; int l; bool ispal() { for(int i = 0; i < (l + 1) / 2; ++i) if(p[i] != p[l - i]) return false; return true; } int main() { int i, j, k; scanf("%s", s); l = strlen(s); for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c) { for(k = 0; k <= l; ++k) { i = j = -1; while(i < k - 1) p[++j] = s[++i]; p[++j] = c; while(i < l - 1) p[++j] = s[++i]; if(ispal()) { printf("%s\n", p); return 0; } } } printf("NA\n"); return 0; }
You can choose any lowercase English letter, and insert it to any position of s, possibly to the beginning or the end of s. You have to insert a letter even if the given string is already a palindrome.
If it is possible to insert one lowercase English letter into s so that the resulting string will be a palindrome, print the string after the insertion. Otherwise, print "NA" (without quotes, case-sensitive). In case there is more than one palindrome that can be obtained, you are allowed to print any of them.
The only line of the input contains a string s (1?≤?|s|?≤?10). Each character in s is a lowercase English letter.
If it is possible to turn s into a palindrome by inserting one lowercase English letter, print the resulting string in a single line. Otherwise, print "NA" (without quotes, case-sensitive). In case there is more than one solution, any of them will be accepted.
CF 505A Mr. Kitayuta's Gift(暴力)