For target>A[mid]:
There is only one case that we should seach [start,mid-1]: Peak is in the left, i.e., A[start]>A[mid] && target>=A[start].
For target<A[mid]:
There is only one case that we should search [mid+1,end]: Peak is in the right, i.e., A[end]<A[mid] && target<=A[end].
1 public class Solution { 2 public boolean search(int[] A, int target) { 3 return searchRecur(A,target,0,A.length-1); 4 } 5 6 public boolean searchRecur(int[] A, int target, int start, int end){ 7 if (start>end) return false; 8 9 int mid = (start+end)/2; 10 if (A[mid]==target) return true; 11 12 if (A[start]==A[mid] && A[end]==A[mid]) 13 return ( searchRecur(A,target,start,mid-1) || searchRecur(A,target,mid+1,end) ); 14 15 if (target>A[mid]) 16 if (A[start]>A[mid] && target>=A[start]) 17 return searchRecur(A,target,start,mid-1); 18 else return searchRecur(A,target,mid+1,end); 19 else 20 if (A[end]<A[mid] && target<=A[end]) 21 return searchRecur(A,target,mid+1,end); 22 else return searchRecur(A,target,start,mid-1); 23 24 } 25 26 27 }
LeetCode-Search in Rotated Sorted Array II