-p Tetrahedralizes a piecewise linear complex (PLC). 体网格化,网格没有洞
-Y Preserves the input surface mesh (does not modify it).
-r Reconstructs a previously generated mesh.
-q Re nes mesh (to improve mesh quality). 后跟一个半径值,依此在网格上加点。例如:-q1.4 表示半径边长比为1.4,注意没有空格
-R Mesh coarsening (to reduce the mesh elements).
-A Assigns attributes to tetrahedra in di
erent regions.
-a Applies a maximum tetrahedron volume constraint.指定四面体最大体积。例如:-a1.4 表示最大体积为1.4
-m Applies a mesh sizing function.
-i Inserts a list of additional points.
-O Speci es the level of mesh optimization.
-S Speci es maximum number of added points.
-T Sets a tolerance for coplanar test (default 10- 8).
-X Suppresses use of exact arithmetic.
-M No merge of coplanar facets or very close vertices.
-w Generates weighted Delaunay (regular) triangulation.
-c Retains the convex hull of the PLC.生成凸包的体网格,此时网格可以有洞
-d Detects self-intersections of facets of the PLC.
-z Numbers all output items starting from zero.
-f Outputs all faces to.face le.
-e Outputs all edges to.edge le.
-n Outputs tetrahedra neighbors to.neigh le.
-v Outputs Voronoi diagram to les.
-g Outputs mesh to.mesh le for viewing byMedit.
-k Outputs mesh to.vtk le for viewing byParaview.
-J No jettison of unused vertices from output.node le.
-B Suppresses output of boundary information.
-N Suppresses output of.node le.
-E Suppresses output of.ele le.
-F Suppresses output of.faceand.edge le.
-I Suppresses mesh iteration numbers.
-C Checks the consistency of the nal mesh.
-Q Quiet: No terminal output except errors.
-V Verbose: Detailed information, more terminal output.
-h Help: A brief instruction for using TetGen
tetgen -p -q1.1 -a0.1 tshape.off tetgen -p -q1.07 -a0.1 tshape.off