1 header.php - header section 2 index.php - main section 3 sidebar.php - sidebar section 4 footer.php - footer section 5 single.php - post template 6 page.php - page template 7 comments.php - comments template 8 search.php - search content 9 searchform.php - search form 10 archive.php - archive 11 functions.php - special functions 12 404.php - error page
1 <?php if(have_posts()) : ?> 2 <?php while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> 3 // Custom HTML & PHP code 4 <?php endwhile; ?> 5 <?php else : ?> 6 <?php endif; ?>
1 < ?php get_header(); ?> 2 < ?php get_sidebar(); ?> 3 < ?php get_footer(); ?> 4 < ?php comments_template(); ?>
1 < ?php bloginfo(‘name‘); ?> - Title of the blog 2 < ?php bloginfo(‘charset‘); ?> - Displays the character set 3 < ?php bloginfo(‘description‘); ?> - Displays the description of the blog 4 < ?php bloginfo(‘url‘); ?> - Displays the address of the blog 5 < ?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url‘); ?> - Displays the RSS URL 6 < ?php bloginfo(‘template_url‘); ?> - Displays the URL of the template 7 < ?php bloginfo(‘pingback_url‘); ?> - Displays the pingback URL 8 < ?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url‘); ?> - Displays the URL for the template‘s CSS file 9 < ?php bloginfo(‘wpurl‘); ?> - Displays URL for WordPress installation 10 < ?php bloginfo(‘name‘); ?>
1 is_home() - when the user is on the home page(blog) 2 is_front_page() - when the user is on the home page (blog or page) 3 is_single - when a single post is displayed 4 is_sticky() - check if a post is sticky 5 is_page() - when a page is displayed 6 is_category() - when a category is displayed
1 < ?php the_time() ?> - Displays the time of the current post 2 < ?php the_date() ?> - Displays the date of a post or set of posts 3 < ?php the_title(); ?> - Displays or returns the title of the current post 4 < ?php the_permalink() ?> - Displays the URL for the permalink 5 < ?php the_category() ?> - Displays the category of a post 6 < ?php the_author(); ?> - Displays the author of the post 7 < ?php the_ID(); ?> - Displays the numeric ID of the current post 8 < ?php wp_list_pages(); ?> - Displays all the pages 9 < ?php wp_tag_cloud(); ?> - Displays a tag cloud 10 < ?php wp_list_cats(); ?> - Displays the categories 11 < ?php get_calendar(); ?> - Displays the calendar 12 < ?php wp_get_archives() ?> - Displays a date-based archives list 13 < ?php posts_nav_link(); ?> - Displays Previous page and Next Page links 14 < ?php next_post_link() ?> - Displays Newer Posts link 15 < ?php previous_post_link() ?> - Displays previous link
1 <ul id="menu"> 2 <li <?php if(is_home()) { ?> class="current-cat"< ?php } ?>> 3 <a href="<?php bloginfo(‘home‘); ?>">Home</a></li> 4 < ?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&orderby=id‘); ?> 5 </ul>
1 <ul id="menu"> 2 <li <?php if(is_home()) { ?> class="current_page_item"< ?php } ?>> 3 <a href="<?php bloginfo(‘home‘); ?>">home</a></li> 4 < ?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=‘); ?> 5 </ul>