Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum.
The path may start and end at any node in the tree.
For example:
Given the below binary tree,
1 / 2 3
Return 6
1) 左边某条路径 + root + 右边某条路径
2) 左边某条路径 + root
3) root + 右边某条路径
4) root
/** * Definition for binary tree * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */ public class Solution { private int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; public int maxPathSum(TreeNode root) { if (root == null) return 0; maxSum(root); return max; } public int maxSum(TreeNode root) { if (root == null) return 0; int leftVal = maxSum(root.left); //递归求左支路的最大路径和 int rightVal = maxSum(root.right); //递归求右支路的最大路径和 //如果当前局部解(root或left+root或root+right或left+root+right)是最有解,更新最终结果 int curMax = root.val; if (leftVal > 0) { curMax += leftVal; } if (rightVal > 0) { curMax += rightVal; } if (curMax > max) { max = curMax; } //返回从叶子结点到root的最大路径和(root或left+root或root+right) return Math.max(root.val, Math.max(root.val + leftVal, root.val + rightVal)); } }
【LeetCode】Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 解题报告