设计模式是国外4人合编的《Design Patterns》一书,这本书一般也被称为”四人帮”(Gangof Four, GoF)书。”四人帮”针对问题的特定类型提出了23中解决方案,即23个模式。定义为:每一个模式描述了一个在我们周围不断重复发生的问题,以及该问题解决方案的核心。
#ifndef SINGLETONPATTERN #define SINGLETONPATTERN class Singleton{ int i; Singleton(int x): i(x){} //声明为私有的,防止编译器隐式生成任何构造函数 Singleton& operator=(Singleton&); // 复制和赋值操作符被声明为私有的,以便防止任何这类复制动作的产生 Singleton(const Singleton&); public: static Singleton& instance(){ static Singleton s(47); return s; } int getValue(){return i;} void setValue(int x){i = x;} }; #endifMain
//1:单例模式 Singleton& s = Singleton::instance(); cout << s.getValue() << endl; s.setValue(11); Singleton& s2 = Singleton::instance(); cout << s2.getValue() << endl; s2.setValue(9); cout << s.getValue() << endl;
#ifndef COMMANDPATTERN #define COMMANDPATTERN #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Command{ public: virtual void execute() = 0; }; class Hello:public Command{ public: void execute(){cout << "Hello ";} }; class World:public Command{ public: void execute(){cout << "World! ";} }; class IAM:public Command{ public: void execute(){cout << "I'm the command pattern!";} }; class Macro{ vector<Command*> commands; public: void add(Command* c){commands.push_back(c);} void run(){ vector<Command*>::iterator it = commands.begin(); while(it != commands.end()) { (*it++)->execute(); } } }; #endif
//2:命令模式 Macro macro; macro.add(new Hello); macro.add(new World); macro.add(new IAM); macro.run();
#ifndef PROXYDEMO #define PROXYDEMO #include <iostream> using namespace std; class ProxyBase{ public: virtual void f()=0; virtual void g()=0; virtual void h()=0; virtual ~ProxyBase(){} }; class Implementation:public ProxyBase{ public: void f(){cout << "Implementation.f()" << endl;} void g(){cout << "Implementation.g()" << endl;} void h(){cout << "Implementation.h()" << endl;} }; class Proxy:public ProxyBase{ ProxyBase *implementation; public: Proxy(){implementation = new Implementation();} ~Proxy(){delete implementation;} void f(){implementation->f();} void g(){implementation->g();} void h(){implementation->h();} }; #endifMain
//3:代理模式 Proxy p; p.f(); p.g(); p.h();
#ifndef STATECOMMAND #define STATECOMMAND #include <iostream> using namespace std; class State{ public: virtual string response() = 0; }; class Frog:public State{ public: string response(){return "Ribbet!";} }; class Prince:public State{ public: string response(){return "Darling!";} }; class Creature{ // 代理类 State* state; public: Creature():state(new Frog()){} void greet(){ cout << state->response() << endl; } void kiss(){ delete state; state = new Prince(); } }; #endif
#ifndef TEMPLATEMETHOD #define TEMPLATEMETHOD class ApplicationFramework{ protected: virtual void customize1() = 0; virtual void customize2() = 0; public: void templateMethod(){ for(int i =0; i < 5; i++) { customize1(); customize2(); } } }; class MyApp:public ApplicationFramework{ private: void customize1(){cout << "Hello ";} void customize2(){cout << "World!" << endl;} }; #endif
//模板方法模式 MyApp app; app.templateMethod();
#ifndef STRATEGY #define STRATEGY #include <iostream> using namespace std; class NameStrategy{ public: virtual void greet() = 0; }; class SayHi:public NameStrategy{ public: void greet(){ cout << "Hi! How's it going?" << endl; } }; class Ignore:public NameStrategy{ public: void greet(){ cout << "Pretend I don't see you" << endl; } }; class Admission:public NameStrategy{ public: void greet(){ cout << "I'm Sorry, I forgot your name. " << endl; } }; class Context{ NameStrategy& strategy; public: Context(NameStrategy& strat):strategy(strat){} void greet(){strategy.greet();} }; #endifMain
// 策略模式 SayHi sayhi; Ignore ignore; Admission admission; Context c1(sayhi), c2(ignore), c3(admission); c1.greet(); c2.greet(); c3.greet();
#ifndef CHANIOFREPONSIBILITY #define CHANIOFREPONSIBILITY #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; enum Answer{NO, YES}; class GimmeStrategy{ public: virtual Answer canIHave() = 0; virtual ~GimmeStrategy(){} }; class AskMom:public GimmeStrategy{ public: Answer canIHave(){ cout << "Moom? can I have this?" << endl; return NO; } }; class AskDad:public GimmeStrategy{ public: Answer canIHave(){ cout << "Dad, I really need this!!" << endl; return NO; } }; class AskGrandpa:public GimmeStrategy{ public: Answer canIHave(){ cout << "Grandpa, is it my birthday yet?" << endl; return NO; } }; class AskGrandma:public GimmeStrategy{ public: Answer canIHave(){ cout << "Grandma, I really love you!!!" << endl; return YES; } }; class Gimme:public GimmeStrategy{ vector<GimmeStrategy*> chain; public: Gimme(){ chain.push_back(new AskMom()); chain.push_back(new AskDad()); chain.push_back(new AskGrandpa()); chain.push_back(new AskGrandma()); } Answer canIHave(){ vector<GimmeStrategy*>::iterator it = chain.begin(); while(it != chain.end()) if((*it++)->canIHave() == YES) return YES; cout << "Whiiiiinne!!" << endl; return NO; } ~Gimme(){ for(vector<GimmeStrategy*>::iterator iter = chain.begin(); iter!= chain.end(); iter++){ delete *iter; } } }; #endifMain
// 职责链模式 Gimme chain; chain.canIHave();
#ifndef SHAPEFACTORY #define SHAPEFACTORY #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> using namespace std; class Shape{ public: virtual void draw() = 0; virtual void erase() = 0; virtual ~Shape(){} class BadShapeCreation:public logic_error{ public: BadShapeCreation(const string &type):logic_error("cannot create type " + type){} }; static Shape* factory(const string& type) throw (BadShapeCreation); }; class Circle:public Shape{ Circle(){} // private constructor friend class Shape; public: void draw(){cout << "Circle::draw" << endl;} void erase(){cout << "Circle::erase" << endl;} ~Circle(){cout << "Circle::~Circle" << endl;} }; class Square:public Shape{ Square(){} friend class Shape; public: void draw(){cout << "Square::draw" << endl;} void erase(){cout << "Square::erase" << endl;} ~Square(){cout << "Square::~Square" << endl;} }; #endif
#include "shapeFactory.h" Shape* Shape::factory(const string& type) throw (BadShapeCreation){ if(type == "Circle") return new Circle; if(type == "Square") return new Square; throw BadShapeCreation(type); }
// 工厂模式---静态工厂方法 直接通过一个静态方法创建类的的对象(所有类 需要条件) char *s1[]={"Circle", "Square", "Square", "Circle", "Circle", "Circle", "Square"}; vector<Shape*> shapes; try{ for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(s1)/ sizeof(s1[0]); i++){ shapes.push_back(Shape::factory(s1[i])); } }catch(Shape::BadShapeCreation e){ cout << e.what()<< endl; purge(shapes.begin(), shapes.end()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for(size_t i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++){ shapes[i]->draw(); shapes[i]->erase(); } purge(shapes.begin(), shapes.end());
#ifndef SHAPEFACTORY2 #define SHAPEFACTORY2 #include <string> #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <map> using namespace std; class Shape{ public: virtual void draw() = 0; virtual void erase() = 0; virtual ~Shape(){} }; class ShapeFactory{ virtual Shape* create() = 0; static map<string, ShapeFactory*> factories; public: virtual ~ShapeFactory(){} friend class ShapeFactoryInitializer; // 内部类定义了一个异常 class BadShapeCreation:public logic_error{ public: BadShapeCreation(string type):logic_error("cannot create type " + type){} }; static Shape* createShape(const string& id) throw(BadShapeCreation); // 给定string找到它返回的shape类型 }; class Circle:public Shape{ Circle(){} friend class ShapeFactoryInitializer; class Factory; friend class Factory; class Factory:public ShapeFactory{ public: Shape* create(){return new Circle;} //friend class ShapeFactoryInitializer; }; public: void draw(){cout << "Circle::draw" << endl;} void erase(){cout << "Circle::erase" << endl;} ~Circle(){cout << "Circle::~Circle" << endl;} }; class Square:public Shape{ Square(){} class Factory; friend class Factory; friend class ShapeFactoryInitializer; class Factory:public ShapeFactory{ public: Shape* create(){return new Square;} //friend class ShapeFactoryInitializer; }; public: void draw(){cout << "Square::draw" << endl;} void erase(){cout << "Square::erase" << endl;} ~Square(){cout << "Square::~Square" << endl;} }; class ShapeFactoryInitializer{ // 对map数据结构进行了初始化 static ShapeFactoryInitializer si; ShapeFactoryInitializer(){ ShapeFactory::factories["Circle"] = new Circle::Factory; ShapeFactory::factories["Square"] = new Square::Factory; } ~ShapeFactoryInitializer(){ map<string, ShapeFactory*>::iterator it = ShapeFactory::factories.begin(); while(it != ShapeFactory::factories.end()) delete it++->second; } }; #endifshapeFactory2.cpp
#include "shapeFactory2.h" using namespace std; Shape* ShapeFactory::createShape(const string& id) throw(BadShapeCreation){ if(factories.find(id) != factories.end()) return factories[id]->create(); else throw BadShapeCreation(id); } map<string, ShapeFactory*>ShapeFactory::factories; ShapeFactoryInitializer ShapeFactoryInitializer::si;
// 多态工厂----各种类型的工厂派生自基类的工厂 char *s1[] = {"Circle", "Square", "Square", "Circle", "Circle","Circle", "Square"}; vector<Shape*> shapes; try{ for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(s1)/sizeof(s1[0]); i++){ shapes.push_back(ShapeFactory::createShape(s1[i])); } }catch(ShapeFactory::BadShapeCreation e){ cout << e.what() << endl; purge(shapes.begin(), shapes.end()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for(size_t i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++){ shapes[i]->draw(); shapes[i]->erase(); } purge(shapes.begin(), shapes.end());
#ifndef ABSTRACTFACTORY #define ABSTRACTFACTORY #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Obstacle{ public: virtual void action() = 0; }; class Player{ public: virtual void interactWith(Obstacle*) = 0; }; class Kitty:public Player{ public: void interactWith(Obstacle* ob){ cout << "Kitty has encounted a "; ob->action(); } }; class KungFuGuy:public Player{ void interactWith(Obstacle* ob){ cout << "KungFuGuy now battles aganist a "; ob->action(); } }; class Puzzle:public Obstacle{ public: void action(){cout << "Puzzle" << endl;} }; class NastyWeapon:public Obstacle{ public: void action(){cout << "NastyWeapon" << endl;} }; class GameElementFactory{ public: virtual Player* makePlayer() = 0; virtual Obstacle* makeObstacle() = 0; }; class KittiesAndPuzzles:public GameElementFactory{ public: Player* makePlayer(){return new Kitty;} Obstacle* makeObstacle(){return new Puzzle;} }; class KillAndDismember:public GameElementFactory{ public: Player* makePlayer(){return new KungFuGuy;} Obstacle* makeObstacle(){return new NastyWeapon;} }; class GameEnvironment{ GameElementFactory* gef; Player* p; Obstacle* ob; public: GameEnvironment(GameElementFactory*factory):gef(factory), p(factory->makePlayer()), ob(factory->makeObstacle()){} void play(){p->interactWith(ob);} ~GameEnvironment(){ delete p; delete ob; delete gef; } }; #endif
// 抽象工厂 GameEnvironment g1(new KittiesAndPuzzles), g2(new KillAndDismember); g1.play(); g2.play();
#ifndef VIRTUALCONSTRUCTOR #define VIRTUALCONSTRUCTOR #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> using namespace std; class Shape{ Shape* s; Shape(Shape&); Shape operator=(Shape&); protected: Shape(){ s = 0; } public: virtual void draw(){s->draw();} virtual void erase(){s->erase();} virtual void test(){s->test();} virtual ~Shape(){ cout << "~Shape" << endl; if(s){ // 第二次调用的s为派生类继承的s 后面delete 0 不会有影响 cout << "Making virtual call:"; s->erase(); } cout << "delete s: "; delete s; } class BadShapeCreation:public logic_error{ public: BadShapeCreation(string type):logic_error("Cannot create type " + type){} }; Shape(string type) throw(BadShapeCreation); }; class Circle:public Shape{ Circle(Circle&); Circle operator=(Circle&); Circle():Shape(){} friend class Shape; public: void draw(){cout << "Circle::draw" << endl;} void erase(){cout << "Circle::erase" << endl;} void test(){draw();} ~Circle(){cout << "Circle::~Circle" << endl;} }; class Square:public Shape{ Square(Square&); Square operator=(Square&); Square(){} friend class Shape; public: void draw(){cout << "Square::draw" << endl;} void erase(){cout << "Square::erase" << endl;} void test(){draw();} ~Square(){cout << "Square::~Square" << endl;} }; #endif
#include "virtualConstructor.h" using namespace std; Shape::Shape(string type) throw(Shape::BadShapeCreation){ if(type == "Circle") s = new Circle; else if(type == "Square") s = new Square; else throw BadShapeCreation(type); draw(); }Main
// 虚构造函数 char *s1[] = {"Circle", "Square", "Square", "Circle", "Circle", "Circle","Square"}; vector<Shape*> shapes; cout << "virtual constructor calls:" << endl; try{ for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(s1)/sizeof(s1[0]); i++) shapes.push_back(new Shape(s1[i])); }catch(Shape::BadShapeCreation e){ cout << e.what() << endl; purge(shapes.begin(), shapes.end()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for(size_t i = 0; i < shapes.size(); i++) { shapes[i]->draw(); cout << "test" << endl; shapes[i]->test(); cout << "end test" << endl; shapes[i]->erase(); } Shape c("Circle"); cout << "destructor calls:" << endl; purge(shapes.begin(), shapes.end());