* Low-level task scheduler interface, currently implemented exclusively by TaskSchedulerImpl.
* This interface allows plugging in different task schedulers. Each TaskScheduler schedulers tasks
* for a single SparkContext. These schedulers get sets of tasks submitted to them from the
* DAGScheduler for each stage, and are responsible for sending the tasks to the cluster, running
* them, retrying if there are failures, and mitigating stragglers. They return events to the
* DAGScheduler.
private[spark] trait TaskScheduler {
def rootPool: Pool
def schedulingMode: SchedulingMode
def start(): Unit
// Invoked after system has successfully initialized (typically in spark context).
// Yarn uses this to bootstrap allocation of resources based on preferred locations,
// wait for slave registerations, etc.
def postStartHook() { }
// Disconnect from the cluster.
def stop(): Unit
// Submit a sequence of tasks to run.
def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet): Unit
// Cancel a stage.
def cancelTasks(stageId: Int, interruptThread: Boolean)
// Set the DAG scheduler for upcalls. This is guaranteed to be set before submitTasks is called.
def setDAGScheduler(dagScheduler: DAGScheduler): Unit
// Get the default level of parallelism to use in the cluster, as a hint for sizing jobs.
def defaultParallelism(): Int
* Update metrics for in-progress tasks and let the master know that the BlockManager is still
* alive. Return true if the driver knows about the given block manager. Otherwise, return false,
* indicating that the block manager should re-register.
def executorHeartbeatReceived(execId: String, taskMetrics: Array[(Long, TaskMetrics)],
blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean
* Schedules tasks for multiple types of clusters by acting through a SchedulerBackend.
* It can also work with a local setup by using a LocalBackend and setting isLocal to true.
* It handles common logic, like determining a scheduling order across jobs, waking up to launch
* speculative tasks, etc.
* Clients should first call initialize() and start(), then submit task sets through the
* runTasks method.
* THREADING: SchedulerBackends and task-submitting clients can call this class from multiple
* threads, so it needs locks in public API methods to maintain its state. In addition, some
* SchedulerBackends synchronize on themselves when they want to send events here, and then
* acquire a lock on us, so we need to make sure that we don‘t try to lock the backend while
* we are holding a lock on ourselves.
private[spark] class TaskSchedulerImpl(
val sc: SparkContext,
val maxTaskFailures: Int,
isLocal: Boolean = false)
extends TaskScheduler with Logging
// TaskSetManagers are not thread safe, so any access to one should be synchronized
// on this class.
val activeTaskSets = new HashMap[String, TaskSetManager]
val taskIdToTaskSetId = new HashMap[Long, String]
val taskIdToExecutorId = new HashMap[Long, String]
// Which executor IDs we have executors on
val activeExecutorIds = new HashSet[String]
// The set of executors we have on each host; this is used to compute hostsAlive, which
// in turn is used to decide when we can attain data locality on a given host
protected val executorsByHost = new HashMap[String, HashSet[String]]
protected val hostsByRack = new HashMap[String, HashSet[String]]
protected val executorIdToHost = new HashMap[String, String]
// Listener object to pass upcalls into
var dagScheduler: DAGScheduler = null
var backend: SchedulerBackend = null
val mapOutputTracker = SparkEnv.get.mapOutputTracker
var schedulableBuilder: SchedulableBuilder = null
var rootPool: Pool = null
def initialize(backend: SchedulerBackend) {
this.backend = backend
// temporarily set rootPool name to empty
rootPool = new Pool("", schedulingMode, 0, 0)
schedulableBuilder = {
schedulingMode match {
case SchedulingMode.FIFO =>
new FIFOSchedulableBuilder(rootPool)
case SchedulingMode.FAIR =>
new FairSchedulableBuilder(rootPool, conf)
override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet) {
val tasks = taskSet.tasks
logInfo("Adding task set " + taskSet.id + " with " + tasks.length + " tasks")
this.synchronized {
val manager = new TaskSetManager(this, taskSet, maxTaskFailures)
activeTaskSets(taskSet.id) = manager
schedulableBuilder.addTaskSetManager(manager, manager.taskSet.properties)
if (!isLocal && !hasReceivedTask) {
starvationTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
override def run() {
if (!hasLaunchedTask) {
logWarning("Initial job has not accepted any resources; " +
"check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered " +
"and have sufficient memory")
} else {
hasReceivedTask = true
* Called by cluster manager to offer resources on slaves. We respond by asking our active task
* sets for tasks in order of priority. We fill each node with tasks in a round-robin manner so
* that tasks are balanced across the cluster.
def resourceOffers(offers: Seq[WorkerOffer]): Seq[Seq[TaskDescription]] = synchronized {
def statusUpdate(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) {
* Schedules the tasks within a single TaskSet in the TaskSchedulerImpl. This class keeps track of
* each task, retries tasks if they fail (up to a limited number of times), and
* handles locality-aware scheduling for this TaskSet via delay scheduling. The main interfaces
* to it are resourceOffer, which asks the TaskSet whether it wants to run a task on one node,
* and statusUpdate, which tells it that one of its tasks changed state (e.g. finished).
* THREADING: This class is designed to only be called from code with a lock on the
* TaskScheduler (e.g. its event handlers). It should not be called from other threads.
* @param sched the TaskSchedulerImpl associated with the TaskSetManager
* @param taskSet the TaskSet to manage scheduling for
* @param maxTaskFailures if any particular task fails more than this number of times, the entire
* task set will be aborted
private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
sched: TaskSchedulerImpl,
val taskSet: TaskSet,
val maxTaskFailures: Int,
clock: Clock = SystemClock)
extends Schedulable with Logging {
val copiesRunning = new Array[Int](numTasks)
val successful = new Array[Boolean](numTasks)
private val numFailures = new Array[Int](numTasks)
// key is taskId, value is a Map of executor id to when it failed
private val failedExecutors = new HashMap[Int, HashMap[String, Long]]()
val taskAttempts = Array.fill[List[TaskInfo]](numTasks)(Nil)
var tasksSuccessful = 0
// Set of pending tasks for each executor. These collections are actually
// treated as stacks, in which new tasks are added to the end of the
// ArrayBuffer and removed from the end. This makes it faster to detect
// tasks that repeatedly fail because whenever a task failed, it is put
// back at the head of the stack. They are also only cleaned up lazily;
// when a task is launched, it remains in all the pending lists except
// the one that it was launched from, but gets removed from them later.
private val pendingTasksForExecutor = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
// Set of pending tasks for each host. Similar to pendingTasksForExecutor,
// but at host level.
private val pendingTasksForHost = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
// Set of pending tasks for each rack -- similar to the above.
private val pendingTasksForRack = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Int]]
// Set containing pending tasks with no locality preferences.
var pendingTasksWithNoPrefs = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
// Set containing all pending tasks (also used as a stack, as above).
val allPendingTasks = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
// Tasks that can be speculated. Since these will be a small fraction of total
// tasks, we‘ll just hold them in a HashSet.
val speculatableTasks = new HashSet[Int]
// Task index, start and finish time for each task attempt (indexed by task ID)
val taskInfos = new HashMap[Long, TaskInfo]
// Figure out which locality levels we have in our TaskSet, so we can do delay scheduling
var myLocalityLevels = computeValidLocalityLevels()
var localityWaits = myLocalityLevels.map(getLocalityWait) // Time to wait at each level
// Delay scheduling variables: we keep track of our current locality level and the time we
// last launched a task at that level, and move up a level when localityWaits[curLevel] expires.
// We then move down if we manage to launch a "more local" task.
var currentLocalityIndex = 0 // Index of our current locality level in validLocalityLevels
var lastLaunchTime = clock.getTime() // Time we last launched a task at this level
* Return a speculative task for a given executor if any are available. The task should not have
* an attempt running on this host, in case the host is slow. In addition, the task should meet
* the given locality constraint.
private def findSpeculativeTask(execId: String, host: String, locality: TaskLocality.Value)
: Option[(Int, TaskLocality.Value)] =
/*** Respond to an offer of a single executor from the scheduler by finding a task
* NOTE: this function is either called with a maxLocality which
* would be adjusted by delay scheduling algorithm or it will be with a special
* NO_PREF locality which will be not modified
* @param execId the executor Id of the offered resource
* @param host the host Id of the offered resource
* @param maxLocality the maximum locality we want to schedule the tasks at
def resourceOffer(
execId: String,
host: String,
maxLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality)
: Option[TaskDescription] =
* An interface to build Schedulable tree
* buildPools: build the tree nodes(pools)
* addTaskSetManager: build the leaf nodes(TaskSetManagers)
private[spark] trait SchedulableBuilder {
def rootPool: Pool
def buildPools()
def addTaskSetManager(manager: Schedulable, properties: Properties)
private[spark] class FIFOSchedulableBuilder(val rootPool: Pool)
private[spark] class FairSchedulableBuilder(val rootPool: Pool, conf: SparkConf)
extends SchedulableBuilder with Logging {
* An Schedulable entity that represent collection of Pools or TaskSetManagers
private[spark] class Pool(
val poolName: String,
val schedulingMode: SchedulingMode,
initMinShare: Int,
initWeight: Int)
extends Schedulable
with Logging {
val schedulableQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Schedulable]
val schedulableNameToSchedulable = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Schedulable]
* An interface for schedulable entities.
* there are two type of Schedulable entities(Pools and TaskSetManagers)
private[spark] trait Schedulable {
var parent: Pool
// child queues
def schedulableQueue: ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Schedulable]
def schedulingMode: SchedulingMode
def weight: Int
def minShare: Int
def runningTasks: Int
def priority: Int
def stageId: Int
def name: String
def addSchedulable(schedulable: Schedulable): Unit
def removeSchedulable(schedulable: Schedulable): Unit
def getSchedulableByName(name: String): Schedulable
def executorLost(executorId: String, host: String): Unit
def checkSpeculatableTasks(): Boolean
def getSortedTaskSetQueue: ArrayBuffer[TaskSetManager]
* A scheduler backend that waits for coarse grained executors to connect to it through Akka.
* This backend holds onto each executor for the duration of the Spark job rather than relinquishing
* executors whenever a task is done and asking the scheduler to launch a new executor for
* each new task. Executors may be launched in a variety of ways, such as Mesos tasks for the
* coarse-grained Mesos mode or standalone processes for Spark‘s standalone deploy mode
* (spark.deploy.*).
class CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler: TaskSchedulerImpl, actorSystem: ActorSystem)
extends SchedulerBackend with Logging
// Use an atomic variable to track total number of cores in the cluster for simplicity and speed
var totalCoreCount = new AtomicInteger(0)
var totalRegisteredExecutors = new AtomicInteger(0)
val conf = scheduler.sc.conf
private val timeout = AkkaUtils.askTimeout(conf)
private val akkaFrameSize = AkkaUtils.maxFrameSizeBytes(conf)
// Submit tasks only after (registered resources / total expected resources)
// is equal to at least this value, that is double between 0 and 1.
var minRegisteredRatio =
math.min(1, conf.getDouble("spark.scheduler.minRegisteredResourcesRatio", 0))
// Submit tasks after maxRegisteredWaitingTime milliseconds
// if minRegisteredRatio has not yet been reached
val maxRegisteredWaitingTime =
conf.getInt("spark.scheduler.maxRegisteredResourcesWaitingTime", 30000)
val createTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
class DriverActor(sparkProperties: Seq[(String, String)]) extends Actor with ActorLogReceive {
override protected def log = CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.this.log
private val executorActor = new HashMap[String, ActorRef]
private val executorAddress = new HashMap[String, Address]
private val executorHost = new HashMap[String, String]
private val freeCores = new HashMap[String, Int]
private val totalCores = new HashMap[String, Int]
private val addressToExecutorId = new HashMap[Address, String]