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Infragistics 汉化

时间:2015-01-25 06:33:06      阅读:499      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


Infragistics 汉化实例:

Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer rc=Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.Resources.Customizer;
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryDialogAverage", "平均");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryDialogCount", "总数");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryDialogMaximum", "最大值");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryDialogMinimum", "最小值");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryDialogAverage", "平均");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryDialogSum", "总和");

rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryTypeCount", "总数");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryTypeMaximum", "最大值");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryTypeMinimum", "最小值");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryTypeAverage", "平均");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryTypeSum", "总和");

rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryDialog_Button_OK", "确定");
rc.SetCustomizedString("SummaryDialog_Button_Cancel", "取消");//SummaryFooterCaption
rc.SetCustomizedString("LDR_SelectSummaries", "选择摘要");




Resource String NameDefault Value
AccessibleActionPush Push
AccessibleName_AddNewBoxArea AddNew Area
AccessibleName_AddRow Add Row
AccessibleName_Caption Caption
AccessibleName_ChildBands Child Rows
AccessibleName_ColumnHeaders Column Headers
AccessibleName_DataArea Data Area
AccessibleName_FilterRow Filter Row
AccessibleName_GroupByBox GroupBy Box
AccessibleName_Row {0} row {1}
AccessibleName_RowColRegion Scrolling Region
AccessibleName_TemplateAddRow Template Add Row
AddNewBoxDefaultPrompt Add ...
AllRowsFilteredOut 0 Items.
ColumnChooserAllBandsItem All
ColumnChooserButtonToolTip Click here to show Field Chooser.
ColumnChooserDialogCaption Field Chooser
ColumnsUITypeEditorList_None_Entry None
DataError_CellValueRetrieval Unable to retrieve cell value. PropertyDescriptor.GetValue call failed. This may happen for variety of reasons. One possible cause may be that the UltraGridRow‘s list object may be out of sync with the underlying data list. This can occur if the underlying data list fails to raise proper events notifying the bound controls (UltraGrid) of change in the data list. If you are using a custom IList data source, try implementing IBindingList interface on the data list and raising ListChanged event appropriately. If the data list already implements IBindingList then it may be failing to raise proper notifications. You can also try calling RowsCollection.Refresh on the grid‘s rows collection to synchronize the grid‘s list objects with the data lists. Note that the UltraGrid will continue operating normally.
DataError_CurrencyManagerRetrievalFailure Unable to get the CurrencyManager from the BindingContext. The BindingContext threw an exception from its indexer. This may happen for variety of reasons. One such reason is when creating the currency manager for a child band, the currency manager may fail to get instantiated because it is not be able to retrieve an instance of IList from the parent list object. This can occur when the parent list has 0 items and thus no parent list object to retrieve the child list from. In such a case the child currency manager attempts to add a temporary item to the parent list so it can retrieve a child list instance from the parent list object. If this fails, because for example the list is read-only or does not support adding, then the currency manager will fail to be instantiated, resulting in an exception being thrown by the BindingContext indexer. The UltraGrid will proceed with further retrieval of the data structure however it will not be able to display this particular child band level and its descendants since UltraGrid can not retrieve the proper data structure for this band at this time. However note that the UltraGrid will make further attempts at retrieval under appropriate conditions, like for example when the parent currency manager raises PositionChanged notifications, which may be in response to adding of an item in the parent list object or change in the current item of an ancestor currency manager. Possible workarounds may be to implement IBindingList on the data source if it already doesn‘t implement this interface. UltraGrid makes use of this interface for retrieving the data structure if it fails to obtain the CurrencyManager from the BindingContext. If this failure is due to a parent list being read-only and having 0 items, you can temporarily enable adding while the data source binding is taking place.
DataError_RowListObjectRetrieval Unable to retrieve list object for the row. This typically occurs when the UltraGrid‘s row collection gets out of sync with the underlying data list. This can be the result of the underlying data list failing to raise proper notifications to notify the bound controls (UltraGrid) of change in the data list, particularly of adding/removing rows. UltraGrid will resynchronize the row collection with the data list, adding/removing grid rows as necessary and continue to operate normally. However this resynchronization process can be inefficient if there are lot of rows. If you are using a custom IList as the data source and you are experiencing performance issues in association with this error message, you may want to make sure that the data list raises proper notifications for changes in the data list. To raise notifications, you will have to implement IBindingList interface on the data list and raise IBindingList‘s ListChanged notification.
DataErrorCellUpdateDateNotInMinMaxRange Illegal Data Value: Specified date value does not fall within MinDate and MaxDate constraints
DataErrorCellUpdateEmptyValueNotAllowed Empty cell value not allowed in column {0}.
DataErrorCellUpdateInvalidDataValue Illegal data value
DataErrorCellUpdateInvalidDateFormat Illegal Date Format
DataErrorCellUpdateUnableToConvert Unable to convert from ‘{0}‘ to ‘{1}‘
DataErrorCellUpdateUnableToUpdateValue Unable to update the data value: {0}
DataErrorDeleteRowUnableToDelete Unable to delete the row: {0}
DataErrorMessageTitle Data Error
DataErrorRowAddMessage Unable to add a row: {0}
DataErrorRowUpdateUnableToUpdateRow Unable to update the row: {0}
DefaultAction_Cell Activate
DefaultAction_Cell_Editable Edit
DefaultAction_Collapse Collapse
DefaultAction_Expand Expand
DefaultAction_Row Activate
DefaultAction_RowColRegion Activate
DefaultAction_SortColumn Sort
DeleteMultipleRowsPrompt You have selected {0} rows for deletion. Choose Yes to delete the rows or No to exit.
DeleteRowsMessageTitle Delete Rows
DeleteSingleRowMessageTitle Delete Row
DeleteSingleRowPrompt You have selected 1 row for deletion. Choose Yes to delete the row or No to exit.
ErrMSgEditorValNotValid Value in the editor is not valid.
Error_Cell_ReadOnly ‘{0}‘ cell is read-only.
FilterClearButtonToolTip_FilterCell Click here to clear filter criteria for {0}.
FilterClearButtonToolTip_RowSelector Click here to clear all filter criteria.
FilterDialogAddConditionButtonText &Add a conditio&n
FilterDialogAndRadio_AccessibleDescription Combine the conditions with a logical And.
FilterDialogAndRadioText And conditions
FilterDialogCancelButtonText &Cancel
FilterDialogDeleteButton_AccessibleDescription Delete the selected condition.
FilterDialogDeleteButtonText Delete Condition
FilterDialogOkButtonNoFiltersText N&o filters
FilterDialogOkButtonText &OK
FilterDialogOrRadio_AccessibleDescription Combine the conditions with a logical Or.
FilterDialogOrRadioText Or conditions
FixedHeaders_FixHeaderSwapItem [Fix Header]
FixedHeaders_UnfixAllHeadersSwapItem [Unfix All Headers]
FixedHeaders_UnfixHeaderSwapItem [Unfix Header]
GroupByBoxDefaultPrompt Drag a column header here to group by that column.
GroupByBoxDefaultPromptMultiBandCardView Drag a column header or card label here to group by that column.
GroupByBoxDefaultPromptSingleBandCardView Drag a card label here to group by that column.
GroupByButtonToolTip Click to toggle sort direction
LDR_Column_AllowRowFiltering Indicates whether row filtering is allowed on the column. Setting this to a non-default value will override settings on band‘s and layout‘s override objects.
LDR_Column_AllowRowSummaries Indicates whether summaries are allowed on this column. Setting this to a non-default value will override any settings on band‘s and layout‘s override objects.
LDR_Column_P_UseEditorMaskSettings Specifies whether to use the editor‘s mask related settings instead of column‘s mask related settings.
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_Add &Add
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_Cancel Cancel
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_Members &Members
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_OK OK
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_Properties &Properties
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_Remove &Remove
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_Reset Reset
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_ShowDescription Show Description
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_ShowToolBar Show ToolBar
LDR_ColumnEditorDialog_Title Columns Collection Editor
LDR_EmptyRowSettings_P_CellAppearance Appearance applied to cells of empty rows.
LDR_EmptyRowSettings_P_EmptyAreaAppearance Appearance applied to cells of empty rows.
LDR_EmptyRowSettings_P_RowAppearance Appearance applied to empty rows.
LDR_EmptyRowSettings_P_RowSelectorAppearance Appearance applied to row selectors of empty rows.
LDR_EmptyRowSettings_P_RowSelectors Specifies whether the row selectors of empty rows are displayed.
LDR_EmptyRowSettings_P_ShowEmptyRows Specifies whether to fill the empty area after the last row with empty rows.
LDR_EmptyRowSettings_P_Style Specifies how the empty rows are displayed.
LDR_FilterDropDownButtonImage Filter drop-down button image shown on the column headers with row filtering enabled.
LDR_FilterDropDownButtonImageActive Filter drop-down button image shown on the column headers with row filtering enabled and has active row filters.
LDR_FixedHeaderOffImage The image that‘s used to draw the fixed header indicator when the header is not fixed.
LDR_FixedHeaderOnImage The image that‘s used to draw the fixed header indicator when the header is fixed.
LDR_FixedRowOffImage The image that‘s used to draw the fixed row indicator when the row is not fixed.
LDR_FixedRowOnImage The image that‘s used to draw the fixed row indicator when the row is fixed.
LDR_Groups_AddViaCustomProps (add via ‘UltraGrid Designer‘)
LDR_Layout_mask [caption] : [value] ([count] [count,items,item,items])
LDR_Override_P_AllowRowLayoutCellSizing Whether the user is allowed to resize the cells in row-layout mode.
LDR_Override_P_AllowRowLayoutLabelSizing Whether the user is allowed to resize the labels in row-layout mode.
LDR_Override_P_BorderStyleRowSelector Border style of row selectors.
LDR_Override_P_RowSelectorWidth Width of the row selectors.
LDR_RowLayout_P_ColumnInfos Contains row-layout info objects for all the columns.
LDR_RowLayout_P_RowLayoutLabelPosition Specifies where the column labels are displayed.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_AllowCellSizing Whether the user is allowed to resize the cell.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_AllowLabelSizing Whether the user is allowed to resize the label.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_CellInsets Specifies the insets around the cell.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_Column Returns the associated column.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_LabelInsets Specifies the insets around the label.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_LabelPosition Specifies where the label is displayed.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_MinimumCellSize Minimum size of the cell.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_MinimumLabelSize Minimum size of the label.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_OriginX Horizontal coordinate in the row layout.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_OriginY Vertical coordinate in the row layout.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_PreferredCellSize Preferred size of the cell.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_PreferredLabelSize Preferred size of the label.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_SpanX Horizontal span of the cell.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_SpanY Vertical span of the cell.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_WeightX Horizontal weight of the cell.
LDR_RowLayoutColumnInfo_P_WeightY Vertical weight of the cell.
LDR_SelectSummaries Select Summaries
LDR_SelectSummaries_AccessibleDescription Select which summary information to display for the column.
LDR_SummaryButtonImage Summary button image shown on the column headers with summaries enabled.
LDR_SummarySettings_P_ShowCalculatingText Specifies whether a "#Calculating" message is shown in summaries that are calculating with an UltraCalcManager Component.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_AfterBandHiddenChanged Occurs after the user hides a band via the column chooser dialog.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_AfterCardCompressedStateChanged Occurs after a Card Row is Expanded or Compressed.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_AfterCardsScroll Occurs when user scrolls card area.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_AfterPerformAction Event fired after a key action is performed.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_AfterRowFilterChanged fired after the user has modified row filters for a column.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_AfterRowLayoutItemResized Gets fired after the user resizes a header or a cell in the Row-Layout mode.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_AfterSummaryDialog Occurs after summary rows dialog is closed.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_BeforeBandHiddenChanged Occurs when the user hides a band via the column chooser dialog.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_BeforeCardCompressedStateChanged Occurs before a Card Row is Expanded or Compressed.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_BeforeDisplayDataErrorTooltip Fired before the data error tooltip is displayed.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_BeforeMultiCellOperation Occurs before the user performs a multi-cell operation.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_BeforePerformAction Event fired before a key action is about to be performed.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_BeforeRowFilterChanged Fired when the user modifies row filters for a column.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_BeforeRowFilterDropDownPopulate Fired before the filter drop down is populated by the UltraGrid.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_BeforeRowLayoutItemResized Gets fired when the user resizes a header or a cell in the Row-Layout mode.
LDR_UltraGrid_E_InitializeTemplateAddRow Occurs when a template add-row is initialized.
LDR_UltraGrid_P_ExitEditModeOnLeave Indicates whether grid will exit edit mode when left.
LDR_UltraGridBand_P_RowLayoutLabelPosition Specifies where the column labels are displayed.
LDR_UltraGridBand_P_RowLayouts Collection of row-layouts.
LDR_UltraGridBand_P_UseRowLayout Enables row-layout functionality.
LDR_UltraGridColumn_P_ColumnChooserCaption Caption displayed in the column chooser.
LDR_UltraGridColumn_P_ExcludeFromColumnChooser Specifies whether to exclude the column from the column chooser.
LDR_UltraGridColumn_P_IgnoreMultiCellOperation Specifies whether to ignore multi-cell operations on cells of this column.
LDR_UltraGridColumn_P_ShowCalculatingText Specifies whether a "#Calculating" message is shown in cells that are calculating with an UltraCalcManager Component.
LDR_UltraGridColumn_P_ShowInkButton Specifies whether ink editor buttons get shown in cells.
LDR_UltraGridColumn_P_SpellChecker Gets/sets the component that will perform spell checking for cells of this column.
LDR_UltraGridColumn_P_TabIndex Specifies the order in which cells are tabbed.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_CellHottrackInvalidationStyle Specifies whether to invalidate the cell when the mouse enters or leaves it.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_ClipboardCellDelimiter Specifies the cell value delimiter when copying to the clipboard.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_ClipboardCellSeparator Specifies the cell value separator when copying to the clipboard.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_ClipboardRowSeparator Specifies the logical row separator when copying to the clipboard.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_ColumnChooserEnabled Provides a hint to the UltraGrid that the column chooser user interface is enabled.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_EmptyRowSettings Contains properties for the Empty Rows functionality.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_LoadStyle Indicates whether to pre-load rows or load rows as they are needed.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_NewBandLoadStyle Specifies how to load new bands in data source.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_NewColumnLoadStyle Specifies how to load new columns in data source.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_ScrollBounds Specifies whether to stop scrolling further down once the last row becomes visible.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_SplitterBarHorizontalAppearance Determines the appearance of horizontal splitter bar and the split box.
LDR_UltraGridLayout_P_SplitterBarVerticalAppearance Determines the appearance of vertical splitter bar and the split box.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_ActiveRowCellAppearance Determines the appearance of active row cells.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_AddRowAppearance Determines the appearance of add-rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_AddRowCellAppearance Determines the appearance of cells of add-rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_AllowMultiCellOperations Specifies if and which of the multi-cell operations the user is allowed to perform.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_DataErrorCellAppearance Determines the appearance of cells with data error (as indicated by IDataErrorInfo).
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_DataErrorRowAppearance Determines the appearance of rows with data error (as indicated by IDataErrorInfo).
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_DataErrorRowSelectorAppearance Determines the appearance of row selectors of rows with data error (as indicated by IDataErrorInfo).
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilterCellAppearance Determines the appearance of cells in filter row.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilterCellAppearanceActive Determines the appearance of cells in filter row that have active filters.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilterClearButtonAppearance Determines the appearance of clear filter buttons in filter row.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilteredInCellAppearance Determines the appearance of cells of filtered in rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilteredInRowAppearance Determines the appearance of filtered in rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilteredOutCellAppearance Determines the appearance of cells of filtered out rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilteredOutRowAppearance Determines the appearance of filtered out rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilterOperatorAppearance Determines the appearance of operator indicators in filter row.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilterRowAppearance Determines the appearance of filter rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilterRowAppearanceActive Determines the appearance of filter rows that have active filters.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilterRowPromptAppearance Determines the appearance of the prompt in filter row.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FilterRowSelectorAppearance Determines the appearance of the row selectors of filter rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FixedCellAppearance Determines the appearance of cells associated with headers that are fixed.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FixedCellSeparatorColor The color of the separator line that separates the fixed header cells and non-fixed header cells.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FixedHeaderAppearance Determines the appearance of headers that are fixed.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FixedHeaderIndicator Specifies whether the user is allowed to fix or unfix headers.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FixedRowAppearance Determines the appearance of fixed rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FixedRowCellAppearance Determines the appearance of cells of fixed rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FixedRowSelectorAppearance Determines the appearance of row selectors of fixed rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_FormulaErrorAppearance Determines the appearance of cells with formula errors.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_GroupBySummaryValueAppearance Determines the appearance of summaries in group-by rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_HeaderPlacement Specifies if and how headers are displayed.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_HotTrackCellAppearance Appearance applied to the cell that‘s currently being hot-tracked.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_HotTrackHeaderAppearance Appearance applied to the header that‘s currently being hot-tracked.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_HotTrackRowAppearance Appearance applied to the row that‘s currently being hot-tracked.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_HotTrackRowCellAppearance Appearance applied to the cells of the row that‘s currently being hot-tracked.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_HotTrackRowSelectorAppearance Appearance applied to the row selector of the row that‘s currently being hot-tracked.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_InvalidValueBehavior Specifies the behavior when the user attempts to leave a cell after entering an invalid value.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_MergedCellAppearance Determines the appearance of merged cells.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_MergedCellContentArea Specifies whether to position the contents of a merged cell in the visible area of the merged cell or the virtual area of the merged cell.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_MergedCellEvaluationType Specifies whether to merge cells based on their values or display text.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_MergedCellStyle Specifies how cell merging is performed.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_MinRowHeight Specifies the minimum row height.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_MultiCellSelectionMode Specifies how multiple cells are range selected using mouse and keyboard.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_ReadOnlyCellAppearance Appearance applied to the read-only cells.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_RowFilterAction Specifies the action to take on filtered out rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_RowLayoutCellNavigationVertical Specifies how cells are navigated when using up and down arrow keys.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_ShowCalculatingText Specifies whether a "#Calculating" message is shown in cells or summaries that are calculating with an UltraCalcManager Component.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_ShowInkButton Specifies whether ink editor buttons get shown in cells.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_SpecialRowSeparatorAppearance Determines the appearance of special row separator elements.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_SupportDataErrorInfo Whether to make use of IDataErrorInfo to display data error icons.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_TemplateAddRowAppearance Determines the appearance of template add-rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_TemplateAddRowCellAppearance Determines the appearance of cells of template add-rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_TemplateAddRowPromptAppearance Determines the appearance of prompts in template add-rows.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_TemplateAddRowSpacingAfter The amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered before a template add-row.
LDR_UltraGridOverride_P_TemplateAddRowSpacingBefore The amount of spacing (in pixels) rendered after a template add-row.
LDR_UseFixedHeaders Enables the fixed headers functionality.
MultiCell_Copy_Error_MsgBox_Message Error performing Copy operation. {0} {1}
MultiCell_Copy_Error_MsgBox_Title Copy Error
MultiCell_Cut_Error_MsgBox_Message Error performing Cut operation. {0} {1}
MultiCell_Cut_Error_MsgBox_Title Cut Error
MultiCell_Delete_Error_MsgBox_Message Error performing Delete operation. {0} {1}
MultiCell_Delete_Error_MsgBox_Title Delete Error
MultiCell_Paste_Error_MsgBox_Message Error performing Paste operation. {0} {1}
MultiCell_Paste_Error_MsgBox_Title Paste Error
MultiCell_Paste_Error_TooManyColumns Contents being pasted have more columns than what‘s available starting from the anchor cell. Paste contents have {0} columns where as the available columns starting from the anchor cell are {1}.
MultiCell_Paste_Error_TooManyRows Contents being pasted have more rows than what‘s available starting from the anchor cell. Paste contents have {0} rows where as the available rows starting from the anchor cell are {1}.
MultiCell_Redo_Error_MsgBox_Message Error performing redo operation. {0} {1}
MultiCell_Redo_Error_MsgBox_Title Redo Error
MultiCell_Undo_Error_MsgBox_Message Error performing Undo operation. {0} {1}
MultiCell_Undo_Error_MsgBox_Title Undo Error
MultiCellOperation_Error_ConversionError Unable to convert the value ‘{0}‘ to the column‘s data type: {1}
MultiCellOperation_Error_CrossParentSelection The operation can not be performed on cross-parent selection.
MultiCellOperation_Error_MsgBox_ContinueQuestion Continue with the remaining cells?
MultiCellOperation_Error_MsgBox_FurtherInformation Further information: {0}
MultiCellOperation_Error_NoCellsSelected No cells are selected.
MultiCellOperation_Error_NonRectangularSelection Invalid selection. The selection must be rectangular.
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_BeyondNextMonth Beyond Next Month
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_DayOfWeekFormatString {0:dddd}
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_EarlierThisMonth Earlier this Month
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_LastMonth Last Month
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_LastWeek Last Week
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_LaterThisMonth Later this Month
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_NextMonth Next Month
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_NextWeek Next Week
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_None None
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_Older Older
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_ThreeWeeksAgo Three Weeks Ago
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_ThreeWeeksAway Three Weeks Away
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_Today Today
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_TwoWeeksAgo Two Weeks Ago
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_TwoWeeksAway Two Weeks Away
Outlook_GroupByMode_Description_Yesterday Yesterday
PropertyPageCaptionGroupsAndColumns Groups And Columns
RowFilterDialogBlanksItem (Blanks)
RowFilterDialogDBNullItem (DBNull)
RowFilterDialogEmptyTextItem (Empty Text)
RowFilterDialogOperandHeaderCaption Operand
RowFilterDialogOperatorHeaderCaption Operator
RowFilterDialogTitlePrefix Enter filter criteria for
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_Contains Contains
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_DoesNotContain Does not contain
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_DoesNotEndWith Does not end with
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_DoesNotMatch Does not match
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_DoesNotStartWith Does not start with
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_EndsWith Ends with
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_Equals =
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_GreaterThan >
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_GreaterThanOrEqualTo >=
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_LessThan <
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_LessThanOrEqualTo <=
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_Like Like
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_Match Match
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_NotEquals !=
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_NotLike Not Like
RowFilterDropDown_Operator_StartsWith Starts with
RowFilterDropDownAllItem (All)
RowFilterDropDownBlanksItem (Blanks)
RowFilterDropDownCustomItem (Custom)
RowFilterDropDownEquals Equals
RowFilterDropDownGreaterThan Greater than
RowFilterDropDownGreaterThanOrEqualTo Greater than or equal to
RowFilterDropDownLessThan Less than
RowFilterDropDownLessThanOrEqualTo Less than or equal to
RowFilterDropDownLike Like
RowFilterDropDownMatch Matches Regular Expression
RowFilterDropDownNonBlanksItem (NonBlanks)
RowFilterDropDownNotEquals Does not equal
RowFilterLogicalOperator_And AND
RowFilterLogicalOperator_Or OR
RowFilterPatternCaption Invalid search pattern
RowFilterPatternError Error parsing pattern {0}. Please enter a valid search pattern.
RowFilterPatternException Invalid search pattern {0}.
RowFilterRegexError Error parsing regular expression {0}. Please enter a valid regular expression.
RowFilterRegexErrorCaption Invalid regular expression
RowFilterRegexException Invalid regular expression {0}.
SummaryDialog_Button_Cancel &Cancel
SummaryDialog_Button_OK &OK
SummaryDialogAverage Average
SummaryDialogAverage_AccessibleDescription Display the average of the values in the column.
SummaryDialogCount Count
SummaryDialogCount_AccessibleDescription Display the number of value in the column.
SummaryDialogMaximum Maximum
SummaryDialogMaximum_AccessibleDescription Display the maximum value in the column.
SummaryDialogMinimum Minimum
SummaryDialogMinimum_AccessibleDescription Display the minimum value in the column.
SummaryDialogNone None
SummaryDialogNone_AccessibleDescription Display no summary information for the column.
SummaryDialogSum Sum
SummaryDialogSum_AccessibleDescription Display the sum of the values in the column.
SummaryFooterCaption_ChildBandNonGroupByRows Summaries for [BANDHEADER]: [SCROLLTIPFIELD]
SummaryFooterCaption_GroupByChildRows Summaries for [GROUPBYROWVALUE]
SummaryFooterCaption_RootRows Grand Summaries
SummaryTypeAverage Average
SummaryTypeCount Count
SummaryTypeCustom Custom
SummaryTypeMaximum Maximum
SummaryTypeMinimum Minimum
SummaryTypeSum Sum
SummaryValueInvalidDisplayFormat Invalid DisplayFormat: {0}. More info: {1}
UltraCombo_P_AutoCompleteMode Gets/sets the mode for automatic completion of text typed in the edit portion.

rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownAllItem", "所有")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownBlanksItem", "空")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownCustomItem", "自定义")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownNonBlanksItem", "非空")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownAllItem", "所有")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDialogTitlePrefix", "输入过滤准则为")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("FilterDialogAndRadioText", "并且")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("FilterDialogOrRadioText", "或者")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("FilterDialogAddConditionButtonText", "增加一个条件(&N)")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("FilterDialogDeleteButtonText", "删除一个条件")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("FilterDialogOkButtonText", "确定(&O)")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("FilterDialogCancelButtonText", "取消(&C)")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("FilterDialogOkButtonNoFiltersText", "不过滤")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDialogOperatorHeaderCaption", "比较运算符")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDialogOperandHeaderCaption", "准则")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownEquals", "等于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownNotEquals", "不等于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownLessThan", "小于")

        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownLessThanOrEqualTo", "小于等于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownGreaterThan", "大于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownGreaterThanOrEqualTo", "大于等于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownMatch", "自定义规则表达式")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDownLike", "模糊查找")

        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDialogBlanksItem", "空白")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDialogDBNullItem", "无值")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDialogEmptyTextItem", "空字符")

        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDown_Operator_Equals", "等于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDown_Operator_NotEquals", "不等于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDown_Operator_LessThan", "小于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDown_Operator_LessThanOrEqualTo", "小于等于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDown_Operator_GreaterThan", "大于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDown_Operator_GreaterThanOrEqualTo", "大于等于")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDown_Operator_Match", "自定义规则表达式")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterDropDown_Operator_Like", "模糊查找")

        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterPatternCaption", "无效查找模式")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterPatternError", "错误的解析模式{0}. 请输入一个有效的表达式")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterPatternException", "无效查找模式{0}")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterRegexError", "无效的规则表达式{0}.请输入一个有效的表达式")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterRegexErrorCaption", "无效规则表达式")
        rc.SetCustomizedString("RowFilterRegexException", "无效规则表达式{0}")

        Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer rc = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.Resources.Customizer;       

         rc.SetCustomizedString("QuickAccessToolbarAboveRibbonCustomize", "显示快速访问工具栏在上方");       

         rc.SetCustomizedString("QuickAccessToolbarBelowRibbonCustomize", "显示快速访问工具栏在下方");          

         rc.SetCustomizedString("MinimizeRibbon", "最小化菜单");           

        rc.SetCustomizedString("QatQuickCustomizeHeader", "自定义快速访问工具栏");            

       rc.SetCustomizedString("QatQuickCustomizeToolTip", "自定义快速访问工具栏");

            rc.SetCustomizedString("QuickAccessToolbarBelowRibbon", "显示快速访问工具栏在下方");          

       rc.SetCustomizedString("QuickAccessToolbarAboveRibbon", "显示快速访问工具栏在上方");            

       rc.SetCustomizedString("LockToolbars", "锁定工具栏");           

        rc.SetCustomizedString("Customize", "自定义");


















Infragistics 汉化



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