以Code First方式编写简单代码,按源码执行过程,逐步讲解Entity Framework工作原理。本系列博文系我学习Entity Framework 6 Code First的总结之作。学习过程中参考了大量MSDN资料,因参考资料过多,且皆可从EF主页索引到,故不一一列举。所有阅读过的正式出版的书籍,详见参考文献一节。部分章节因论述需要所引用其它.NET书籍将在该章节内注明引用信息。为了分析代码,我经常访问.NET参考源码页面。
Windows 8.1 update 1
Visual Studio 2013 Update 2
Entity Framework 6 (EF 6.1 Alpha源码)
.NET 4.5.1
1. Brian Driscoll, Nitin Gupta, Robert Vettor, Zeeshan Hirani, Larry Tenny. Entity Framework 6 Recipes, Second Edition. Apress. Oct 29, 2013
2. Julia Lerman, Rowan Miller. Programming Entity Framework: DbContext. O‘REILLY. Mar 7, 2012
3. Julia Lerman, Rowan Miller. Programming Entity Framework: Code First. O‘REILLY. Dec 1, 2011
4. Julia Lerman. Programming Entity Framework, 2nd Edition. O‘REILLY. Aug 29, 2010
5. Andrew Troelsen. Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework, Sixth Edition. Apress. Aug 21, 2012
《Entity Framework 6 源码分析》,布布扣,bubuko.com