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Financial Account Global Setting

时间:2015-01-27 14:54:26      阅读:152      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


1、display chart of account

SPRO->Financial Accounting(New)->Generral Ledger Account(New)->Master Data->G/L Accounts->preparations->edit chart of account list

2、assign chart of account to company 

spro->Financial Accountint(New)->General Ledger Account(New)->Master Data ->G/L Accounts->preparations ->assing company code to chart of account

3、define account of group

spro->Financial Account(New)->General Ledger Account(New)->Master Data->G/L Accounts->preparations ->define account group

4、define retain earning account

 spro->FInancial Accounting(New)->General Ledger Accounting(New)->Master Data->G/L Accounts->preparations->define retained earnings account

5、define field status group 

5.1 define field status variants

SPRO->Finanical Accounting(New)->Financial Accounting Global  Settings(New)->Ledger->Fields->Define Fields Status Variants

5.2 assing company code to field status variants

 spro->Financial Accounting(New)->Financial Accounting Global Setting(New)->Ledger->Fields->assigns company code to field status variants

6、maintain fiscal year variant

 spro->Financial Accountint(New)->Financial Accounting Global Settings(New)->Fiscal Year and Posting Periods->maintain fiscal year variants(Maintain shorttened FISC. Year)

7、assing fiscal year to compay code

 spro->Financial Accountint(New)->Financial Accounting Global Settings(New)->Fiscal Year and Posting Periods->asign company code to a fiscal year variant

8、post period

 8.1define variants for open posting periods

spro->Financial Accounting(New)->Financial Account Global Setting(Ne)->Fiscal Year and Post periods->Post periods->define variants for open posting periods

8.2 assing variants to company code

spro->Financial Accounting(New)->Financial Account Global Setting(Ne)->Fiscal Year and Post periods->Post periods->assign variants to company code

8.3 open and close post periods

spro->Financial Accounting(New)->Financial Account Global Setting(Ne)->Fiscal Year and Post periods->Post periods->open and close posting periods

9、define credit control area

  spro->Enterprise Structure->Definition->Financial Accounting -> define credit  control area


display picture:


 finished top of those settes,you will see below settings ,see this picture:

spro->Financial Accounting(New)->Financial Accouting Global settings(New)->Global Parameters for company code->enter global parameters



Financial Account Global Setting



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