mysql> show databases;
mysql> create database 数据库名字;
mysql> use 数据库名字; (显示Database changed)
mysql> show tableS; (显示Empty set (0.00 sec))
mysql> create table PersonList(表名)
-> (
-> id int not null, (列名+类型+其他)
-> name char(8) not null,
-> title char(8)not null
-> );
mysql> DESCRIBE mytable;
mysql> insert into PersonList
-> values
-> (1,"吕布","奉先");
mysql> insert into PersonList
-> values
-> (5,"关羽","云长"),(6,"张飞","益德");
mysql> insert into students (id, name, title) values(4,"孙策", "伯符");
mysql> alter table PersonList add sex(插入的列名) char(8);
mysql> alter table PersonList add tel char(8) after name;
mysql> select * from PersonList;(表名)
mysql> select name(条件,可以多个,逗号隔开) from PersonList(表名);
mysql> select * from PersonList where id >2;
mysql> select * from PersonList where name like "%吕%";
mysql> select * from PersonList where id<6 and id>1;
mysql> update PersonList set id=id-1;
update PersonList set id=-1 where name = "吕布";
mysql> update PersonList set id=0 where title="奉先" and name="吕布";
mysql> alter table PersonList change title tit char(5) not null;
mysql> alter table PersonList rename Person;
mysql> delete from PersonList where id=1;
mysql> delete from PersonList ;
mysql> alter table PersonList drop tel;
mysql> drop database threekinggenerallist;