关于Cluster Manager和Deploy Mode的组合在SparkSubmit.scala的createLaunchEnv中有比较详细的逻辑。
Cluster Manager基本上有Standalone,YARN和Mesos三种情况,说明Cluster Manager用来指明集群的资源管理器。这就是说不管是Client还是Cluster部署方式(deployMode的两种可能),都会使用它们做集 群管理器,也就是说Client也是一种集群部署方式???
/** * @return a tuple containing * (1) the arguments for the child process, * (2) a list of classpath entries for the child, * (3) a list of system properties and env vars, and * (4) the main class for the child */ //createLaunchEnv的方法返回值 //1.子进程的参数,字符串数组,ArrayBuffer[String] //2.子进程JVM的classpath路径列表,字符串数组,ArrayBuffer[String] //3.子进程的系统变量和环境变量 ,HashMap类型 //4.子进程JVM的main class private[spark] def createLaunchEnv(args: SparkSubmitArguments) : (ArrayBuffer[String], ArrayBuffer[String], Map[String, String], String) = { // Values to return val childArgs = new ArrayBuffer[String]() val childClasspath = new ArrayBuffer[String]() val sysProps = new HashMap[String, String]() var childMainClass = "" // Set the cluster manager //集群管理器,这里指定了四种:YARN,STANDALONE,MESON和LOCAL //需要注意的是,为什么LOCAL也是一种集群管理器,它的集群含义是什么? //根据args.master参数值决定clusterManager,注意,区分大小写 //这里只检查master是否以yarn, spark, mesos或者local开头,实际中,以yarn开头的master值可能是yarn-client,yarn-cluster,yarn-standalone,所以代码后面对master做了更进一步的检查 val clusterManager: Int = args.master match { case m if m.startsWith("yarn") => YARN case m if m.startsWith("spark") => STANDALONE case m if m.startsWith("mesos") => MESOS case m if m.startsWith("local") => LOCAL //如果master不以这四个开头,提示出错信息是***Master***必须以yarn, spark, mesos, or local开头 case _ => printErrorAndExit("Master must start with yarn, spark, mesos, or local"); -1 } // Set the deploy mode; default is client mode //设置部署模式,有两种模式,client和cluster模式 //如果没有设置deployMode(取值null),则默认认为是client模式 var deployMode: Int = args.deployMode match { case "client" | null => CLIENT case "cluster" => CLUSTER case _ => printErrorAndExit("Deploy mode must be either client or cluster"); -1 } // Because "yarn-cluster" and "yarn-client" encapsulate both the master // and deploy mode, we have some logic to infer the master and deploy mode // from each other if only one is specified, or exit early if they are at odds. ///因为yarn-cluster和yarn-client封装了master和deployMode, 这里对yarn-cluster和yarn-client两种集群管理器和部署模式的组合进行了特殊处理 ///只要知道一个就可以推倒出另一个we have some logic to infer the master and deploy mode from each other //如果args.master以yarn开头(导致clusterManager == YARN为true) if (clusterManager == YARN) { ///如果clusterManager是YARN,那么说明master是以yarn开头 if (args.master == "yarn-standalone") { //如果master是yarn-standalone,则提示说master的值yarn-standalone已经不推荐使用, printWarning("\"yarn-standalone\" is deprecated. Use \"yarn-cluster\" instead.") args.master = "yarn-cluster" ///将master值改为yarn-cluster } (args.master, args.deployMode) match { ///对args.master和args.deployMode的组合进行检查和整理 case ("yarn-cluster", null) => ///如果args.deployMode为null,那么在前面的逻辑中,deployMode的值是CLIENT, deployMode = CLUSTER //根据args.master的取值yarn-cluster,将deployMode的值改为CLUSTER case ("yarn-cluster", "client") => ////如果args.master, args.deployMode是yarn-cluster,client,那么认为这两个值是冲突的,退出 printErrorAndExit("Client deploy mode is not compatible with master \"yarn-cluster\"") case ("yarn-client", "cluster") => ////如果args.master, args.deployMode是yarn-client,cluster,那么认为这两个值是冲突的,退出 printErrorAndExit("Cluster deploy mode is not compatible with master \"yarn-client\"") case (_, mode) => ///其他情况下,将args.master改为如下值(代码执行到这里的前提是args.master以yarn开头) ///通过前面的代码,mode只有三种可能的取值:null,cluster和client //如果mode是client,那么args.master是yarn-client //如果mode是null,那么args.master是yarn-client //如果mode是cluster,args.master只能是yarn-cluster,因为(yarn-client,cluster)情况在前面判断过了 args.master = "yarn-" + Option(mode).getOrElse("client") } // Make sure YARN is included in our build if we‘re trying to use it //在YARN的集群模式下检查Spark安装包的完整性,为什么一定要检查org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client类的存在?因为后面的代码中会通过反射调用Client的main方法 //注意,Client是的包名中有个yarn,说明这个Client用于跟YARN集群模式有关 if (!Utils.classIsLoadable("org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client") && !Utils.isTesting) { printErrorAndExit( "Could not load YARN classes. " + "This copy of Spark may not have been compiled with YARN support.") } } // The following modes are not supported or applicable ///对clusterManager和deployMode不支持的组合进行检查 (clusterManager, deployMode) match { case (MESOS, CLUSTER) =>///MESOS和CLUSTER不共存 printErrorAndExit("Cluster deploy mode is currently not supported for Mesos clusters.") case (_, CLUSTER) if args.isPython =>///Python应用程序不支持集群部署模式 printErrorAndExit("Cluster deploy mode is currently not supported for python applications.") case (_, CLUSTER) if isShell(args.primaryResource) => ///Spark Shell不支持集群部署方式?通过Spark Shell提交Application是一种Client方式??? printErrorAndExit("Cluster deploy mode is not applicable to Spark shells.") case _ => } // If we‘re running a python app, set the main class to our specific python runner if (args.isPython) { ///如果python应用程序,我表示不关心,忽略之 if (args.primaryResource == PYSPARK_SHELL) { args.mainClass = "py4j.GatewayServer" args.childArgs = ArrayBuffer("--die-on-broken-pipe", "0") } else { // If a python file is provided, add it to the child arguments and list of files to deploy. // Usage: PythonAppRunner <main python file> <extra python files> [app arguments] args.mainClass = "org.apache.spark.deploy.PythonRunner" args.childArgs = ArrayBuffer(args.primaryResource, args.pyFiles) ++ args.childArgs args.files = mergeFileLists(args.files, args.primaryResource) } args.files = mergeFileLists(args.files, args.pyFiles) if (args.pyFiles != null) { sysProps("spark.submit.pyFiles") = args.pyFiles } } // Special flag to avoid deprecation warnings at the client sysProps("SPARK_SUBMIT") = "true" ///SPARK_SUBMIT这个参数用来做什么的?注意sysProps是个Scala的HashMap // A list of rules to map each argument to system properties or command-line options in // each deploy mode; we iterate through these below ///这是在做什么??一系列规则(用于在各种部署模式下,把每个argument映射为system properties或者command-line options的规则) val options = List[OptionAssigner]( // All cluster managers ///sysProp是指定参数的函数参数传值,此处没有给clOption赋值 OptionAssigner(args.master, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, sysProp = "spark.master"), OptionAssigner(args.name, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, sysProp = "spark.app.name"), ///args.jars指定了提交的Application的jars相关的东西 OptionAssigner(args.jars, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, CLIENT, sysProp = "spark.jars"), OptionAssigner(args.driverMemory, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, CLIENT, sysProp = "spark.driver.memory"), OptionAssigner(args.driverExtraClassPath, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, sysProp = "spark.driver.extraClassPath"), OptionAssigner(args.driverExtraJavaOptions, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, sysProp = "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions"), OptionAssigner(args.driverExtraLibraryPath, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, sysProp = "spark.driver.extraLibraryPath"), // Standalone cluster only ///只适用于Standalone集群,属性无需以spark开头,因为都在spark中 OptionAssigner(args.jars, STANDALONE, CLUSTER, sysProp = "spark.jars"), OptionAssigner(args.driverMemory, STANDALONE, CLUSTER, clOption = "--memory"), //命令行赋值 OptionAssigner(args.driverCores, STANDALONE, CLUSTER, clOption = "--cores"), // Yarn client only //只适用于Yarn client,因为由Yarn进行管理,属性名都带有spark OptionAssigner(args.queue, YARN, CLIENT, sysProp = "spark.yarn.queue"), OptionAssigner(args.numExecutors, YARN, CLIENT, sysProp = "spark.executor.instances"), OptionAssigner(args.executorCores, YARN, CLIENT, sysProp = "spark.executor.cores"), OptionAssigner(args.files, YARN, CLIENT, sysProp = "spark.yarn.dist.files"), OptionAssigner(args.archives, YARN, CLIENT, sysProp = "spark.yarn.dist.archives"), // Yarn cluster only ///只适用于Yarn cluster,为命令行选项赋值 OptionAssigner(args.name, YARN, CLUSTER, clOption = "--name"), OptionAssigner(args.driverMemory, YARN, CLUSTER, clOption = "--driver-memory"), OptionAssigner(args.queue, YARN, CLUSTER, clOption = "--queue"), OptionAssigner(args.numExecutors, YARN, CLUSTER, clOption = "--num-executors"), OptionAssigner(args.executorMemory, YARN, CLUSTER, clOption = "--executor-memory"), OptionAssigner(args.executorCores, YARN, CLUSTER, clOption = "--executor-cores"), OptionAssigner(args.files, YARN, CLUSTER, clOption = "--files"), OptionAssigner(args.archives, YARN, CLUSTER, clOption = "--archives"), OptionAssigner(args.jars, YARN, CLUSTER, clOption = "--addJars"), // Other options OptionAssigner(args.executorMemory, STANDALONE | MESOS | YARN, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, sysProp = "spark.executor.memory"), OptionAssigner(args.totalExecutorCores, STANDALONE | MESOS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, sysProp = "spark.cores.max"), OptionAssigner(args.files, LOCAL | STANDALONE | MESOS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, sysProp = "spark.files") ) // In client mode, launch the application main class directly // In addition, add the main application jar and any added jars (if any) to the classpath if (deployMode == CLIENT) { childMainClass = args.mainClass if (isUserJar(args.primaryResource)) { childClasspath += args.primaryResource } if (args.jars != null) { childClasspath ++= args.jars.split(",") } if (args.childArgs != null) { childArgs ++= args.childArgs } } // Map all arguments to command-line options or system properties for our chosen mode for (opt <- options) { if (opt.value != null && (deployMode & opt.deployMode) != 0 && (clusterManager & opt.clusterManager) != 0) { if (opt.clOption != null) { childArgs += (opt.clOption, opt.value) } if (opt.sysProp != null) { sysProps.put(opt.sysProp, opt.value) } } } // Add the application jar automatically so the user doesn‘t have to call sc.addJar // For YARN cluster mode, the jar is already distributed on each node as "app.jar" // For python files, the primary resource is already distributed as a regular file val isYarnCluster = clusterManager == YARN && deployMode == CLUSTER if (!isYarnCluster && !args.isPython) { var jars = sysProps.get("spark.jars").map(x => x.split(",").toSeq).getOrElse(Seq.empty) if (isUserJar(args.primaryResource)) { jars = jars ++ Seq(args.primaryResource) } sysProps.put("spark.jars", jars.mkString(",")) } // In standalone-cluster mode, use Client as a wrapper around the user class if (clusterManager == STANDALONE && deployMode == CLUSTER) { childMainClass = "org.apache.spark.deploy.Client" if (args.supervise) { childArgs += "--supervise" } childArgs += "launch" childArgs += (args.master, args.primaryResource, args.mainClass) if (args.childArgs != null) { childArgs ++= args.childArgs } } // In yarn-cluster mode, use yarn.Client as a wrapper around the user class if (isYarnCluster) { childMainClass = "org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.Client" if (args.primaryResource != SPARK_INTERNAL) { childArgs += ("--jar", args.primaryResource) } childArgs += ("--class", args.mainClass) if (args.childArgs != null) { args.childArgs.foreach { arg => childArgs += ("--arg", arg) } } } // Load any properties specified through --conf and the default properties file for ((k, v) <- args.sparkProperties) { sysProps.getOrElseUpdate(k, v) } // Ignore invalid spark.driver.host in cluster modes. if (deployMode == CLUSTER) { sysProps -= ("spark.driver.host") } // Resolve paths in certain spark properties val pathConfigs = Seq( "spark.jars", "spark.files", "spark.yarn.jar", "spark.yarn.dist.files", "spark.yarn.dist.archives") pathConfigs.foreach { config => // Replace old URIs with resolved URIs, if they exist sysProps.get(config).foreach { oldValue => sysProps(config) = Utils.resolveURIs(oldValue) } } // Resolve and format python file paths properly before adding them to the PYTHONPATH. // The resolving part is redundant in the case of --py-files, but necessary if the user // explicitly sets `spark.submit.pyFiles` in his/her default properties file. sysProps.get("spark.submit.pyFiles").foreach { pyFiles => val resolvedPyFiles = Utils.resolveURIs(pyFiles) val formattedPyFiles = PythonRunner.formatPaths(resolvedPyFiles).mkString(",") sysProps("spark.submit.pyFiles") = formattedPyFiles } (childArgs, childClasspath, sysProps, childMainClass) }