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时间:2015-01-28 09:59:09      阅读:196      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:poj   图论   网络流   匹配   

poj1251 Jungle Roads

思路:最小生成树          解题报告Here

CodeForces 472D Design Tutorial: Inverse the Problem

思路:最小生成树          解题报告Here

poj1789 Truck History

思路:最小生成树          解题报告Here

poj1639 Picnic Planning

思路:顶点度数限制的MST         解题报告Here

poj1062 昂贵的聘礼

思路:SPFA                    解题报告Here

poj1847 Tram

思路:SPFA                    解题报告Here

poj1797 Heavy Transportation

思路:SPFA变形            解题报告Here

poj1724 ROADS

思路:SPFA+A*             解题报告Here

poj1087 A Plug for UNIX

思路:最大流                  解题报告Here

poj1459 Power Network

思路:最大流                  解题报告Here

poj2391 Ombrophobic Bovines

思路:二分+拆点+网络流          解题报告Here

poj2455 Secret Milking Machine

思路:二分+网络流        解题报告Here

poj2987 Firing

思路:最大权闭合图      解题报告Here

NOI2006 最大获利

思路:最大权闭合图      解题报告Here

poj3422 Kaka‘s Matrix Travels

思路:拆点+费用流       解题报告Here

spoj371 Boxes

思路:费用流                 解题报告Here

poj1125 Stockbroker Grapevine

思路:floyd                     解题报告Here

poj1275 Cashier Employment

思路:差分约束             解题报告Here

poj1716 Integer Intervals

思路:差分约束             解题报告Here

poj1325 Machine Schedule

思路:最小点覆盖         解题报告Here

poj3041 Asteroids

思路:最小点覆盖         解题报告Here

poj2060 Taxi Cab Scheme

思路:最小路径覆盖     解题报告Here

poj1466 Girls and Boys

思路:最大独立集         解题报告Here

poj1486 Sorting Slides

思路:二分图匹配的必须边        解题报告Here

poj2195 Going Home

思路:最小权值匹配              解题报告Here

poj2516 Minimum Cost

思路:拆点+最小权值匹配           解题报告Here

poj3686 The Windy‘s

思路:最小权值匹配              解题报告Here

poj1637 Sightseeing tour

思路:混合图欧拉回路          解题报告Here

poj1904 King‘s Quest

思路:强连通分量         解题报告Here

poj2553 The Bottom of a Graph

思路:强连通分量         解题报告Here

poj2186 Popular Cows

思路:强连通分量         解题报告Here

poj2762 Going from u to v or from v to u?

思路:强连通分量+dp找最长链             解题报告Here

poj2723 Get Luffy Out

思路:二分+2-SAT        解题报告Here

poj3207 Ikki‘s Story IV - Panda‘s Trick

思路:2-SAT                  解题报告Here

poj3905 Perfect Election

思路:2-SAT                  解题报告Here

poj1470 Closest Common Ancestors

思路:最近公共祖先     解题报告Here


标签:poj   图论   网络流   匹配   


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