输出本参数说明的命令:blender --help
Blender 2.73 (sub 5)
Usage: blender [args ...] [file] [args ...]
Render Options:
-b or --background ,在后台运行,通常用于无界面渲染。
Run in background (often used for UI-less rendering)
-a or --render-anim ,渲染动画的全部帧。
Render frames from start to end (inclusive)
-S or --scene <name>,设置渲染的当前活动场景。
Set the active scene <name> for rendering
-f or --render-frame <frame>,渲染一帧并保存。
Render frame <frame> and save it.
+<frame> start frame relative, -<frame> end frame relative.
-s or --frame-start <frame>,指定将渲染动画的开始帧。
Set start to frame <frame> (use before the -a argument)
-e or --frame-end <frame>,指定将渲染动画的结束帧。
Set end to frame <frame> (use before the -a argument)
-j or --frame-jump <frames>,指定每一帧渲染后的步进的帧数。
Set number of frames to step forward after each rendered frame
-o or --render-output <path>,渲染路径和文件名。
Set the render path and file name.
Use // at the start of the path to
render relative to the blend file.
The # characters are replaced by the frame number, and used to define zero padding.
ani_##_test.png becomes ani_01_test.png
test-######.png becomes test-000001.png
When the filename does not contain #, The suffix #### is added to the filename
The frame number will be added at the end of the filename.
eg: blender -b foobar.blend -o //render_ -F PNG -x 1 -a
//render_ becomes //render_####, writing frames as //render_0001.png//
-E or --engine <engine>,指定渲染引擎,-E列出可用的渲染引擎。
Specify the render engine
use -E help to list available engines
-t or --threads <threads>,指定渲染的线程数。
Use amount of <threads> for rendering and other operations
[1-64], 0 for systems processor count.
Format Options:
-F or --render-format <format>,渲染输出文件的格式。
Set the render format, Valid options are...,可用的选项包括:
(formats that can be compiled into blender, not available on all systems),可选的编译支持:
-x or --use-extension <bool>,渲染输出文件的扩展名。
Set option to add the file extension to the end of the file
Animation Playback Options:
-a or --render-anim
Render frames from start to end (inclusive)
Window Options:
-w or --window-border,窗口边框。
Force opening with borders (default)
-W or --window-borderless,窗口无边框。
Force opening without borders
-p or --window-geometry <sx> <sy> <w> <h>,窗口大小。
Open with lower left corner at <sx>, <sy> and width and height as <w>, <h>
-con or --start-console ,打开控制台。
Start with the console window open (ignored if -b is set), (Windows only)
--no-native-pixels ,不使用原生分辨率(适合高分屏,如MacBook Retina)
Do not use native pixel size, for high resolution displays (MacBook ‘Retina‘)
Game Engine Specific Options:
-g Game Engine specific options
-g fixedtime Run on 50 hertz without dropping frames
-g vertexarrays Use Vertex Arrays for rendering (usually faster)
-g nomipmap No Texture Mipmapping
-g linearmipmap Linear Texture Mipmapping instead of Nearest (default)
Python Options:
-y or --enable-autoexec ,启用自动执行。
Enable automatic python script execution
-Y or --disable-autoexec ,关闭自动执行。
Disable automatic python script execution (pydrivers & startup scripts), (compiled as non-standard default)
-P or --python <filename>,运行指定的脚本文件。
Run the given Python script file
--python-text <name>,运行指定的文本块。
Run the given Python script text block
--python-console ,启动交互控制台。
Run blender with an interactive console
--addons ,加载“,”分隔的插件项。
Comma separated list of addons (no spaces)
Debug Options:
-d or --debug ,启用调试。
Turn debugging on
* Prints every operator call and their arguments
* Disables mouse grab (to interact with a debugger in some cases)
* Keeps python sys.stdin rather than setting it to None
--debug-value <value>,调试的debug的值。
Set debug value of <value> on startup
--debug-events ,启用事件系统的调试消息。
Enable debug messages for the event system
--debug-handlers ,启用事件处理的调试消息。
Enable debug messages for event handling
--debug-libmv ,启用libmv的调试消息。
Enable debug messages from libmv library
--debug-cycles ,启用Cycles的调试消息。
Enable debug messages from Cycles
--debug-memory ,启用内存的分配和调试。
Enable fully guarded memory allocation and debugging
--debug-jobs ,启用后台任务的时间分析。
Enable time profiling for background jobs.
--debug-python ,启用Python的调试消息。
Enable debug messages for python
--debug-depsgraph ,启用依赖树的调试消息。
Enable debug messages from dependency graph
--debug-wm ,启用窗口管理器的调试消息。
Enable debug messages for the window manager
--debug-all ,启用所有调试消息(除libmv外)。
Enable all debug messages (excludes libmv)
--debug-fpe ,启用浮点例外。
Enable floating point exceptions
--disable-crash-handler ,禁用崩溃处理器。
Disable the crash handler
Misc Options:
--factory-startup ,跳过startup.blend的读取。
Skip reading the "startup.blend" in the users home directory
--env-system-datafiles ,设置BLENDER_SYSTEM_DATAFILES环境变量。
Set the BLENDER_SYSTEM_DATAFILES environment variable
Set the BLENDER_SYSTEM_SCRIPTS environment variable
Set the BLENDER_SYSTEM_PYTHON environment variable
Disable joystick support
Disable GLSL shading
Force sound system to None
Force sound system to a specific device
-h or --help,打印帮助信息,然后退出。
Print this help text and exit
-v or --version,打印版本信息,然后退出。
Print Blender version and exit
-- ,结束选项的处理。
Ends option processing, following arguments passed unchanged. Access via python‘s sys.argv
Other Options:
/? ,打印帮助信息,然后退出(只在Windows有效)。
Print this help text and exit (windows only)
-a <options> <file(s)>
Playback <file(s)>, only operates this way when not running in background.
-p <sx> <sy> Open with lower left corner at <sx>, <sy>
-m Read from disk (Don‘t buffer)
-f <fps> <fps-base> Specify FPS to start with
-j <frame> Set frame step to <frame>
-s <frame> Play from <frame>
-e <frame> Play until <frame>
Enable debug/profiling messages from Freestyle rendering
--verbose <verbose>,设定日志信息的级别。
Set logging verbosity level.
Register .blend extension, then exit (Windows only)
Silently register .blend extension, then exit (Windows only)
Argument Parsing: 参数的解析。
arguments must be separated by white space. eg
"blender -ba test.blend"
...will ignore the ‘a‘
"blender -b test.blend -f8"
...will ignore 8 because there is no space between the -f and the frame value
Argument Order: 参数的顺序。
arguments are executed in the order they are given. eg
"blender --background test.blend --render-frame 1 --render-output /tmp"
...will not render to /tmp because ‘--render-frame 1‘ renders before the output path is set
"blender --background --render-output /tmp test.blend --render-frame 1"
...will not render to /tmp because loading the blend file overwrites the render output that was set
"blender --background test.blend --render-output /tmp --render-frame 1" works as expected.
Environment Variables:
$BLENDER_USER_CONFIG 用户配置文件目录,Directory for user configuration files.
$BLENDER_USER_SCRIPTS 用户脚本目录,Directory for user scripts.
$BLENDER_SYSTEM_SCRIPTS 系统级脚本目录,Directory for system wide scripts.
$BLENDER_USER_DATAFILES 用户数据文件目录,Directory for user data files (icons, translations, ..).
$BLENDER_SYSTEM_DATAFILES 系统级数据文件目录,Directory for system wide data files.
$BLENDER_SYSTEM_PYTHON 系统python库目录,Directory for system python libraries.
$TMP or $TMPDIR 临时文件存储目录,Store temporary files here.
$PYTHONHOME Python的主目录,Path to the python directory, eg. /usr/lib/python.