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M2K (Music-to-Knowledge): A tool set for MIR/MDL development and evaluation
The IMIRSEL (International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory) project provides an unprecedented platform for evaluating Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Music Digital Library (MDL) techniques, by bringing together large corpora and significant computational resources with the necessary rights management and technical infrastructure to support a variety of MIR/MDL research areas. The standardized research collection being deployed represents a large and diverse corpus of musical examples, which we are hosting in our secure environment for use in evaluating MIR/MDL algorithms. Grid services and National Center for Supercomputing Application‘s (NCSA) D2K (Data-to-Knowledge) machine learning environment provide a powerful, high performance, and secure framework for designing, optimising, and executing complex MIR/MDL evaluation applications. IMIRSEL provides a community resource for researchers who would otherwise not be able to afford the content rights and computational resources to carry out large-scale MIR/MDL evaluations. J. Stephen Downie, Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), is director of IMIRSEL and is the project principal investigator (PI).
M2K (Music-to-Knowledge) is a key element of the IMIRSEL project. M2K represents the music-specific set of D2K modules designed to create a Virtual Research Lab (VRL) for MIR/MDL development, prototyping and evaluation. The VRLs will be used by MIR/MDL researchers so they can participate in future MIREX (Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange) contests.
D2K, together with a subsidary set of modules called, T2K (Text-to-Knowledge), provide the basic foundation upon which M2K is being developed. D2K/T2K are the result of a ongoing research and development project of the Automated Learning Group (ALG) at NCSA. ALG is headed by Prof. Michael Welge who is also an IMIRSEL project co-PI.
Background Reading
- J. Stephen Downie, Joe Futrelle, David Tcheng. (2004). The International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation Laboratory: Governance, Access and Security. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval: ISMIR 2004. Barcelona, Spain, October 10-14, 2004.
- A one-page overview of how M2K fits into the basic D2K/T2K framework is available at: http://www.music-ir.org/evaluation/m2k/m2k_overview.pdf
- International Music Information Retrieval Evaluation Laboratory (IMIRSEL): Introducing M2K and D2K - A slightly revised version of the M2K demo handout provided at ISMIR 2004, Barcelona, in October 2004. Available at: http://www.music-ir.org/evaluation/m2k/v4_ISMIR2004_Handout.pdf
- J. Stephen Downie, Kris West, Andreas Ehmann and Emmanuel Vincent (2005). The 2005 Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX 2005): Preliminary Overview. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2005), London, UK, 11-15 September 2005. Queen Mary, UK: University of London, pp. 320-323. Available at: http://ismir2005.ismir.net/proceedings/xxxx.pdf
Access to D2K and T2K (necessary to work with the M2K module set)
M2K is based upon the combination of D2K and T2K. You only need to download the latest version of D2K (4.1.1) as it now comes bundled with the T2K modules in one package.
** Download D2K from the ALG distribution site: D2K download **
The D2K/T2K module sets are written in JAVA (as are M2K modules). Specific system requirement and installation information is available at the D2K download site.
Access to M2K
Important Links
Subscription Information for Important Listserves:
- MIREX: The "MIR Evaluation eXchange" list -- Community discussion about the running of the formal evaluation contests held in association with the ISMIR conferences --
- M2K: The "Music-to-Knowledge" list -- Intended to provide a forum for discusing M2K development, implementation and debugging information for those using and developing M2K modules --
- Music-IR: The "Music Information Retrieval" list -- The "must-subscribe" discussion list that brings togethers everyone interested in MIR issues --
Project Sponsors
- The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- The National Science Foundation (NSF): Grants No. IIS-0340597 and No. IIS-0327371
M2K Development People
- J. Stephen Downie (PI) - Graduate School of Library & Information Science (GSLIS), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) - jdownie at uiuc dot edu
- Michael Welge (co-PI) - The Automated Learning Group (ALG), The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) - welge at ncsa dot uiuc dot edu
- Paul Lamere - Sun Labs - paul dot lamere at sun dot com
- Kris West - Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK - kw at cmp dot uea dot ac dot uk
- Joe Futrelle - NCSA, UIUC - futrelle at uiuc dot edu
- David Tcheng - NCSA, UIUC - dtcheng at ncsa dot uiuc dot edu
- Loretta Sue Auvil - NCSA, UIUC - lauvil at ncsa dot uiuc dot edu
- Yandong Dora Cai - NCSA, UIUC - ycai at ncsa uiuc dot edu
- Andreas Ehmann - Electrical Engineering, UIUC
- Mert Bay - Electrical Engineering, UIUC
- M. Cameron Jones - GSLIS, UIUC - mjones2 at uiuc dot edu
- Jin Ha (Gina) Lee - GSLIS, UIUC - jinlee1 at uiuc dot edu
- Xiao Hu - GSLIS, UIUC - xiaohu at uiuc dot edu
- Martin McCrory - GSLIS, UIUC - mccrory at uiuc dot edu
- Xin Xiang - GSLIS, UIUC - xxiang2 at uiuc dot edu
Maintained by: J. Stephen Downie
Comments to: jdownie at uiuc dot edu
Last modified: 8 April 2007
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