interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
undo negotiation auto
eth-trunk 2
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/7
eth-trunk 2
interface Eth-Trunk2
description --NAT-bond0--
port hybrid pvid vlan 1010
undo port hybrid vlan 1
port hybrid tagged vlan 1010 1581 to 1582
load-balance src-dst-ip
负载方式一定要改为Src-dst-ip 不然后会出现流量不均
>display eth-trunk 2 verbose
Eth-Trunk2‘s state information is:
WorkingMode: NORMAL Hash arithmetic: According to SIP-XOR-DIP
Least Active-linknumber: 1 Max Bandwidth-affected-linknumber: 8
Operate status: up Number Of Up Port In Trunk: 2
PortName Status Weight
GigabitEthernet0/0/3 Up 1
GigabitEthernet0/0/7 Up 1
Flow statistic
Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3,
Last 300 seconds input rate 30593432 bits/sec, 14091 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 171415832 bits/sec, 18233 packets/sec
627088286086 packets input, 205504391533560 bytes, 0 drops
746736468583 packets output, 699801179531078 bytes, 15558892 drops
Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/7,
Last 300 seconds input rate 30605912 bits/sec, 14090 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 180772840 bits/sec, 18933 packets/sec
627087340978 packets input, 205506953309643 bytes, 0 drops
763608822327 packets output, 712325802483563 bytes, 16038263 drops
Interface Eth-Trunk2
Last 300 seconds input rate 61199344 bits/sec, 28181 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 352188672 bits/sec, 37166 packets/sec
1254175627064 packets input, 411011344843203 bytes, 0 drops
1510345290910 packets output, 1412126982014641 bytes, 31597155 drops
本文出自 “lihongweibj” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://lihongweibj.blog.51cto.com/6235038/1610176