Collaborative filtering algorithms often require (1) users’ active participation, (2) an easy way to represent users’ interests to the system, and (3) algorithms that are able to match people with similar interests.
Typically, the workflow of a collaborative filtering system is:
A key problem of collaborative filtering is how to combine and weight the preferences of user neighbors. Sometimes, users can immediately rate the recommended items. As a result, the system gains an increasingly accurate representation of user preferences over time.
一般情况,有 基于邻近关系、基于用户、基于话题三种类型的推荐系统。例如,
Typical examples of this mechanism are neighbourhood based CF and item-based/user-based top-N recommendations.[3] For example, in user based approaches, the value of ratings user ‘u‘ gives to item ‘i‘ is calculated as an aggregation of some similar users rating to the item:
where ‘U‘ denotes the set of top ‘N‘ users that are most similar to user ‘u‘ who rated item ‘i‘.
Some examples of the aggregation function includes:
where k is a normalizing factor defined as . and
is the average rating of user u for all the items rated by that user.
The neighborhood-based algorithm calculates the similarity between two users or items, produces a prediction for the user taking the weighted average of all the ratings. Similarity computation between items or users is an important part of this approach. Multiple mechanisms such as Pearson correlation and vector cosinebased similarity are used for this.
The Pearson correlation similarity of two users x, y is defined as
where Ixy is the set of items rated by both user x and user y.
The cosine-based approach defines the cosine-similarity between two users x and y as:[4]
The user based top-N recommendation algorithm identifies the k most similar users to an active user using similarity based vector model. After the k most similar users are found, their corresponding user-item matrices are aggregated to identify the set of items to be recommended. A popular method to find the similar users is the Locality-sensitive hashing, which implements the nearest neighbor mechanism in linear time.
The advantages with this approach include: the explainability of the results, which is an important aspect of recommendation systems; it is easy to create and use; new data can be added easily and incrementally; it need not consider the content of the items being recommended; and the mechanism scales well with co-rated items.
There are several disadvantages with this approach. First, it depends on human ratings. Second, its performance decreases when data gets sparse, which is frequent with web related items. This prevents the scalability of this approach and has problems with large datasets. Although it can efficiently handle new users because it relies on a data structure, adding new items becomes more complicated since that representation usually relies on a specific vector space. That would require to include the new item and re-insert all the elements in the structure.
Models are developed using data mining, machine learning algorithms to find patterns based on training data. These are used to make predictions for real data. There are many model-based CF algorithms. These include Bayesian networks, clustering models, latent semantic models such as singular value decomposition,probabilistic latent semantic analysis, Multiple Multiplicative Factor, Latent Dirichlet allocation and markov decision process based models.[5]
This approach has a more holistic goal to uncover latent factors that explain observed ratings.[6] Most of the models are based on creating a classification or clustering technique to identify the user based on the test set. The number of the parameters can be reduced based on types of principal component analysis.
There are several advantages with this paradigm. It handles the sparsity better than memory based ones. This helps with scalability with large data sets. It improves the prediction performance. It gives an intuitive rationale for the recommendations.
The disadvantages with this approach are in the expensive model building. One needs to have a tradeoff between prediction performance and scalability. One can lose useful information due to reduction models. A number of models have difficulty explaining the predictions.