source: https://www.trustedsec.com/january-2015/account-hunting-invoke-tokenmanipulation/
I’ve been searching quite a while now for the best way to search for domain admin tokens, once admin rights are attained on a large number of systems during a pentest. Normally, I run “psexec_loggedin_users” within Metasploit, spool the output to a file, then egrep it for users in the “Domain Admins” group. This often works, but can easily miss systems that have a domain admin kerberos security token still loaded in memory. There are a couple of “Token_Hunter” post modules, but you need to have a shell on the systems to run them, which can take a long time to establish, load incognito, and list tokens. As much as I love shellz, I certainly don’t care to have a couple thousand of them connecting back to my machine. So, I think I’ve finally pieced together a viable method from a couple of articles posted around the Internet.
The first article is from Chris Campbell posted on PentestGeek. It shows us how to download and execute a PowerSploit module using PowerShell, all in memory. A couple of posts have described utilizing this method with Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1, so why not Invoke-TokenManipulation.ps1? For reference: Carnal0wnage, HarmJoy
第一篇文章是克里斯坎贝尔贴在pentestgeek上的。印象中,它告诉我们如何用PowerShell下载并执行一个powersploit模块。一些帖子有用invoke-mimikatz.ps1来实现,但为什么不用invoke-tokenmanipulation.ps1呢?参考资料:carnal0wnage harmjoy,
To setup the environment, I first downloaded PowerSploit to my apache directory:
Then configured Samba with an open share to capture the output files:
Then create the folder and grant full permissions. I created a folder named “tokens” under “loot”.
Then, I stole the “PowerShell encoding” section from David Kennedy’s “unicorn” script to encode the following string:
然后,我偷偷拿走戴维甘乃迪的“unicorn”脚本里的“PowerShell encoding”来编码下面的字符串:
This will download “Invoke-TokenManipulation.ps1” from my web host, execute it within memory to enumerate tokens, and pipe the output to my SMB share into a file named as the computer.
Now, I just use the “psexec_command” module within Metasploit to execute my encoded string on all systems and rain down tokens into my share.
Then, just egrep the files to enumerate any domain admins.
All that’s left is to pop a shell on that system, impersonate their token, and escalate privileges on the domain.
The “encoding” script was easily modified for Mimikatz as well (it writes to “loot$/passwords/”). To grep the file for a specific user’s password:
脚本都在下面了. Happy Hunting!
(我翻译完了, 个人理解,这是个批量获得用户token和密码的东东)
Account Hunting for Invoke-TokenManipulation 伪造token前的账号猎取