mkdir git_root;cd git_root;git init //
git status .
git log
git log ./kernel/driver/
git show 17228ec1630f6b47983870b3eddc90d4088dcc88 --name-only
git clone https://github.com/wh19910525/my_often_shell.git
git branch
git branch -a
git checkout branch1 //switch to an local branch
git checkout -t remot_branch2 //download and switch to an remote branch
git checkout /kernel/driver/ //将指定文件夹下的文件还原成server上的内容
git add .
git commit -m "this my first commit"
git pull
git push
git checkout -- hardware/realtek/rtl_8723bs/8723bs.mod.c //discard this files
git reset
git format-patch -1 hash // git format-patch -1 300830d0286bceca191d926bc2cf4d08cc58b813
git diff drivers/idle/intel_idle.c > liuxd_test_patch
git am xx.patch
patch -p1 < test1.patch // a/该文件夹
patch -p2 < test1.patch // a/b/该文件夹
创建分支//new branch
git branch // list
git branch my_new_branch // add a new branch at local
git checkout my_new_branch // switch to local branch
git push origin my_new_branch:my_new_branch
//push to remote server.
git revert 9ca532610fa179911b23e244c96db10c140639f2 // 取消某次提交
git checkout . // 还原(覆盖)本地的改动
git cherry-pick 9ca532610fa179911b23e244c96db10c140639f2
git clean -df //delete全部未跟踪的文件夹及文件
1 删除远程分支
$ git push origin :branchName
2 删除本地分支,强制删除用-D
$ git branch -d branchName