1 不规则的输入,但是有效:"-3924x8fc","+432"
2 无效格式,"++c","++1"
3 数据溢出
To deal with overflow, inspect the current number before multiplication. If the current number is greater than 214748364, we know
it is going to overflow. On the other hand, if the current number is equal to 214748364, we know that it will overflow only when the current digit is greater than or equal to 8.
class Solution { public: int atoi(const char *str) { const int n=strlen(str); int i=0; int sign=1; while(str[i]==' '&&i<n) ++i; if(str[i]=='+') { ++i; } else if(str[i]=='-') { sign=-1; ++i; } int num=0; for(;i<n;++i) { if(str[i]<'0'||str[i]>'9') break; if(num>INT_MAX||(num==INT_MAX/10&&(str[i]-'0')>INT_MAX%10))//判断是否会产生溢出 { return sign==1?INT_MAX:INT_MIN; } num=num*10+str[i]-'0'; } return num*sign; } };方法二:直接用streamstring即可转换数据类型
class Solution { public: int atoi(const char *str) { stringstream stream; stream<<str; int num; stream>>num; return num; } };
Leetcode_String to Integer (atoi)