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Hello World

时间:2015-02-11 16:18:37      阅读:142      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


Hey, everyone. Welcome to my blog. My name is Jason Huang. Now I am a student of College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering in Shenzhen University. Since I learn C++ from C++ Primer (English Edition). I will write the blogs in English. Not only can I express well, but I can also learn English.

Learning C++ is a hard tour. I spent a lot of trying remember everything. But that is too hard. Inspired by this article https://sites.google.com/site/steveyegge2/you-should-write-blogs , I start writing blog. Since according to the article I can get benefit from writing blog. Also I can share my experience to you.

Since I just start learning C++, what I think maybe wrong. If you find something incorrect or inappropriate or you think you can improve my code quality, please let me know. I will be grateful for that.

Confucius told us that :三人行必有我师 (You can learn from everyone). I am please to learn from everyone. We can communicate from each other if you like.

OK, that’s all. Next I will share what I learn from C++ Chapter 1.

Hello World



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