char s[] = "ha哈哈"; int l = strlen(s);// 6 char c = s[2];// -71 ‘?‘ cannot represent
s 是占7个字节。
if (s[2]==‘哈‘)
#include <stdio.h> //#include <stddef.h> #include <locale.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "chs");// useless char ss22[] = "/\\hh猪哈猪头";// ‘/‘:2F, ‘\\‘:5C GBK: 81~FE(H),40~FF(L) //ss22[5] = 47; ss22[7] = 92; char *p1 = strrchr(ss22, ‘/‘);// char *p2 = strrchr(ss22, ‘\\‘);// got unwished pos string sstr22 = ss22; size_t pos2 = sstr22.rfind(‘\\‘);// also got unwished pos printf("%p %p %p %d\n", ss22, p1, p2, (int)pos2); //---------- char ss33[] = "hh哈猪头/\\"; ss33[3] = 92; char *p11 = strchr(ss33, ‘\\‘);// got unwished pos char *p12 = strstr(ss33, "\\");// also got unwished pos string sstr33 = ss33; size_t pos31 = sstr33.find(‘\\‘);// also got unwished pos size_t pos32 = sstr33.find("\\");// also got unwished pos printf("%p %p %p %d %d\n", ss33, p11, p12, (int)pos31, (int)pos32); }
当多字节字符串中中文字符的 低字节部分 与 已有的英文字符编码相同时,查找字符或字符串时都会一视同仁,无法察觉出是中文字符的部分还是英文字符。
所以在程序中,有中文字符的情况下,还是多用UNICODE(UCS)或UTF8吧,windows API 也多用 W版的吧。
最近工作中,有用GetModuleFileNameA得到模块目录,然后用strrchr(buf, ‘\\‘);判断有木有斜杠符,最后忽然想到这个多字节的问题。坑爹啊!!!
对于多字节,可用mblen 函数来查询一个多字节字符所占用的 字节数。
下面是用mbtowc(多字节字符转成宽字符) 来实现mbstowcs:
size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t *pwcs, char *pmbs, size_t n) { size_t i = 0; mbtowc(NULL, NULL, 0);// init shift state while (*pmbs && i < n) { int len = mbtowc(&pwcs[i++], pmbs, MB_CUR_MAX); if (len == -1) return (size_t)-1; pmbs += len;// to next mb char } return i; }
// MB_CUR_MAX: the value of which is the maximum number of bytes in a multibyte character
with the current locale (category LC_CTYPE).
本文出自 “v” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://4651077.blog.51cto.com/4641077/1613791