标签:c style class blog code tar
Implement strStr().
Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of needle in haystack, or null if needle is not part of haystack.
实现库函数strStr(), 功能是在字符串haystack中找出目标串needle第一次出现的索引位
结合(1)(2)我们有:haystack[i-j, i-1]=needle[0,j-1] && needle[0,k-1]=needle[j-k, j-1]
显然我们能够推出:needle[0,k-1]=haystack[i-k,i-1]; 也即从k位置開始比較就可以,不须要从头開始匹配。class Solution { public: void getNext(char*needle, int*next){ int size=strlen(needle); int i=0,k=-1; next[0]=-1; while(i<size-1){ //由于我们通过A[i]来求A[i+1]的,因此结束条件是i<size-1 if(k==-1||needle[i]==needle[k]){ i++; k++; next[i]=k; } else{ k=next[k]; } } } char *strStr(char *haystack, char *needle) { if(needle==NULL || haystack==NULL)return NULL; int patternSize=strlen(needle); int haystackSize=strlen(haystack); int*next=new int[patternSize]; //生成next数组 getNext(needle,next); //匹配 int i=0; //haystack的游标 int j=0; //needle的游标 while(i<haystackSize&&j<patternSize){ if(j==-1||haystack[i]==needle[j]){ i++;j++; } else{ j=next[j]; } } delete next; if(j==patternSize)return haystack+i-j; return NULL; } };
LeetCode: Implement strStr() [027],布布扣,bubuko.com
LeetCode: Implement strStr() [027]
标签:c style class blog code tar