Question :
When we create a new production order type then using OPJH we assign a settlement profile. What is this settlement profile ?. What it contains. where I can see already created settlement profile.What is the use of the same.?
Go to SPRO -->Controlling-->Internal Orders-->Actual Postings-->Settlement--->Maintain Settlement Profiles
and read documentation there after that if any doubts then please come back with specific query.
An account assignment proposal must be maintained in the settlement profile (for example, cost center, profitability segment)
The receiver object must already exist on the database (for example, a service order is created with Transaction "Create sales order"; the service order should settle to the SD order).
What is this settlement profile
Settlement Profile is nothing but a group of control parameters for production order settlement for cost /control of the product .Basically, it determines
1.Whether you want periodic settlement or full settlement ??
2.What is the distribution Rule
3.What is the allocation structure
4.What is the settlement receivers
Now , this has to be created: SPRO > Controlling > Product Cost Controlling > Product cost by Order > Period End Closing > Settlement > Create Settlement Profile .
At the same time , as system cannot maintain the settlement parameters during settlement to a receiver, this settlement profile should be assinged in the order type in OPJH -Maintain Production Order Type .
Settlement Profile in Production Order