import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Stack; public class BinaryTree { private char root; private BinaryTree left; private BinaryTree right; private int height; /* * Internal a binaryTree by one element * * @param element the required */ BinaryTree(char element) { this(element, null, null); } /* * Internal a binaryTree by three element * * @param element the root element * * @param lt the left subtree * * @param rt the right subtree */ BinaryTree(char element, BinaryTree lt, BinaryTree rt) { root = element; left = lt; right = rt; } /* * Internal the method to insert into a binaryTree * * @param element the insert element * * @param bt the tree needed to insert */ private BinaryTree insert(char element, BinaryTree bt) { if (bt == null) return new BinaryTree(element); int compareResult = element - bt.root; if (compareResult > 0) { bt.right = insert(element, bt.right); } if (compareResult < 0) { bt.left = insert(element, bt.left); } else ; bt.height = Math.max(height(bt.left), height(bt.right)) + 1; return bt; } /* * Return the height of node t, or -1, if null. */ private int height(BinaryTree t) { return t == null ? -1 : t.height; } private void PreTravel(BinaryTree k1)// travel a tree by pre-order { if (k1 == null) return; else { System.out.print(k1.root); PreTravel(k1.left); PreTravel(k1.right); } } private void MidTravel(BinaryTree k1)// travel a tree by mid-order { if (k1 == null) return; else { MidTravel(k1.left); System.out.print(k1.root); MidTravel(k1.right); } } private void SufTravel(BinaryTree k1)// travel a tree by suf-order { if (k1 == null) return; else { SufTravel(k1.left); SufTravel(k1.right); System.out.print(k1.root); } } /* * Internal method to travel a tree without recursion * * @param k1 the tree to be traveled */ private void PreSTravel(BinaryTree k1) { Stack<BinaryTree> s = new Stack<BinaryTree>(); if (k1 == null) return; else { System.out.print(k1.root); s.push(k1.right); s.push(k1.left); } while (!s.empty()) { BinaryTree bt = s.pop(); if (bt != null) { System.out.print(bt.root); s.push(bt.right); s.push(bt.left); } } } /* * Internal method to travel a tree by cursion in mid * * @param k1 the tree to be traveled */ private void MidSTravel(BinaryTree k1) { Stack<BinaryTree> s = new Stack<BinaryTree>(); BinaryTree bt = k1; while (bt != null || !s.empty()) { while (bt != null) {//先把左子树都压入栈 s.push(bt); bt = bt.left; } if (!s.empty()) { bt = s.pop();//弹出栈顶 System.out.print(bt.root); bt = bt.right; } } } /* * Internal method to travel a tree without crusion in suf * * @param k1 the tree to be traveled */ private void SufSTravel(BinaryTree k1) {//后序遍历算法,先遍历当前节点的左孩子,右孩子,最后访问当前节点 Stack<BinaryTree> s = new Stack<BinaryTree>(); BinaryTree cur; BinaryTree pre = null; s.push(k1); while (!s.empty()) { cur = s.peek(); if ((cur.left == null && cur.right == null) //当前节点为叶子节点或者孩子节点都已经被访问过了 || (pre != null && (pre == cur.left || pre == cur.right))) { System.out.print(cur.root); //访问当前节点 s.pop(); pre = cur; //用来判断访问和下一次访问是否相同 } else {//如果不是,则将左孩子压入栈,去看左孩子是否有孩子或者是否遍历过 if (cur.right != null) s.push(cur.right); if (cur.left != null) s.push(cur.left); } } } /* * Internal the method to describe a tree * * @param bt the tree needed to be describe */ private void display(BinaryTree bt) { if (bt != null) { System.out.print(bt.root); if (bt.left != null) { System.out.print("("); display(bt.left); } if (bt.right != null) { System.out.print(","); display(bt.right); System.out.print(")"); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { String test = "749358"; // TODO Auto-generated method stub char ch = 0; try { ch = (char) System.in.read(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } BinaryTree bt = new BinaryTree(ch); try { ch = (char) System.in.read(); while (ch != ‘#‘) { bt.insert(ch, bt); ch = (char) System.in.read(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(bt.height); System.out.print("树的结构为: "); bt.display(bt); System.out.println(); System.out.print("前序遍历<递归>: "); bt.PreTravel(bt); System.out.println(); System.out.print("前序遍历<栈>: "); bt.PreSTravel(bt); System.out.println(); System.out.print("中序遍历<递归>: "); bt.MidTravel(bt); System.out.println(); System.out.print("中序遍历<栈>: "); bt.MidSTravel(bt); System.out.println(); System.out.print("后序遍历<递归>: "); bt.SufTravel(bt); System.out.println(); System.out.print("后序遍历<栈>: "); bt.SufSTravel(bt); } }