You’ll need to get the code into your template – either copy the code in or reference it with an include directive. Then declare an instance of the Manager class passing in some environmental options such as the desired default output path. (For Visual Studio 2010 remove the #v3.5 portion from the language attribute)
<#@ template language="C#v3.5" hostspecific="True" #><#@include file="Manager.ttinclude" #><# var manager = Manager.Create(Host, GenerationEnvironment); #>
Then add one line before and one line after each block which could be split out into it’s own file passing in what the filename would be if split. The EndBlock is optional if you want it to carry through to the next one :)
<# manager.StartNewFile("Employee.generated.cs"); #> public class Employee { … } <# manager.EndBlock(); #>
Many templates need to share a common header/footer for such things as comments or using/import statements or turning on/off warnings. Simply use StartHeader and StartFooter and the blocks will be emitted to the start and end of all split files as well as being left in the original output file.
<# manager.StartHeader(); #> // Code generated by a template using System; <# manager.EndBlock(); #>
At the end of the template call Process to handle splitting the files (true) or not (false). Anything not included in a specific StartNewFile block will remain in the original output file.
<# manager.Process(true); #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #><#@ assembly name="System.Data.Linq" #><#@ assembly name="EnvDTE" #><#@ assembly name="System.Xml" #><#@ assembly name="System.Xml.Linq" #><#@ import namespace="System" #><#@ import namespace="System.CodeDom" #><#@ import namespace="System.CodeDom.Compiler" #><#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #><#@ import namespace="System.Data.Linq" #><#@ import namespace="System.Data.Linq.Mapping" #><#@ import namespace="System.IO" #><#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #><#@ import namespace="System.Reflection" #><#@ import namespace="System.Text" #><#@ import namespace="System.Xml.Linq" #><#@ import namespace="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating" #><#+ // Manager class records the various blocks so it can split them up class Manager { private class Block { public String Name; public int Start, Length; } private Block currentBlock; private List<Block> files = new List<Block>(); private Block footer = new Block(); private Block header = new Block(); private ITextTemplatingEngineHost host; private StringBuilder template; protected List<String> generatedFileNames = new List<String>(); public static Manager Create(ITextTemplatingEngineHost host, StringBuilder template) { return (host is IServiceProvider) ? new VSManager(host, template) : new Manager(host, template); } public void StartNewFile(String name) { if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); CurrentBlock = new Block { Name = name }; } public void StartFooter() { CurrentBlock = footer; } public void StartHeader() { CurrentBlock = header; } public void EndBlock() { if (CurrentBlock == null) return; CurrentBlock.Length = template.Length - CurrentBlock.Start; if (CurrentBlock != header && CurrentBlock != footer) files.Add(CurrentBlock); currentBlock = null; } public virtual void Process(bool split) { if (split) { EndBlock(); String headerText = template.ToString(header.Start, header.Length); String footerText = template.ToString(footer.Start, footer.Length); String outputPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(host.TemplateFile); files.Reverse(); foreach(Block block in files) { String fileName = Path.Combine(outputPath, block.Name); String content = headerText + template.ToString(block.Start, block.Length) + footerText; generatedFileNames.Add(fileName); CreateFile(fileName, content); template.Remove(block.Start, block.Length); } } } protected virtual void CreateFile(String fileName, String content) { if (IsFileContentDifferent(fileName, content)) File.WriteAllText(fileName, content); } public virtual String GetCustomToolNamespace(String fileName) { return null; } public virtual String DefaultProjectNamespace { get { return null; } } protected bool IsFileContentDifferent(String fileName, String newContent) { return !(File.Exists(fileName) && File.ReadAllText(fileName) == newContent); } private Manager(ITextTemplatingEngineHost host, StringBuilder template) { this.host = host; this.template = template; } private Block CurrentBlock { get { return currentBlock; } set { if (CurrentBlock != null) EndBlock(); if (value != null) value.Start = template.Length; currentBlock = value; } } private class VSManager: Manager { private EnvDTE.ProjectItem templateProjectItem; private EnvDTE.DTE dte; private Action<String> checkOutAction; private Action<IEnumerable<String>> projectSyncAction; public override String DefaultProjectNamespace { get { return templateProjectItem.ContainingProject.Properties.Item("DefaultNamespace").Value.ToString(); } } public override String GetCustomToolNamespace(string fileName) { return dte.Solution.FindProjectItem(fileName).Properties.Item("CustomToolNamespace").Value.ToString(); } public override void Process(bool split) { if (templateProjectItem.ProjectItems == null) return; base.Process(split); projectSyncAction.EndInvoke(projectSyncAction.BeginInvoke(generatedFileNames, null, null)); } protected override void CreateFile(String fileName, String content) { if (IsFileContentDifferent(fileName, content)) { CheckoutFileIfRequired(fileName); File.WriteAllText(fileName, content); } } internal VSManager(ITextTemplatingEngineHost host, StringBuilder template) : base(host, template) { var hostServiceProvider = (IServiceProvider) host; if (hostServiceProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not obtain IServiceProvider"); dte = (EnvDTE.DTE) hostServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)); if (dte == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Could not obtain DTE from host"); templateProjectItem = dte.Solution.FindProjectItem(host.TemplateFile); checkOutAction = (String fileName) => dte.SourceControl.CheckOutItem(fileName); projectSyncAction = (IEnumerable<String> keepFileNames) => ProjectSync(templateProjectItem, keepFileNames); } private static void ProjectSync(EnvDTE.ProjectItem templateProjectItem, IEnumerable<String> keepFileNames) { var keepFileNameSet = new HashSet<String>(keepFileNames); var projectFiles = new Dictionary<String, EnvDTE.ProjectItem>(); var originalFilePrefix = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(templateProjectItem.get_FileNames(0)) + "."; foreach(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem in templateProjectItem.ProjectItems) projectFiles.Add(projectItem.get_FileNames(0), projectItem); // Remove unused items from the project foreach(var pair in projectFiles) if (!keepFileNames.Contains(pair.Key) && !(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pair.Key) + ".").StartsWith(
originalFilePrefix)) pair.Value.Delete(); // Add missing files to the project foreach(String fileName in keepFileNameSet) if (!projectFiles.ContainsKey(fileName)) templateProjectItem.ProjectItems.AddFromFile(fileName); } private void CheckoutFileIfRequired(String fileName) { var sc = dte.SourceControl; if (sc != null && sc.IsItemUnderSCC(fileName) && !sc.IsItemCheckedOut(fileName)) checkOutAction.EndInvoke(checkOutAction.BeginInvoke(fileName, null, null)); } } } #>
转 Multiple outputs from T4 made easy t4生成多文件