@(Pattern Discovery in Data Mining)
Pattern-mining will generate a large set of patterns/rules. However, not all the generated patterns/rules are interesting.
The interestingness
measures: Objective vs. subjective
* Objective interestingness measures
* Support, confidence, correlation, …
* Subjective interestingness measures: One man’s trash could be another man’s treasure
* Query-based: Relevant to a user’s particular request
* Against one’s knowledge-base: unexpected, freshness, timeliness
* Visualization tools: Multi-dimensional, interactive examination
An example of limitations:
Measure of dependent/correlated events: lift
Lift(B, C) may tell how B and C are correlated
Thus, B and C are negatively correlated since list < 1; But B and
Measure to test correlated events
General rules:
Use Imbalanced Ratio to measure the imbalance of two itemsets A and B in rule implications.