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标签:indexer   task   taskscheduler   生产者消费者   queue   


1. FIFO(先进先出)
3.Dynamic FIFO(我定义为:去掉相同数据的FIFO, 如果产生的数据队列里已经有相同数据,后进的数据优先级高)

4.Dynamic LIFO(我定义为:去掉相同数据的LIFO, 如果产生的数据栈里已经有相同数据,后进的数据优先级高)



public interface IScheduler : IEnumerable<Task >
        void Add (Task t);
        void Remove (Task t);

        int Count { get; }
        Task this [int index] { get; set ; }

    public class SchedulerEnumerator : IEnumerator< Task>
        private IScheduler _collection;
        private int _currentIndex;
        private Task _currentTask;

        public SchedulerEnumerator (IScheduler collection)
            _collection = collection ;
            _currentIndex = -1;
            _currentTask = default (Task);

        public bool MoveNext()
            //Avoids going beyond the end of the collection.
            if (++_currentIndex >= _collection. Count)
                return false ;
                // Set current box to next item in collection.
                _currentTask = _collection [_currentIndex];
            return true ;

        public void Reset() { _currentIndex = -1; }

        void IDisposable .Dispose() { }

        public Task Current
            get { return _currentTask; }

        object IEnumerator .Current
            get { return Current; }


 public class TaskSchedulerBase <T> : TaskScheduler
        where T : IScheduler , new ()

        private Thread _processThread;
        private readonly object _lock = new object ();

        public TaskSchedulerBase()
            _processThread = new Thread (this.Process);

        private void Process()
            lock (_lock)
                var tasks = GetScheduledTasks();
                if (null != tasks)
                    foreach (var t in tasks)


        protected override void QueueTask( Task task)
            lock (_lock)

                if (_processThread.ThreadState.Equals(ThreadState .Stopped))
                    _processThread = new Thread (Process);

                if (!_processThread.IsAlive
                    && !_processThread.ThreadState.Equals( ThreadState.Running))
                    catch (System.Exception )
                        if (!_processThread.ThreadState.Equals(ThreadState .Running))
                            _processThread = new Thread (Process);

        protected override bool TryDequeue( Task task)

            return true ;

        protected override IEnumerable< Task> GetScheduledTasks()
            return Scheduler.ToArray();

        protected override bool TryExecuteTaskInline( Task task, bool taskWasPreviouslyQueued)
            if (taskWasPreviouslyQueued)
                if (TryDequeue(task))
                    return base .TryExecuteTask(task);
                    return false ;
                return base .TryExecuteTask(task);

        private readonly T _scheduler = new T();
        public T Scheduler
                return _scheduler;

 public class QueueScheduler : IScheduler
        protected Queue <Task> _queue;

        public QueueScheduler ()
            _queue = new Queue< Task>();

        public void Add( Task t )
            if (!Contains (t))
                _queue.Enqueue (t);

        public void Remove( Task t )
            _queue.Dequeue ();

        public bool Contains( Task t )
            bool found = false;

            foreach (var task in _queue )
                if (t .AsyncState != null && t .AsyncState. Equals(task .AsyncState))
                    found = true ;

            return found ;

        public bool Contains( Task t , EqualityComparer< Task> comp )
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public IEnumerator <Task> GetEnumerator()
            return new SchedulerEnumerator( this);

        IEnumerator IEnumerable .GetEnumerator()
            return new SchedulerEnumerator( this);

        public int Count
            get { return _queue. Count; }

        public Task this[ int index]
            get { return (Task) _queue.ToArray ()[index]; }
            set { _queue .ToArray()[index] = value; }

public class StackScheduler : IScheduler
        protected Stack <Task> _stack;

        public StackScheduler ()
            _stack = new Stack< Task>();

        public void Add( Task t )
            if (!Contains (t))
                _stack.Push (t);

        public void Remove( Task t )
            _stack.Pop ();

        public bool Contains( Task t )
            bool found = false;

            foreach (var task in _stack )
                if (t .AsyncState != null && t .AsyncState. Equals(task .AsyncState))
                    found = true ;

            return found ;

        public bool Contains( Task t , EqualityComparer< Task> comp )
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public IEnumerator <Task> GetEnumerator()
            return new SchedulerEnumerator( this);

        IEnumerator IEnumerable .GetEnumerator()
            return new SchedulerEnumerator( this);

        public int Count
            get { return _stack. Count; }

        public Task this[ int index]
            get { return (Task) _stack.ToArray ()[index]; }
            set { _stack .ToArray()[index] = value; }

     3.Dynamic FIFO

public class DynamicQueueScheduler : IScheduler
        protected List <Task> _queue;

        public DynamicQueueScheduler ()
            _queue = new List< Task>();

        public virtual void Add(Task t)
            Task oldTask = null;
            if (Contains (t, out oldTask ))
                _queue.Remove (oldTask);
            _queue.Add (t);

        public virtual void Remove(Task t)
            _queue.Remove (t);

        public virtual bool Contains(Task t)
            Task oldTask = null;
            bool found = Contains( t, out oldTask);
            return found ;

        public virtual bool Contains(Task t, out Task oldTask)
            bool found = false;
            oldTask = null ;

            foreach (var task in _queue )
                if (t .AsyncState != null && t .AsyncState. Equals(task .AsyncState))
                    oldTask = task ;
                    found = true ;


            return found ;

        public virtual bool Contains(Task t, EqualityComparer<Task > comp)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public IEnumerator <Task> GetEnumerator()
            return new SchedulerEnumerator( this);

        IEnumerator IEnumerable .GetEnumerator()
            return new SchedulerEnumerator( this);

        public int Count
            get { return _queue. Count; }

        public Task this[ int index]
            get { return (Task) _queue[index]; }
            set { _queue [index] = value; }

     4.Dynamic LIFO
 public class DynamicStackScheduler : IScheduler
        protected List <Task> _queue;

        public DynamicStackScheduler ()
            _queue = new List< Task>();

        public void Add( Task t )
            Task oldTask = null;
            if (Contains (t, out oldTask ))
                _queue.Remove (oldTask);
            _queue.Insert (0,t);

        public void Remove( Task t )
            _queue.Remove (t);

        public bool Contains( Task t )
            Task oldTask = null;
            bool found = Contains( t, out oldTask);
            return found ;

        public bool Contains( Task t , out Task oldTask )
            bool found = false;
            oldTask = null ;

            foreach (var task in _queue )
                if (t .AsyncState != null && t .AsyncState. Equals(task .AsyncState))
                    oldTask = task ;
                    found = true ;


            return found ;

        public bool Contains( Task t , EqualityComparer< Task> comp )
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public IEnumerator <Task> GetEnumerator()
            return new SchedulerEnumerator( this);

        IEnumerator IEnumerable .GetEnumerator()
            return new SchedulerEnumerator( this);

        public int Count
            get { return _queue. Count; }

        public Task this[ int index]
            get { return (Task) _queue[index]; }
            set { _queue [index] = value; }

  class Program
        static Queue <int> _queue = new Queue< int>();

        //static TaskFactory _factory = new TaskFactory(new TaskSchedulerBase<QueueScheduler>());
        //static TaskFactory _factory = new TaskFactory(new TaskSchedulerBase<StackScheduler>());
        //static TaskFactory _factory = new TaskFactory(new TaskSchedulerBase<DynamicQueueScheduler>());
        //static TaskFactory _factory = new TaskFactory(new TaskSchedulerBase<DynamicStackScheduler>());
        static TaskFactory _factory = new TaskFactory (new TaskSchedulerBase<DynamicQueueScheduler >());
        static void Main( string[] args )
            var thread1 = new Thread(Producer );
            var thread2 = new Thread(Consumer );

            thread1.Start ();
            thread2.Start ();

            Console.ReadKey ();

        static void Producer()
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i ++)
                _queue.Enqueue (i);

            _queue.Enqueue (3);
            _queue.Enqueue (2);

        static void Consumer()
            while (true )
                if (_queue .Count > 0)
                    foreach (var i in _queue )
                        _factory.StartNew ((s) =>
                            Console.Write ("{0} on thread {1} {2}\n", s, Thread.CurrentThread .ManagedThreadId,
                                          DateTime.Now .ToLongTimeString());
                        }, i);

                    _queue.Clear ();
                    Thread.Sleep (1);



标签:indexer   task   taskscheduler   生产者消费者   queue   


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