An interactive learning document is a kind of playground that lets the reader interact with code mixed with rich HTML content. Its file format is a package that contains Swift source code, HTML content, assets such as CSS and images, and a manifest file.
For example, the directory structure of an example document is as follows:
My Example.playground
The manifest is an XML file named contents.xcplayground
at the top level of the package. Example contents.xcplayground file
shows the manifest file for an example playground.
Listing 2-1 Example contents.xcplayground file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> |
<playground version=‘3.0‘ sdk=‘macosx‘ allows-reset=‘YES‘> |
<sections> |
<code source-file-name=‘section-1.swift‘/> |
<documentation relative-path=‘section-2.html‘/> |
<code source-file-name=‘section-3.swift‘/> |
<documentation relative-path=‘section-4.html‘/> |
</sections> |
<timeline fileName=‘timeline.xctimeline‘/> |
</playground> |
The manifest contains the XML elements described below.
Root element of the XML file.
Contains one sections
element and one timeline
Required. File format version. Use 3.0
as the value.
Important: Always check the version number. The interactive learning document file format is expected to continue to evolve. Future versions of this file format might have different elements, attributes, or structure.
Required. SDK used by the playground. Use macosx
for OS X or iphonesimulator
for iOS—Xcode always uses most recent version of the selected SDK.
Indicates whether users can edit the playground and then reset it to its original state. Use yes
to enable resetting or no
(the default).
If resetting is enabled, when the user edits a playground, Xcode saves a copy of the original source code files at the top level of the package, adding the suffix -original
to their filenames. These original files do not appear in the manifest and shouldn’t be edited.
List of the sections of the document.
Contains documentation
and code
HTML documentation section.
Each HTMS documentation section is rendered in its own web view. This means, for example, that JavaScript running in one section can access the DOM structure of only that some section.
Required. Path to the HTML file relative to the Documentation folder at the top level of the package.
All HTML files and resources such as images and CSS files that are used by the those files are stored in the Documentation folder. You can organize the Documentation folder with subfolders.
Swift source code section.
The file names of code sections are not guaranteed to be preserved after the user edits the document in Xcode.
Required. File name of the Swift source file.
All Swift source files are stored at the top level of the package.
Assets such as images and input data that are used by the Swift code are stored in the Resources folder at the top level of the package.
Display style for the code fragment.
To display the code in a disclosable region, use setup
as the value.
Xcode timeline information. This element and the file it refers to are populated by Xcode based on the items in the playground’s timeline, and shouldn’t be edited by hand.
Interactive Learning Document Format Reference