create git space git init set the local cofig git config --global user.name "xx" git config --global user.email "xx@hotmail.com" set the remote url git remote add origin https://git.oschina.net/xx/aaa.git download file: git fetch create the local branch to link to the remote branch: git checkout -b master origin/master add new file: git add fileName git commit …… git push…… modify the loacl file and reupload: git diff git commit -a -m"decription" git push origin master download file : git fetch origin git merge origin/master check the modified log git log -p create a new branch: git branch testing switch to branch: git checkout testing create and switch to a new branch: git checkout -b testing merge the branch: git checkout master git merge testing delete a merged branch: git branch -d testing list all the branches: git branch -v list all the unmerged branches: git branch --no-merged暂时先整理了如上,希望对大家有帮助!