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Connecting Devices Wirelessly 无线设备连接

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Using Network Service Discovery

Creating P2P Connections with Wi-Fi

Using Wi-Fi P2P for Service Discovery




Using Network Service Discovery


Register Your Service on the Network

public void initializeRegistrationListener() {
    mRegistrationListener = new NsdManager.RegistrationListener() {

        public void onServiceRegistered(NsdServiceInfo NsdServiceInfo) {
            // Save the service name.  Android may have changed it in order to
            // resolve a conflict, so update the name you initially requested
            // with the name Android actually used.
            mServiceName = NsdServiceInfo.getServiceName();

        public void onRegistrationFailed(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo, int errorCode) {
            // Registration failed!  Put debugging code here to determine why.

        public void onServiceUnregistered(NsdServiceInfo arg0) {
            // Service has been unregistered.  This only happens when you call
            // NsdManager.unregisterService() and pass in this listener.

        public void onUnregistrationFailed(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo, int errorCode) {
            // Unregistration failed.  Put debugging code here to determine why.
public void registerService(int port) {
    NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo  = new NsdServiceInfo();

    mNsdManager = Context.getSystemService(Context.NSD_SERVICE);

            serviceInfo, NsdManager.PROTOCOL_DNS_SD, mRegistrationListener);

Discover Services on the Network

public void initializeDiscoveryListener() {

    // Instantiate a new DiscoveryListener
    mDiscoveryListener = new NsdManager.DiscoveryListener() {

        //  Called as soon as service discovery begins.
        public void onDiscoveryStarted(String regType) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Service discovery started");

        public void onServiceFound(NsdServiceInfo service) {
            // A service was found!  Do something with it.
            Log.d(TAG, "Service discovery success" + service);
            if (!service.getServiceType().equals(SERVICE_TYPE)) {
                // Service type is the string containing the protocol and
                // transport layer for this service.
                Log.d(TAG, "Unknown Service Type: " + service.getServiceType());
            } else if (service.getServiceName().equals(mServiceName)) {
                // The name of the service tells the user what they‘d be
                // connecting to. It could be "Bob‘s Chat App".
                Log.d(TAG, "Same machine: " + mServiceName);
            } else if (service.getServiceName().contains("NsdChat")){
                mNsdManager.resolveService(service, mResolveListener);

        public void onServiceLost(NsdServiceInfo service) {
            // When the network service is no longer available.
            // Internal bookkeeping code goes here.
            Log.e(TAG, "service lost" + service);

        public void onDiscoveryStopped(String serviceType) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Discovery stopped: " + serviceType);

        public void onStartDiscoveryFailed(String serviceType, int errorCode) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Discovery failed: Error code:" + errorCode);

        public void onStopDiscoveryFailed(String serviceType, int errorCode) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Discovery failed: Error code:" + errorCode);
        SERVICE_TYPE, NsdManager.PROTOCOL_DNS_SD, mDiscoveryListener);

Connect to Services on the Network

public void initializeResolveListener() {
    mResolveListener = new NsdManager.ResolveListener() {

        public void onResolveFailed(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo, int errorCode) {
            // Called when the resolve fails.  Use the error code to debug.
            Log.e(TAG, "Resolve failed" + errorCode);

        public void onServiceResolved(NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Resolve Succeeded. " + serviceInfo);

            if (serviceInfo.getServiceName().equals(mServiceName)) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Same IP.");
            mService = serviceInfo;
            int port = mService.getPort();
            InetAddress host = mService.getHost();

Unregister Your Service on Application Close

//In your application‘s Activity

    protected void onPause() {
        if (mNsdHelper != null) {

    protected void onResume() {
        if (mNsdHelper != null) {

    protected void onDestroy() {

    // NsdHelper‘s tearDown method
        public void tearDown() {

Creating P2P Connections with Wi-Fi


Set Up a Broadcast Receiver and Peer-to-Peer Manager

private final IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    //  Indicates a change in the Wi-Fi P2P status.

    // Indicates a change in the list of available peers.

    // Indicates the state of Wi-Fi P2P connectivity has changed.

    // Indicates this device‘s details have changed.


Channel mChannel;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mManager = (WifiP2pManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_P2P_SERVICE);
    mChannel = mManager.initialize(this, getMainLooper(), null);

BroadcastReceiver class

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        String action = intent.getAction();
        if (WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) {
            // Determine if Wifi P2P mode is enabled or not, alert
            // the Activity.
            int state = intent.getIntExtra(WifiP2pManager.EXTRA_WIFI_STATE, -1);
            if (state == WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_STATE_ENABLED) {
            } else {
        } else if (WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_PEERS_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) {

            // The peer list has changed!  We should probably do something about
            // that.

        } else if (WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) {

            // Connection state changed!  We should probably do something about
            // that.

        } else if (WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_THIS_DEVICE_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) {
            DeviceListFragment fragment = (DeviceListFragment) activity.getFragmentManager()
            fragment.updateThisDevice((WifiP2pDevice) intent.getParcelableExtra(



Initiate Peer Discovery

mManager.discoverPeers(mChannel, new WifiP2pManager.ActionListener() {

        public void onSuccess() {
            // Code for when the discovery initiation is successful goes here.
            // No services have actually been discovered yet, so this method
            // can often be left blank.  Code for peer discovery goes in the
            // onReceive method, detailed below.

        public void onFailure(int reasonCode) {
            // Code for when the discovery initiation fails goes here.
            // Alert the user that something went wrong.

Fetch the List of Peers

    private List peers = new ArrayList();

    private PeerListListener peerListListener = new PeerListListener() {
        public void onPeersAvailable(WifiP2pDeviceList peerList) {

            // Out with the old, in with the new.

            // If an AdapterView is backed by this data, notify it
            // of the change.  For instance, if you have a ListView of available
            // peers, trigger an update.
            ((WiFiPeerListAdapter) getListAdapter()).notifyDataSetChanged();
            if (peers.size() == 0) {
                Log.d(WiFiDirectActivity.TAG, "No devices found");
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    else if (WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_PEERS_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) {

        // Request available peers from the wifi p2p manager. This is an
        // asynchronous call and the calling activity is notified with a
        // callback on PeerListListener.onPeersAvailable()
        if (mManager != null) {
            mManager.requestPeers(mChannel, peerListListener);
        Log.d(WiFiDirectActivity.TAG, "P2P peers changed");

Connect to a Peer

    public void connect() {
        // Picking the first device found on the network.
        WifiP2pDevice device = peers.get(0);

        WifiP2pConfig config = new WifiP2pConfig();
        config.deviceAddress = device.deviceAddress;
        config.wps.setup = WpsInfo.PBC;

        mManager.connect(mChannel, config, new ActionListener() {

            public void onSuccess() {
                // WiFiDirectBroadcastReceiver will notify us. Ignore for now.

            public void onFailure(int reason) {
                Toast.makeText(WiFiDirectActivity.this, "Connect failed. Retry.",


    public void onConnectionInfoAvailable(final WifiP2pInfo info) {

        // InetAddress from WifiP2pInfo struct.
        InetAddress groupOwnerAddress = info.groupOwnerAddress.getHostAddress());

        // After the group negotiation, we can determine the group owner.
        if (info.groupFormed && info.isGroupOwner) {
            // Do whatever tasks are specific to the group owner.
            // One common case is creating a server thread and accepting
            // incoming connections.
        } else if (info.groupFormed) {
            // The other device acts as the client. In this case,
            // you‘ll want to create a client thread that connects to the group
            // owner.
        } else if (WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) {

            if (mManager == null) {

            NetworkInfo networkInfo = (NetworkInfo) intent

            if (networkInfo.isConnected()) {

                // We are connected with the other device, request connection
                // info to find group owner IP

                mManager.requestConnectionInfo(mChannel, connectionListener);

Using Wi-Fi P2P for Service Discovery

Add a Local Service

 private void startRegistration() {
        //  Create a string map containing information about your service.
        Map record = new HashMap();
        record.put("listenport", String.valueOf(SERVER_PORT));
        record.put("buddyname", "John Doe" + (int) (Math.random() * 1000));
        record.put("available", "visible");

        // Service information.  Pass it an instance name, service type
        // _protocol._transportlayer , and the map containing
        // information other devices will want once they connect to this one.
        WifiP2pDnsSdServiceInfo serviceInfo =
                WifiP2pDnsSdServiceInfo.newInstance("_test", "_presence._tcp", record);

        // Add the local service, sending the service info, network channel,
        // and listener that will be used to indicate success or failure of
        // the request.
        mManager.addLocalService(channel, serviceInfo, new ActionListener() {
            public void onSuccess() {
                // Command successful! Code isn‘t necessarily needed here,
                // Unless you want to update the UI or add logging statements.

            public void onFailure(int arg0) {
                // Command failed.  Check for P2P_UNSUPPORTED, ERROR, or BUSY

Discover Nearby Services

final HashMap<String, String> buddies = new HashMap<String, String>();
private void discoverService() {
    DnsSdTxtRecordListener txtListener = new DnsSdTxtRecordListener() {
        /* Callback includes:
         * fullDomain: full domain name: e.g "printer._ipp._tcp.local."
         * record: TXT record dta as a map of key/value pairs.
         * device: The device running the advertised service.

        public void onDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable(
                String fullDomain, Map record, WifiP2pDevice device) {
                Log.d(TAG, "DnsSdTxtRecord available -" + record.toString());
                buddies.put(device.deviceAddress, record.get("buddyname"));

To get the service information, create a WifiP2pManager.DnsSdServiceResponseListener.

private void discoverService() {

    DnsSdServiceResponseListener servListener = new DnsSdServiceResponseListener() {
        public void onDnsSdServiceAvailable(String instanceName, String registrationType,
                WifiP2pDevice resourceType) {

                // Update the device name with the human-friendly version from
                // the DnsTxtRecord, assuming one arrived.
                resourceType.deviceName = buddies
                        .containsKey(resourceType.deviceAddress) ? buddies
                        .get(resourceType.deviceAddress) : resourceType.deviceName;

                // Add to the custom adapter defined specifically for showing
                // wifi devices.
                WiFiDirectServicesList fragment = (WiFiDirectServicesList) getFragmentManager()
                WiFiDevicesAdapter adapter = ((WiFiDevicesAdapter) fragment

                Log.d(TAG, "onBonjourServiceAvailable " + instanceName);

    mManager.setDnsSdResponseListeners(channel, servListener, txtListener);


Connecting Devices Wirelessly 无线设备连接



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