The UML provides a language for structural things, behavioral things, grouping things, and notational things. These four basic kinds of things address the overwhelming majority of the systems you’ll need to model. However, sometimes you’ll want to introduce new things that speak the vocabulary of your domain and look like primitive building blocks.
A stereotype is not the same as a parent class in a parent/child generalization relationship. Rather, you can think of a stereotype as a metatype (a type that defines other types), because each one creates the equivalent of a new class in the UML’s metamodel. For example, if you are modeling a business process, you’ll want to introduce things like workers, documents, and policies. Similarly, if you are following a development process, such as the Rational Unified Process, you’ll want to model using boundary, control, and entity classes. This is where the real value of stereotypes comes in. When you stereotype an element such as a node or a class, you are in effect extending the UML by creating a new building block just like an existing one but with its own special modeling properties (each stereotype may provide its own set of tagged values), semantics (each stereotype may provide its own constraints), and notation (each stereotype may provide its own icon).
In its simplest form, a stereotype is rendered as a name enclosed by guillemets (for example, ?name? ) and placed above the name of another element. As a visual cue, you may define an icon for the stereotype and render that icon to the right of the name (if you are using the basic notation for the element) or use that icon as the basic symbol for the stereotyped item. All three of these approaches are illustrated in Figure 6-5.
在它的最简单的形式里,一个模式化被表现为由尖括号包含起来的一个名称(如,《名称》),被置于另一个元件名称之上.作为图形标识(如图6-5 a),你可能为模式化定义一个图标,放在那个代表元件名称的右边(如果你为这元件使用了基本的标记,如图6-5 b)或是使用那个图标作为模式化项目的基本符号(如图6-5 c).
Note: When you define an icon for a stereotype, consider using color as an accent to provide a subtle visual cue (but use color sparingly). The UML lets you use any shape for such icons, and if your implementation permits it, these icons might appear as primitive tools so that users who create UML diagrams will have a palette of things that look basic to them and speak the vocabulary of their domain.
Tagged Values
Every thing in the UML has its own set of properties: classes have names, attributes, and operations; associations have names and two or more ends, each with its own properties; and so on. With stereotypes, you can add new things to the UML; with tagged values, you can add new properties to a stereotype.
You define tags that apply to individual stereotypes so that everything with that stereotype has that tagged value. A tagged value is not the same as a class attribute. Rather, you can think of a tagged value as meta-data because its value applies to the element specification, not to its instances. For example, as Figure 6-6 shows, you can specify the required capacity of a server class or require that only one kind of server be used in a given system.
Tagged values are placed in a note attached to the affected element, as shown in Figure 6-7. Each tagged value comprises a string that includes a name (the tag), a separator (the symbol =), and a value(of the tag).
Note: One of the most common uses of tagged values is to specify properties that are relevant to code generation or configuration management. For example, you can use tagged values to specify the programming language to which you map a particular class. Similarly, you can use tagged values to specify the author and version of a component.