#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 9+3; const int LENGTH = 9; const int COUNTPOS = 12; // the first param means it‘s in the ith row or column or rec, the second param means the exact num int visRow[ MAXN ][ MAXN ]; // the row nums int visCol[ MAXN ][ MAXN ]; // the colomn nums int visRec[ MAXN ][ MAXN ][ MAXN ]; // the rectangle nums const int EXIST = 1; const int NOTEXSIT = 0; const int UNKNOW = -1; int sudoku[MAXN][MAXN]; int counter = 0; inline int CharToInt( int c ) { if( c==‘?‘ ) { return UNKNOW; } else { return c-‘0‘; } } void PrintSudoKu( ) { int i, j; for( i=0; i<9; i++ ) { printf( "%d", sudoku[i][0] ); for( j=1; j<9; j++ ) { printf( " %d", sudoku[i][j] ); } printf("\n"); } } void MakeVis() { memset( visCol, NOTEXSIT, sizeof(visCol) ); memset( visRow, NOTEXSIT, sizeof(visRow) ); memset( visRec, NOTEXSIT, sizeof(visRec) ); int i, j; for( i=0; i<LENGTH; i++ ) { for( j=0; j<LENGTH; j++ ) { if( sudoku[i][j] != UNKNOW ) { visRow[i][ sudoku[i][j] ] = EXIST; visRow[i][ COUNTPOS ] ++; visCol[j][ sudoku[i][j] ] = EXIST; visCol[j][ COUNTPOS ] ++; visRec[ i/3 ][ j/3 ][ sudoku[i][j] ] = EXIST; visRec[ i/3 ][ j/3 ][ COUNTPOS ] ++; counter ++; } } } } void GetPos( int *x, int *y ); void Dfs( int x, int y ); int main() { char c; int konghang = 0; while( cin >> c ) { sudoku[0][0] = CharToInt(c); if( konghang != 0 ) { cout << endl; } konghang = 1; int i, j; for( i=1; i<9; i++ ) { cin >> c; sudoku[0][i] = CharToInt( c ); } for( i=1; i<9; i++ ) { //getchar(); cin >> c; sudoku[i][0] = CharToInt( c ); for( j=1; j<9; j++ ) { cin >> c; sudoku[i][j] = CharToInt( c ); } } counter = 0; MakeVis(); int x ,y; GetPos( &x, &y ); Dfs( x, y ); PrintSudoKu(); } return 0; } void GetPos( int *x, int *y ) { /*int i, temp = -1; for( i=0; i<LENGTH; i++ ) { if( temp<visRow[i][COUNTPOS] && visRow[i][COUNTPOS]!=LENGTH ) { temp = visRow[i][COUNTPOS]; *x = i; } } for( i=*x; i<LENGTH; i++ ) { if( sudoku[*x][i]==UNKNOW ) { *y = i; return ; } }*/ for( int i=0; i<9;i++ ) { for( int j=0; j<9; j++ ) { if( sudoku[i][j]==UNKNOW ) { *x = i; *y = j; return ; } } } } void GetDfsPos( int x, int y, int *tempx, int *tempy ); void Dfs( int x, int y ) { if( counter == LENGTH*LENGTH ) { return ; } int vis[10] = {0}; // which num isn‘t used int i; for( i=1; i<=9; i++ ) { if( visCol[y][i]!=NOTEXSIT ) vis[ i ] ++; if( visRow[x][i]!=NOTEXSIT ) vis[ i ] ++; if( visRec[x/3][y/3][i]!=NOTEXSIT ) vis[ i ] ++; } for( i=1; i<=9; i++ ) { if( vis[ i ]==0 ) { sudoku[x][y] = i; visCol[y][i] = EXIST; visRow[x][i] = EXIST; visRec[x/3][y/3][i] = EXIST; //visCol[y][COUNTPOS] ++; visRow[x][COUNTPOS] ++; visRec[x/3][y/3][COUNTPOS] ++; counter ++; int tempx, tempy; GetDfsPos( x, y, &tempx, &tempy ); Dfs( tempx, tempy ); if( counter == 81 ) { return ; } counter --; visCol[y][i] = NOTEXSIT; visRow[x][i] = NOTEXSIT; visRec[x/3][y/3][i] = NOTEXSIT; //visCol[y][COUNTPOS] --; visRow[x][COUNTPOS] --; visRec[x/3][y/3][COUNTPOS] --; sudoku[x][y] = UNKNOW; } } } void GetDfsPos( int x, int y, int *tempx, int *tempy ) { /*int tempCol = visCol[y][COUNTPOS]==9 ? -1 : visCol[y][COUNTPOS], tempRow = visRow[x][COUNTPOS]==9 ? -1 : visRow[x][COUNTPOS], tempRec = visRec[x/3][y/3][COUNTPOS]==9 ? -1 : visRec[x/3][y/3][COUNTPOS]; if( tempCol>=tempRow && tempCol>=tempRec ) { for( int i=0; i<9; i++ ) { if( sudoku[i][y]==UNKNOW ) { *tempx = i; *tempy = y; return ; } } } if( tempRow>=tempCol && tempRow>=tempRec ) { for( int i=0; i<9; i++ ) { if( sudoku[x][i]==UNKNOW ) { *tempx = x; *tempy = i; return ; } } } for( int i= (x/3)*3; i<=(x/3)*3+2; i++ ) { for( int j= (y/3)*3; j<=(y/3)*3+2; j++ ) { if( sudoku[i][j]==UNKNOW ) { *tempx = i; *tempy = j; return ; } } }*/ for( int i=0; i<9;i++ ) { for( int j=0; j<9; j++ ) { if( sudoku[i][j]==UNKNOW ) { *tempx = i; *tempy = j; return ; } } } }