#include <iostream> const double * f1(const double ar[],int); const double * f2(const double [],int); const double * f3(const double *,int); int main(){ using namespace std; double av[3]={1112.3,1542.6,2227.6}; //指针函数 const double* (*p1)(const double *,int)=f1;//一个指向函数的指针,其中这个函数返回const double*类型,参数是const double * auto p2=f2;//两个等价 cout<<"using pointers to fuctions:\n"; cout<<"address value\n"; cout<<(*p1)(av,3)<<":"<<*(*p1)(av,3)<<endl; cout<<p2(av,3)<<":"<<*p2(av,3)<<endl; //函数指针数组的指针 const double* (*pa[3])(const double [],int)={f1,f2,f3}; cout<<"\nUsing an array of pointers\n"; cout<<"address value\n"; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { cout<<pa[i](av,3)<<":"<<*pa[i](av,3)<<endl; } //指向函数指针的指针 cout<<"\nUsing a pointer to pointers\n"; cout<<"address value\n"; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { cout<<pa[i](av,3)<<":"<<*pa[i](av,3)<<endl; //一个指向函数指针数组的指针 cout<<"\nUsing a pointer to array of pointers\n"; cout<<"address value\n"; //auto pc=&pa; const double * (*(*pc)[3])(const double [],int)=&pa; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) cout<<(*pc)[i](av,3)<<":"<<*((*pc)[i](av,3))<<endl; } } const double * f1(const double ar[],int n){ return ar; } const double * f2(const double ar[],int){ return ar+1; } const double * f3(const double *ar,int){ return ar+2; }