//此Smith-Waterman 算法分别用mpi与openmp实现是没问题的,但是两个混合编程的时候就会出各种问题,希望懂的能够给指条明路。。。万分感谢
#include <omp.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <mpi.h> /*File pointers*/ FILE *ptr_file_1, *ptr_file_2,*ptr_file_3; //test file pointers /*Definitions*/ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define Match 1 #define MissMatch -1 #define GapPenalty 2 #define MAXLEN 20 /*Global Variables*/ char inputC[5]; //user input character int inputI; int StrLen1,StrLen2; int intcheck = TRUE; char holder, ch; int filelen1 = 0; int filelen2 = 0; int filelen3 = 0; int i,j,k,l,m,n,lenA,lenB,compval,top,left,left_top,rows,columns,contrl; char FASTA1[MAXLEN],FASTA2[MAXLEN]; char dash = '-'; char strA[MAXLEN]; //holds 1st string to be aligned in character array char strB[MAXLEN]; //holds 2nd string to be aligned in character array int HiScore; //holds value of highest scoring alignment(s). int HiScorePos[2]; //holds the position of the HiScore int SWArray[MAXLEN][MAXLEN]; //S-W Matrix char MaxA[MAXLEN]; char MaxB[MAXLEN]; char OptA[MAXLEN]; char OptB[MAXLEN]; int MaxAcounter = 1; //MaxA counter int MaxBcounter = 1; //MaxB counter int cont = TRUE; int check; int rank,size; MPI_Status status; int buff[3]; /*ALIGNMENT FUNCTION*/ int Align(int PosA,int PosB) { /*Function Variables*/ int relmax = -1; //hold highest value in sub columns and rows int relmaxpos[2]; //holds position of relmax if(SWArray[PosA-1][PosB-1] == 0) { cont = FALSE; } while(cont == TRUE) { //until the diagonal of the current cell has a value of zero /*Find relmax in sub columns and rows*/ for(i=PosA; i>0; --i) { if(relmax < SWArray[i-1][PosB-1]) { relmax = SWArray[i-1][PosB-1]; relmaxpos[0] = i-1; relmaxpos[1] = PosB-1; } } for(j=PosB; j>0; --j) { if(relmax < SWArray[PosA-1][j-1]) { relmax = SWArray[PosA-1][j-1]; relmaxpos[0]=PosA-1; relmaxpos[1]=j-1; } } /*Align strings to relmax*/ if((relmaxpos[0] == PosA-1) && (relmaxpos[1] == PosB-1)) { //if relmax position is diagonal from current position simply align and increment counters MaxA[MaxAcounter] = strA[relmaxpos[0]-1]; ++MaxAcounter; MaxB[MaxBcounter] = strB[relmaxpos[1]-1]; ++MaxBcounter; } else { if((relmaxpos[1] == PosB-1) && (relmaxpos[0] != PosA-1)) { //maxB needs at least one '-' for(i=PosA-1; i>relmaxpos[0]-1; --i) { //for all elements of strA between PosA and relmaxpos[0] MaxA[MaxAcounter]= strA[i-1]; ++MaxAcounter; } for(j=PosA-1; j>relmaxpos[0]; --j) { //set dashes to MaxB up to relmax MaxB[MaxBcounter] = dash; ++MaxBcounter; } MaxB[MaxBcounter] = strB[relmaxpos[1]-1]; //at relmax set pertinent strB value to MaxB ++MaxBcounter; } if((relmaxpos[0] == PosA-1) && (relmaxpos[1] != PosB-1)) { //MaxA needs at least one '-' for(j=PosB-1; j>relmaxpos[1]-1; --j) { //for all elements of strB between PosB and relmaxpos[1] MaxB[MaxBcounter] = strB[j-1]; ++MaxBcounter; } for(i=PosB-1; i>relmaxpos[1]; --i) { //set dashes to strA MaxA[MaxAcounter] = dash; ++MaxAcounter; } MaxA[MaxAcounter] = strA[relmaxpos[0]-1]; ++MaxAcounter; } } //printf("(%i,%i)",relmaxpos[0],relmaxpos[1]); Align(relmaxpos[0],relmaxpos[1]); } return(cont); } int SWMax(int num1,int num2,int num3) { int max=-1; if(num1>num2) { max = num1; } else if(num2>num3) { max = num2; }else { max =num3; } return max; } /*MAIN FUNCTIONS*/ int main(int argc,char ** argv) { MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);//MPI初始化 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&rank);//得到当前进程标识 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&size);//总的进程个数 printf("size=%d\n",size); /*open first file*/ ptr_file_1 = fopen("d:/mpi/str1.fa", "r"); /*check to see if it opened okay*/ if(ptr_file_1 == NULL) { printf("Error opening 'str1.fa'\n"); system("PAUSE"); exit(8); } /*open second file*/ ptr_file_2 = fopen("d:/mpi/str2.fa", "r"); /*check to see if it opened okay*/ if(ptr_file_2 == NULL) { printf("Error opening 'str2.fa'\n"); system("PAUSE"); exit(8); } /*measure file1 length*/ while(holder != EOF) { holder = fgetc(ptr_file_1); if(filelen1 < MAXLEN && holder !=EOF) { strA[filelen1] = holder; ++filelen1; } } strA[filelen1] = -1; holder = '0'; /*measure file2 length*/ while(holder != EOF) { holder = fgetc(ptr_file_2); if(filelen2 < MAXLEN && holder !=EOF) { strB[filelen2] = holder; ++filelen2; } } strB[filelen2] = -1; fclose(ptr_file_1); fclose(ptr_file_2); lenA = strlen(strA)-1; lenB = strlen(strB)-1; time_t t1 = time(NULL); printf("t1=%d\n",t1); /*----------------------------问题代码处*---------------------------*/ for(contrl=0;contrl<lenA+lenB+1;contrl++) { if(contrl<=lenA) { rows = contrl; j = 0; } else { rows = lenA; j = contrl-lenA; } if(rank==0) { //#pragma omp parallel for for(columns = j;columns <= lenB;columns++) { //printf("%d\n",columns); if(rows == 0||columns == 0) { SWArray[rows][columns]=0; } else { left = SWArray[rows][columns-1] - GapPenalty; top = SWArray[rows-1][columns] - GapPenalty; if(strA[rows-1] == strB[columns-1]) { left_top = (SWArray[rows-1][columns-1] + Match); }else { left_top = SWArray[rows-1][columns-1] + MissMatch; } compval = SWMax(left,top,left_top); if(compval<0) compval = 0; SWArray[rows][columns] = compval; buff[0]=compval; buff[1]=rows; buff[2]=columns; MPI_Send(buff,4,MPI_INT,rank+1,99,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Recv(buff,4,MPI_INT,rank+1,99,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); SWArray[buff[1]][buff[2]]=buff[0]; compval = 0; } } } else { //#pragma omp parallel for for(columns = j;columns <= lenB;columns++) { //printf("%d\n",columns); if(rows == 0||columns == 0) { SWArray[rows][columns]=0; } else { left = SWArray[rows][columns-1] - GapPenalty; top = SWArray[rows-1][columns] - GapPenalty; if(strA[rows-1] == strB[columns-1]) { left_top = (SWArray[rows-1][columns-1] + Match); }else { left_top = SWArray[rows-1][columns-1] + MissMatch; } compval = SWMax(left,top,left_top); if(compval<0) compval = 0; SWArray[rows][columns] = compval; buff[0]=compval; buff[1]=rows; buff[2]=columns; MPI_Send(buff,4,MPI_INT,rank-1,99,MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Recv(buff,4,MPI_INT,rank-1,99,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status); SWArray[buff[1]][buff[2]]=buff[0]; compval = 0; } } } MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); } /*PRINT S-W Table*/ ptr_file_3 = fopen("str3.fa", "w+"); if(ptr_file_3 == NULL) { printf("Error opening 'str3.fa'\n"); system("PAUSE"); exit(8); } fprintf(ptr_file_3," 0"); for(i = 0; i <= lenB; ++i) { fprintf(ptr_file_3," %c",strB[i]); } fprintf(ptr_file_3,"\n"); for(i = 0; i <= lenA; ++i) { if(i < 1) { fprintf(ptr_file_3,"0"); } if(i > 0) { fprintf(ptr_file_3,"%c",strA[i-1]); } for(j = 0; j <= lenB; ++j) { fprintf(ptr_file_3,"%3i",SWArray[i][j]); } fprintf(ptr_file_3,"\n"); } fclose(ptr_file_3); /*MAKE ALIGNMENTT*/ for(i=0; i<=lenA; ++i) { //find highest score in matrix: this is the starting point of an optimal local alignment for(j=0; j<=lenB; ++j) { if(SWArray[i][j] > HiScore) { HiScore = SWArray[i][j]; HiScorePos[0] = i; HiScorePos[1] = j; } } } //send Position to alignment function MaxA[0] = strA[HiScorePos[0]-1]; MaxB[0] = strB[HiScorePos[1]-1]; check = Align(HiScorePos[0],HiScorePos[1]); //in the end reverse Max A and B k=0; for(i = strlen(MaxA)-1; i > -1; --i) { OptA[k] = MaxA[i]; ++k; } k=0; for(j=strlen(MaxB)-1; j > -1; --j) { OptB[k] = MaxB[j]; ++k; } printf("%s\n%s \n",OptA,OptB); time_t t2 = time(NULL); printf("t2=%d\n",t2); printf("Time-consuming is:%ds\n",(t2-t1)); MPI_Finalize(); return(0); }
Smith-waterman算法 openmp+mpi实现,布布扣,bubuko.com