A thousand, thousand tender thanks for not having forgotten me. My son just brought me your letter. With what ardor I read it and yet it has taken a deal of time, because there is not a word which has not made me weep; but those tears were very sweet! I have recovered my heart entirely, and such as it will always be; there are feelings which are life itself, and which may not end but with life.
I am in despair that my letter of the 19th should have displeased you. I do not entirely recall the wording, but I know what very painful feeling had dictated it. It was grief at not having a word from you.
I wrote you on leaving Malmaison, and how many times thereafter did I wish to write! But I felt the reasons for your silence, and I feared to seem importunate by writing. Your letter has been a balm to me. Be happy; be as happy as you deserve; it is my whole heart that speaks. You have given me my share,too, of happiness, and a share very keenly felt; nothing else can have for me the value of a token of remembrance.
Adieu, my friend, I thank you sa tenderly as I shall love you always.
Letter_Josephine to Napoleon(约瑟芬致拿破仑)