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ECMAScript6 - Iterators and Generators

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Iterators and Generators

Iterators have been used in many programming languages as a way to more easily work with collections of data. In ECMAScript 6, JavaScript adds iterators as an important feature of the language. When coupled with new array methods and new types of collections (such as sets and maps), iterators become even more important for efficient processing of data.


What are Iterators?-什么是遍历器

Iterators are nothing more than objects with a certain interface. That interface consists of a method called next() that returns a result object. The result object has two properties, value, which is the next value, and done, which is a boolean value that’s true when there are no more values to return. The iterator keeps an internal pointer to a location within a collection of values and, with each call to next(), returns the next appropriate value.


If you call next() after the last value has been returned, the method returns done as true and value contains the return value for the iterator. The return value is not considered part of the data set, but rather a final piece of related data or undefined if no such data exists. (This concept will become clearer in the generators section later in this chapter.)


With that understanding, it’s fairly easy to create an iterator using ECMAScript 5, for example:


function createIterator(items) {

    var i = 0;

    return {
        next: function() {

            var done = (i >= items.length);
            var value = !done ? items[i++] : undefined;

            return {
                done: done,
                value: value


var iterator = createIterator([1, 2, 3]);

console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: 2, done: false }"
console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: 3, done: false }"
console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

// for all further calls
console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

 The createIterator() function in this example returns an object with a next() method. Each time the method is called, the next value in the items array is returned as value. When i is 4, items[i++] returns undefined and done is true, which fulfills the special last case for iterators in ECMAScript 6.


ECMAScript 6 makes use of iterators in a number of places to make dealing with collections of data easier, so having a good basic understanding allows you to better understand the language as a whole.



You might be thinking that iterators sound interesting but they look like a bunch of work. Indeed, writing iterators so that they adhere to the correct behavior is a bit difficult, which is why ECMAScript 6 provides generators. A generator is a special kind of function that returns an iterator. Generator functions are indicated by inserting a star character (*) after the function keyword (it doesn’t matter if the star is directly next to function or if there’s some whitespace between them). The yield keyword is used inside of generators to specify the values that the iterator should return when next() is called. So if you want to return three different values for each successive call to next(), you can do so as follows:


// generator
function *createIterator() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;

// generators are called like regular functions but return an iterator
let iterator = createIterator();

for (let i of iterator) {

 This code outputs the following:



 In this example, the createIterator() function is a generator (as indicated by the * before the name) and it’s called like any other function. The value returned is an object that adheres to the iterator pattern. Multiple yield statements inside the generator indicate the progression of values that should be returned when next() is called on the iterator. First, next() should return 1, then 2, and then 3 before the iterator is finished.


Perhaps the most interesting aspect of generator functions is that they stop execution after each yield statement, so yield 1 executes and then the function doesn’t execute anything else until the iterator’s next() method is called. At that point, execution resumes with the next statement after yield 1, which in this case is yield 2. This ability to stop execution in the middle of a function is extremely powerful and lends to some interesting uses of generator functions (discussed later in this chapter).

  也许生成器最有趣的一方面在于每次yield声明执行之后,生成器函数就会停止执行,所以yield 1 执行了知道遍历器的next方法被调用之前这个函数都不会继续往下执行。对于这一点,在yeild声明之后恢复执行,本例中也就是yield2.在函数内部停止执行的能力很强大,这导致了生成器函数的很多有意思的用途。(稍后讨论)

 The yield keyword can be used with any value or expression, so you can do interesting things like use yield inside of a for loop:


function *createIterator(items) {
    for (let i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
        yield items[i];

let iterator = createIterator([1, 2, 3]);

console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: 2, done: false }"
console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: 3, done: false }"
console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

// for all further calls
console.log(iterator.next());           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

In this example, an array is used in a for loop, yielding each item as the loop progresses. Each time yield is encountered, the loop stops, and each time next() is called on iterator, the loop picks back up where it left off.


Generator functions are an important part of ECMAScript 6, and since they are just functions, they can be used in all the same places.

  生成器是ES6 重要的一部分,因为他们只是函数,所以他们和函数的用法一样。

Generator Function Expressions-生成器函数表达式



ECMAScript6 - Iterators and Generators



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