mysql模块 #!/usr/bin/python #^_^coding:utf-8^_^ ‘‘‘ ATUH:SunFx MAIL:XINGRHCE@163.COM QQ:598824458 DATE:2015/03/18 ‘‘‘ import MySQLdb def mysqlc(select): ‘select host info‘ redata = [] conn=MySQLdb.connect(host="",user="root",passwd="123456",db="CG",charset="utf8") cursor = conn.cursor() if not select.find(‘TH‘): jg = ‘%s%%‘ % select ip = ‘‘ select = cursor.execute("select * from host where pname like ‘%s‘ or pip like ‘%s‘" % (jg,ip)) else: jg = ‘‘ ip = select select = cursor.execute("select * from host where pname like ‘%s‘ or pip like ‘%s‘" % (jg,ip)) for line in cursor.fetchall(): redata.append(line) return redata
配置文件 #!/usr/bin/python #^_^coding:utf-8^_^ ‘‘‘ auth:sunfx email:xingrhce@163.com qq:598824458 date:2015/03/18 ‘‘‘ import os def Makecf(ip,name): ‘make network and hostname file‘ conf_path = ‘%s/conf‘ % os.getcwd() ndict = { ‘ip‘:ip, ‘name‘:name, ‘netmask‘:‘‘, ‘ONBOOT‘:‘yes‘, ‘conf_path‘:conf_path } nbr = ‘DEVICE=br0\nTYPE=Bridge\nBOOTPROTO=static\nIPADDR=%(ip)s\nNETMASK=%(netmask)s\nONBOOT=%(ONBOOT)s‘ % ndict neth = ‘DEVICE=eth0\nBRIDGE=br0\nBOOTPROTO=static\nONBOOT=yes‘ hostname = ‘NETWORKING=yes\nHOSTNAME=%(name)s‘ % ndict with file(‘ifcfg-br0‘,‘w‘) as f: f.write(nbr) with file(‘ifcfg-eth0‘,‘w‘) as f: f.write(neth) with file(‘network‘,‘w‘) as f: f.write(hostname) status = os.system(‘scp ifcfg-br0 ifcfg-eth0 root@%(ip)s:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ >/dev/null‘ % ndict ) os.system(‘scp network root@%(ip)s:/etc/sysconfig/ >/dev/null‘ % ndict ) os.system(‘scp %(conf_path)s/hosts root@%(ip)s:/etc/ >/dev/null‘ % ndict ) os.system(‘scp %(conf_path)s/qemu.conf root@%(ip)s:/etc/libvirt >/dev/null‘ % ndict ) rmlist = [‘ifcfg-br0‘,‘ifcfg-eth0‘,‘network‘] [ os.remove(line) for line in rmlist ] if status == 0: print ‘\033[32;1mStart %(ip)s network now....\033[0m‘ % ndict sn = os.system(‘ssh %(ip)s "service network restart" >/dev/null‘ % ndict) if sn == 0: print ‘\033[32;1m%(ip)s Start libvirtd restart.....\033[0m‘ % ndict os.system(‘ssh %(ip)s "service libvirtd restart" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null‘ % ndict) return True else: print ‘\033[31;1m%请查看(ip)s 是否开机\033[0m‘ return False
main脚本 #!/usr/bin/python #^_^coding:utf-8^_^ ‘‘‘ auth:sunfx email:xingrhce@163.com qq:598824458 date:2015/03/18 ‘‘‘ import os import sys import tab ‘自己编写模块,方便后期进行修改.‘ sys.path.append(‘%s/conf‘ % os.getcwd()) from disiso import * from vmanager import * from conf import Makecf from mysql import mysqlc from virsh import manamgekvm menu = ‘‘‘ 请根据下面的序号去选择你需要的功能: (1) 配置物理机和虚拟机底层环境 (2) 配置kvm虚拟机(内存、cpu、mac) (3) 虚拟机管理 (4) 镜像管理 (5) 查看日志(开发中....) 输入1,2,3,4 选择相应的功能,‘q‘退出程序 ‘‘‘ menu1 = ‘‘‘ 请根据实际需求输入单台IP或输入机柜名称: 例如:(ip) (机柜) TH108 输入b返回上一级 ‘‘‘ menu2 = ‘‘‘ 请根据实际需求输入下列选项: (1) 修改CPU核心数 (默认24核心) (2) 修改虚拟机内存 (默认24G内存) (3) 修改虚拟机MAC 注意! 修改完成不会立刻生效 需要把虚拟机关机在开机! ‘‘‘ menu3 = ‘‘‘ 请根据实际需求输入下列选项: (1) 虚拟机开机 (2) 虚拟机关机(慎用会强制关闭虚拟机) (3) 虚拟机状态查询 输入b返回上一级 ‘‘‘ menu4 = ‘‘‘ 请根据实际需求输入下列选项: (1) 查看镜像 (2) 分发镜像 (3) 删除镜像 输入b返回上一级 ‘‘‘ print ‘\033[32;1m\t欢迎使用虚拟机管理脚本\033[0m‘ while True: print ‘\033[32;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu sel_input =raw_input(‘>‘).strip() if sel_input == ‘q‘: print ‘程序已经退出....‘ break elif sel_input == ‘1‘: while True: print ‘\033[33;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu1 uinput = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput == ‘b‘: break elif len(mysqlc(uinput)) >1: for line in mysqlc(uinput): ip = line[2] name = line[1] Makecf(ip,name) else: ip = mysqlc(uinput)[0][2] name = mysqlc(uinput)[0][1] Makecf(ip,name) elif sel_input == ‘2‘: while True: print ‘\033[33;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu2 uinput = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput == ‘b‘: break elif uinput == ‘1‘: cpu = raw_input(‘请输入修改CPU的核心数(1-24) :‘).strip() while True: print ‘\033[33;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu1 uinput1 = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput1 == ‘b‘: break elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) == 0: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确的选择\033[0m‘ elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) >1: for line in mysqlc(uinput1): ip = line[2] vmac = line[-1] manamgekvm(cpu,vmac,ip) else: ip = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][2] vmac = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][-1] manamgekvm(cpu,‘24‘,vmac,ip) elif uinput == ‘2‘: mem = raw_input(‘请输入修改内存大小(24、32) :‘).strip() while True: print ‘\033[33;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu1 uinput1 = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput1 == ‘b‘: break elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) == 0: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确的选择\033[0m‘ elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) >1: for line in mysqlc(uinput1): ip = line[2] vmac = line[-1] manamgekvm(‘24‘,mem,mac,ip) else: ip = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][2] vmac = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][-1] manamgekvm(‘24‘,mem,vmac,ip) elif uinput == ‘3‘: while True: print ‘\033[33;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu1 uinput1 = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput1 == ‘b‘: break elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) == 0: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确的选择\033[0m‘ elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) >1: for line in mysqlc(uinput1): ip = line[2] vmac = line[-1] manamgekvm(‘24‘,‘24‘,vmac,ip) else: ip = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][2] vmac = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][-1] manamgekvm(‘24‘,‘24‘,mac,ip) elif sel_input == ‘3‘: while True: print ‘\033[33;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu3 uinput = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput == ‘b‘: break elif uinput == ‘1‘: while True: print ‘\033[35;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu1 uinput1 = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput1 == ‘b‘: break elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) == 0: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确的选择\033[0m‘ elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) >1: for line in mysqlc(uinput1): ip = line[2] print ‘%s‘ % ip os.system(start(ip)) else: ip = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][2] os.system(start(ip)) elif uinput == ‘2‘: while True: print ‘\033[35;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu1 uinput1 = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput1 == ‘b‘: break elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) == 0: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确的选择\033[0m‘ elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) >1: for line in mysqlc(uinput1): ip = line[2] print ‘%s‘ % ip os.system(destroy(ip)) else: ip = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][2] os.system(destroy(ip)) elif uinput == ‘3‘: while True: print ‘\033[35;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu1 uinput1 = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput1 == ‘b‘: break elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) == 0: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确的选择\033[0m‘ elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) >1: for line in mysqlc(uinput1): ip = line[2] print ‘%s‘ % ip os.system(vstatus(ip)) else: ip = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][2] os.system(vstatus(ip)) else: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确的选择\033[0m‘ elif sel_input == ‘4‘: while True: print ‘\033[33;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu4 uinput = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput == ‘b‘: break elif uinput == ‘1‘: while True: print ‘\033[35;1m%s\033[0m‘ % menu1 uinput1 = raw_input(‘>‘) if uinput1 == ‘b‘: break elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) == 0: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确的选择\033[0m‘ elif len(mysqlc(uinput1)) >1: for line in mysqlc(uinput1): ip = line[2] print ip os.system(Show_wget_status(ip,‘*.img.1‘)) else: ip = mysqlc(uinput1)[0][2] os.system(Show_wget_status(ip,‘*.img‘)) elif uinput == ‘2‘: print ‘开发中....(没有定义好分发服务器)‘ elif uinput == ‘3‘: print ‘开发中....太危险暂时不使用‘ else: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确的选择\033[0m‘ elif sel_input == ‘5‘: print ‘开发中....‘ continue else: print ‘\033[31;1m请输入正确选项1,2,3,4\033[0m‘
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