private void addEmailRecipients(FlowRunTime startFlowRunTime, List<String> userIds, ProcessContext context, List<Task> taskList) private void addEmailRecipients(FlowRunTime startFlowRunTime, List<Set<String>> userSetList, ProcessContext context, List<Task> taskList)
Method addEmailRecipients(FlowRunTime, List<String>, ProcessContext, List<Task>) has the same erasure addEmailRecipients(FlowRunTime, List<E>, ProcessContext, List<E>) as another
method in type ProcessActivityService
将has the same erasure等关键字搜索,有这样一篇文章叫《Java语法糖的味道:泛型与类型擦除》,文章来自与《深入理解Java虚拟机:JVM高级特性与最佳实践》 。
2.2.1) ERROR 1222 (21000): The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns :
这是因为使用union的两个SQL语句产生的记录的表结构不一致. 必须是结构完全一致的记录集合才可以使用UNION.以上就是两个表的字段不一样导致。下面是我们使用的sql。这是一个查询所有代码工作的语句。前半部分是查询所有OA中的jbpm待办,而下半部分则是查询所有来自另外系统的待办工作。因为新需求需要在OA的jbpm待办中新增委托人、转交人等属性,而其他系统的待办工作则没有类似概念。两个UNION语句之间出现了表结构的不一致导致了上面的错误。
‘‘ as newFiled
<select id="queryMyTodoTask" resultMap="ExecutionResultMap" parameterType="com.fx.oa.module.bpm.workflow.api.shared.domain.ProcessExecutionEntity"> SELECT pexec.id, ptask.taskId, ptask.activityName, ptask.substituteUserCode, pexec.processDefineId, pdefine.name, pexec.processInstanceId, pexec.tableName, pexec.formDefineId, pexec.pkValue, pexec.urgencyDegree, suser.userName as ‘createUserCode‘, pexec.createTime, pexec.active, pexec.status, pexec.id AS todoUrl, pexec.id AS relateid, pexec.id AS domain FROM t_bpm_process_task ptask LEFT OUTER JOIN t_bpm_process_execution pexec ON ptask.processExecutionId = pexec.id LEFT OUTER JOIN t_bpm_process_define pdefine ON pexec.processDefineId = pdefine.id LEFT OUTER JOIN t_sys_user suser ON pexec.createUserCode = suser.userCode and suser.accessControl=‘Y‘ WHERE ptask.taskId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT taskimpl.dbid_ FROM jbpm4_task taskimpl LEFT OUTER JOIN jbpm4_participation participat ON taskimpl.dbid_ = participat.task_ WHERE taskimpl.assignee_ = #{createUserCode} OR (taskimpl.assignee_ IS NULL AND participat.type_ = ‘candidate‘ AND participat.userid_ = #{createUserCode}) ) AND ptask.STATUS = 0 AND pexec.STATUS IN (1, 6,8) AND pexec.active = ‘Y‘ <!-- <if test="createUserCode != null and createUserCode !=‘‘"> AND ptask.createUserCode = #{createUserCode} </if> --> <if test="createUserName != null and createUserName !=‘‘"> AND suser.userName LIKE ‘%‘ #{createUserName} ‘%‘ </if> <if test="name != null and name !=‘‘"> AND pdefine.name LIKE ‘%‘ #{name} ‘%‘ </if> <if test="startCreateTime != null and startCreateTime !=‘‘"> AND pexec.createTime <![CDATA[>= #{startCreateTime} ]]> </if> <if test="endCreateTime != null and endCreateTime !=‘‘"> AND pexec.createTime <![CDATA[<= #{endCreateTime}]]> </if> UNION SELECT todo.p_relate_id AS id, todo.id AS taskId, todo.p_activity_name AS activityName , todo.p_relate_id AS processDefineId, ‘‘ as substituteUserCode, todo.p_task_name AS NAME , todo.p_relate_id AS processInstanceId, todo.p_relate_id AS tableName, todo.p_relate_id AS formDefineId, todo.p_relate_id AS pkValue, todo.p_urgency_degree AS urgencyDegree , todo.p_applicant_name AS createUserCode , todo.p_applicant_time AS createTime , ‘Y‘ AS active, todo.p_urgency_degree AS STATUS , todo.p_url AS todoUrl , todo.id AS relateid , todo.p_domain AS domain FROM m_Todo todo where 1=1 AND todo.p_approval_id = #{createUserCode} <if test="createUserName != null and createUserName !=‘‘"> AND todo.p_applicant_name LIKE ‘%‘ #{createUserName} ‘%‘ </if> <if test="name != null and name !=‘‘"> AND todo.p_task_name LIKE ‘%‘ #{name} ‘%‘ </if> <if test="startCreateTime != null and startCreateTime !=‘‘"> AND todo.p_applicant_time <![CDATA[>= #{startCreateTime} ]]> </if> <if test="endCreateTime != null and endCreateTime !=‘‘"> AND todo.p_applicant_time <![CDATA[<= #{endCreateTime}]]> </if> ORDER BY createTime DESC </select>
本文出自 “南湖矿工技术空间” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://jncumter.blog.51cto.com/812546/1622181