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code for QTP and ALM

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Function markCaseStatusinALM(QCServer,QCUserName, QCPassword, QCDomain, QCProject, QCTestSetPath, QCTestSetName)

    Dim blnConnect
    Set TDConnection = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
    With TDConnection
          ‘Create a connection with the QC Server
          .InitConnectionEx QCServer
          ‘Login to QC
          .Login QCUserName, QCPassword
          ‘Connect to QC Project
          .Connect QCDomain, QCProject
    End With

    Set TSTreeManager = TDConnection.TestSetTreeManager
    ‘Return the test set tree node from the specified tree path
    Set TSFolder = TSTreeManager.NodeByPath(QCTestSetPath)  
    ‘Returns the list of test sets contained in the folder that match the specified pattern.
    Set TSList = TSFolder.FindTestSets(QCTestSetName)
           If TSList.Count = 0 Then
            Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Mark status in ALM", "No TestSet in the."& QCTestSetPath
            markCaseStatusonALM = False

            isFound = False
            For Each TestSet in TSList
                If LCase(TestSet.Name) = LCase(QCTestSetName) Then
                    isFound = True
                Exit For
                End If

            ‘if QCTestSetName was not found then exit.
            If not isFound Then
                Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Mark status in ALM", "TestSet "& QCTestSetName & " was not found."
                ‘This enables database to update immediately when the field value changes
                TestSet.AutoPost = True
                ‘TSTestFactory manages test instances (TSTest objects) in a test set
                Set TSTestFactory = TestSet.TSTestFactory
                ‘TSTestFactory.NewList("") creates a list of objects according to the specified filter          
                For Each qtTest in TSTestFactory.NewList("")
                   ‘Change test status to N/A
                   ‘We do this to ensure all tests have ‘not run‘ before starting execution
                   ‘If the execution errors out, we can keep track of the tests that were not run
                   qtTest.Field("TC_STATUS") = "N/A"
                For Each qtTest in TSTestFactory.NewList("")
                ‘RunFactory manages Run instances
               Set RunFactory = qtTest.RunFactory
                ‘Add a new new Run instance.
               RunName = RunFactory.UniqueRunName
               Set RunList = RunFactory.NewList("")
               For Each rn In RunList
                   If rn.name = RunName Then
                       Set StepFactory = rn.StepFactory
                           Set tst = qtTest.Test
                        Set DesStepF = tst.DesignStepFactory
                        Set DSList = DesStepF.NewList("")
                        For Each ds in DSList
                            set stp = StepFactory.AddItem (Null)
                            stp.Field("ST_STATUS") = "Passed"
                            stp.Field("ST_DESCRIPTION") = ds.StepDescription
                            rn.Status = "Passed"
                       End If

    Set TDConnection = Nothing
End Function

code for QTP and ALM



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