<button onclick="alert(‘Hello‘)">Say hello</button>
<button id="helloBtn">Say hello</button>
// Event binding using addEventListener var helloBtn = document.getElementById("helloBtn"); helloBtn.addEventListener("click", function (event) { alert("Hello."); }, false);
// Event binding using a convenience method $("#helloBtn").click(function (event) { alert("Hello."); });
// The many ways to bind events with jQuery // Attach an event handler directly to the button using jQuery‘s // shorthand `click` method. $("#helloBtn").click(function (event) { alert("Hello."); }); // Attach an event handler directly to the button using jQuery‘s // `bind` method, passing it an event string of `click` $("#helloBtn").bind("click", function (event) { alert("Hello."); }); // As of jQuery 1.7, attach an event handler directly to the button // using jQuery‘s `on` method. $("#helloBtn").on("click", function (event) { alert("Hello."); }); // As of jQuery 1.7, attach an event handler to the `body` element that // is listening for clicks, and will respond whenever *any* button is // clicked on the page. $("body").on({ click: function (event) { alert("Hello."); } }, "button"); // An alternative to the previous example, using slightly different syntax. $("body").on("click", "button", function (event) { alert("Hello."); });
[DOM Event Learning] Section 1 DOM Event 处理器绑定的几种方法