#ifndef __BMPDECODE_H_ #define __BMPDECODE_H_ #include "ff.h" #include "lcd.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "usb_type.h" //重定义区 typedef char CHAR; //数据类型重定义,便于移植 typedef short SHORT; //typedef int LONG; //typedef unsigned int DWORD; typedef int BOOL; typedef u8 BYTE; typedef unsigned short WORD; //#define FALSE 0 //#define TRUE 1 //BMP图象数据压缩的类型 #define BI_RGB 0L //无压缩 #define BI_RLE8 1L //每个像素四个bit #define BI_RLE4 2L //每个像素8个bit #define BI_BITFIELDS 3L //每个像素的bit由指定的掩码决定 #define bufferToLong(buffer,t) (LONG)((((u32)bmpbuffer[t])) + (((u32)bmpbuffer[t+1])<<8) +(((u32)bmpbuffer[t+2])<<16) + (((u32)bmpbuffer[t+3])<<24)) #define bufferToWord(buffer,t) (WORD)(((u32)(buffer[t])) + (((u32)(buffer[t+1]))<<8)) #define bufferToDword(buffer,t) (DWORD)((((u32)bmpbuffer[t])) + (((u32)bmpbuffer[t+1])<<8) +(((u32)bmpbuffer[t+2])<<16) + (((u32)bmpbuffer[t+3])<<24)) #define RGB888buffertoRGB565(buffer,t) ((((u16)buffer[t])>>3) + ((((u16)buffer[t+1])>>2)<<5) + ((((u16)buffer[t+2])>>3)<<11)) //BMP文件头 14个字节 typedef __packed struct { WORD bfType ; //文件标志.只对‘BM‘,用来识别BMP位图类型 2 DWORD bfSize ; //文件大小,占四个字节 4 WORD bfReserved1 ;//保留 2 WORD bfReserved2 ;//保留 2 DWORD bfOffBits ; //从文件开始到位图数据(bitmap data)开始之间的的偏移量,这一段中存放的就是文件信息 4 }BITMAPFILEHEADER ; //位图文件头 //位图信息头 typedef __packed struct { DWORD biSize ; //说明BITMAPINFOHEADER结构所需要的字数。 LONG biWidth ; //说明图象的宽度,以象素为单位 LONG biHeight ; //说明图象的高度,以象素为单位 WORD biPlanes ; //为目标设备说明位面数,其值将总是被设为1 WORD biBitCount ; //说明比特数/象素,其值为1、4、8、16、24、或32 DWORD biCompression ; //说明图象数据压缩的类型。其值可以是下述值之一: /*BI_RGB:没有压缩; *BI_RLE8:每个象素8比特的RLE压缩编码,压缩格式由2字节组成(重复象素计数和颜色索引); *BI_RLE4:每个象素4比特的RLE压缩编码,压缩格式由2字节组成 *BI_BITFIELDS:每个象素的比特由指定的掩码决定。*/ DWORD biSizeImage ;//说明图象的大小,以字节为单位。当用BI_RGB格式时,可设置为0 LONG biXPelsPerMeter ;//说明水平分辨率,用象素/米表示 LONG biYPelsPerMeter ;//说明垂直分辨率,用象素/米表示 DWORD biClrUsed ; //说明位图实际使用的彩色表中的颜色索引数 DWORD biClrImportant ; //说明对图象显示有重要影响的颜色索引的数目,如果是0,表示都重要。 }BITMAPINFOHEADER; //颜色索引表,每个颜色索引占4个字节,16位以及以下才会有这个数据 也就是说 最多65535个数据 //当然,最好不要用16位色的,浪费空间 typedef __packed struct { BYTE rgbBlue ; //指定蓝色强度 BYTE rgbGreen ; //指定绿色强度 BYTE rgbRed ; //指定红色强度 BYTE rgbReserved ;//保留,设置为0 }RGBQUAD ; BOOL BmpDecode(u8 *filename,u16 sx,u16 sy,u16 ex,u16 ey); #endif
u8 bmpbuffer[1024] = {0}; //存储bmp文件的数组 //解码这个BMP文件 //设定显示起始位置以及终止位置 BOOL BmpDecode(u8 *filename,u16 sx,u16 sy,u16 ex,u16 ey) { FIL f_bmp; //文件系统变量,用于读取bmp文件 u16 filereadnum = 0; //用于记录文件字节读取数量 FRESULT res; //文件读取返回信息 BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpfileHead; //位图文件头 BITMAPINFOHEADER bmpinfoHead; //位图信息头 u8 colorByte = 0; //用于标记颜色位 u16 index = 0; //读取文件信息时候用来定位 u16 uitemp = 0; //记录实际数据一行有多少个点 u16 xtemp = 0; u16 ytemp = 0; //显示时辅助计数 u16 colortemp = 0; //颜色缓冲 res=f_open(&f_bmp,(const TCHAR*)filename,FA_READ); //打开文件 if(res!=FR_OK) return FALSE; res = f_read(&f_bmp,bmpbuffer,1024,(UINT*)&filereadnum); //读取文件 if(res!=FR_OK) return FALSE; //获取位图文件头 bmpfileHead.bfType = (WORD)((((u16)bmpbuffer[0])<<8) + bmpbuffer[1+1]); bmpfileHead.bfSize = bufferToDword(bmpbuffer,2); bmpfileHead.bfReserved1 = bufferToWord(bmpbuffer,6); bmpfileHead.bfReserved2 = bufferToWord(bmpbuffer,8); bmpfileHead.bfOffBits = bufferToDword(bmpbuffer,10); //数据段开始地址 //获取位图信息头 bmpinfoHead.biSize = bufferToDword(bmpbuffer,14); bmpinfoHead.biWidth = bufferToLong(bmpbuffer,18); bmpinfoHead.biHeight = bufferToLong(bmpbuffer,22); bmpinfoHead.biPlanes = bufferToWord(bmpbuffer,26); bmpinfoHead.biBitCount = bufferToWord(bmpbuffer,28); //颜色位 bmpinfoHead.biCompression = bufferToDword(bmpbuffer,30); bmpinfoHead.biSizeImage = bufferToDword(bmpbuffer,34); bmpinfoHead.biXPelsPerMeter = bufferToLong(bmpbuffer,38); bmpinfoHead.biYPelsPerMeter = bufferToLong(bmpbuffer,42); bmpinfoHead.biClrUsed = bufferToDword(bmpbuffer,46); bmpinfoHead.biClrImportant = bufferToDword(bmpbuffer,50); index = bmpfileHead.bfOffBits; //所有信息得到,这里应该进行测试了 colorByte = bmpinfoHead.biBitCount/8; //颜色位数 16 / 24 / 32 得到2/3/4 if((bmpinfoHead.biWidth%4) != 0) //不是4的倍数 { uitemp = (((bmpinfoHead.biWidth/4) + 1) * 4); } else //是4的倍数 { uitemp = bmpinfoHead.biWidth ; } if(colorByte == 3) //24位颜色 { while(1) { if(index <= 1021) { colortemp = RGB888buffertoRGB565(bmpbuffer,index); index = index +3; if(sx+xtemp <ex && sy+ytemp < ey) LCD_Draw_Point_Buffer(sx+xtemp,sy+ytemp,colortemp); xtemp++; if(xtemp >= uitemp) { xtemp = 0; ytemp++; } } else { if(index == 1022) { if(sx+xtemp <ex && sy+ytemp < ey) LCD_Draw_Point_Buffer(sx+xtemp,sy+ytemp,colortemp); xtemp++; if(xtemp >= uitemp) { xtemp = 0; ytemp++; } index = 1; } else if(index == 1023) { if(sx+xtemp <ex && sy+ytemp < ey) LCD_Draw_Point_Buffer(sx+xtemp,sy+ytemp,colortemp); xtemp++; if(xtemp >= uitemp) { xtemp = 0; ytemp++; } index = 2; } else index = 0; res = f_read(&f_bmp,bmpbuffer,1024,(UINT*)&filereadnum); //读取文件 if(res||filereadnum==0)break; //读取出错 } } } f_close(&f_bmp); /* 关闭打开的文件 */ LCD_Flush(); return TRUE; }
#ifndef __JPGDEC_CALLBACK_H_ #define __JPGDEC_CALLBACK_H_ #include "lcd.h" #include "ff.h" #include "tjpgd.h" #include "stdlib.h" void load_jpg (FIL *fp,void *work,UINT sz_work); void load_file (const char *fn); #endif
// 以下3句宏定义在tjpgd.h中修改 static int MaskL = 0; static int MaskR = LCD_X_SIZE - 1; static int MaskT = 0; static int MaskB = LCD_Y_SIZE - 1; #define SIZE_OF_FILE_BUFFER 4096 BYTE* jpegbuffer; //图像文件数据缓冲区 /********************************************************************************************* 函数名称: STM32_Display 函数功能: 在TFTLCD屏幕上显示图片 入口参数: 见函数头 出口参数: 无 全局变量: 无 备注说明: 无 *********************************************************************************************/ void Lcd_Display_Rect( int left, /*图片左方起始点,即一行的起始点 */ int right, /*图片右方的结束点,即一行的结束点*/ int top, /* 图片上方的起始点,即一列的起始点 */ int bottom, /*图像下方的结束点,即一列的结束点 */ const uint16_t * RGB_Data_Pointer /* 待显示的图像数据,RGB格式*/ ) { int yc, xc, xl, xs; unsigned short pd; if (left > right || top > bottom) { return; // Check varidity } if (left > MaskR || right < MaskL || top > MaskB || bottom < MaskT) { return; // Check if in active area } yc = bottom - top + 1 ; /* Vertical size */ xc = right - left + 1; xs = 0; /* Horizontal size and skip */ // 已经计算出了要绘制的x方向pixels和y方向pixels // 上下左右的值已经校正为,为屏幕上的绝对位置,由此可以算出屏幕缓冲区的起始位置 do { /* Send image data */ xl = xc; do { pd = *RGB_Data_Pointer++; LCD_Draw_Point_Buffer(right - xl,bottom - yc,pd); //显示像素 } while (--xl); RGB_Data_Pointer += xs; } while (--yc); } BYTE Buff[1024] __attribute__ ((aligned(4))); //定义全局数组变量,作为输入的缓冲区,强制4字节对齐 /********************************************************************************************* 函数名称: Jpeg_Data_in_func 函数功能: 用户自定义的用于输入文件数据的功能函数 入口参数: 见函数头 出口参数: 读取或者删除的数据量 全局变量: 无 备注说明: 本函数在解码准备工作中用于读取文件头信息 *********************************************************************************************/ UINT Jpeg_Data_in_func ( JDEC* jd, /*储存待解码的对象信息的结构体 */ BYTE* buff, /* 输入数据缓冲区 (NULL:删除数据) */ UINT nd /*需要从输入数据流读出/删除的数据量*/ ) { UINT rb; FIL * dev = (FIL *)jd->device; /* 待解码的文件的信息,使用FATFS中的FIL结构类型进行定义 */ if (buff) /*读取数据有效,开始读取数据 */ { f_read(dev, buff, nd, &rb); //调用FATFS的f_read函数,用于把jpeg文件的数据读取出来 return rb; /* 返回读取到的字节数目*/ } else { return (f_lseek(dev, f_tell(dev) + nd) == FR_OK) ? nd : 0;/* 重新定位数据点,相当于删除之前的n字节数据 */ } } /********************************************************************************************* 函数名称: STM32_out_func 函数功能: 用户自定义的用于输出RGB位图数据的功能函数 入口参数: 见函数头 出口参数: 1:令解码函数继续执行 全局变量: 无 备注说明: 无 *********************************************************************************************/ UINT Jpeg_Data_out_func ( JDEC* jd, /*储存待解码的对象信息的结构体*/ void* bitmap, /* 指向等待输出的RGB位图数据 的指针*/ JRECT* rect /* 等待输出的矩形图像的参数 */ ) { jd = jd; /* 说明:输出函数中JDEC结构体没有用到 */ //显示一块区域到LCD上 Lcd_Display_Rect(rect->left, rect->right, rect->top, rect->bottom, (uint16_t*)bitmap); return 1; /*返回1,使解码工作继续执行 */ } //加载并显示jpg文件 void load_jpg ( FIL *fp, /* 指向打开的文件执政 */ void *work, /*指向四字节对其的工作区缓存 */ UINT sz_work /*工作区的大小 */ ) { JDEC jd; /* Decoder object (124 bytes) */ JRESULT rc; BYTE scale; /* Prepare to decompress the file */ rc = jd_prepare(&jd, Jpeg_Data_in_func, work, sz_work, fp); if (rc == JDR_OK) { /* 根据图片大小选选择一个刚刚好能够缩放的图片比例 */ for (scale = 0; scale < 3; scale++) { if ((jd.width >> scale) <= LCD_X_SIZE && (jd.height >> scale) <= LCD_Y_SIZE) break; } rc = jd_decomp(&jd, Jpeg_Data_out_func, scale); /* Start to decompress */ } else { //显示错误,将错误信息打印在屏幕上 printf("jpg error %d\r\n",rc); } } /*参数:指向文件名 */ void load_file (const char *fn) { FIL fil; /* Pointer to a file object */ if (f_open(&fil, fn, FA_READ) == FR_OK) { jpegbuffer = NULL; jpegbuffer = malloc(SIZE_OF_FILE_BUFFER); if(jpegbuffer != NULL) { LCD_Fill_Buffer(LCD_BLACK); load_jpg(&fil, (void *)jpegbuffer, SIZE_OF_FILE_BUFFER ); //打开jpg文件并解码显示 } f_close(&fil); if(jpegbuffer != NULL)free(jpegbuffer); LCD_Flush(); } else { printf("open file failed\r\n"); } }
#ifndef __GIFDECODE_H_ #define __GIFDECODE_H_ #include "ff.h" #include "lcd.h" #include "stdlib.h" #define MAX_NUM_LWZ_BITS 12 #define LCD_MAX_LOG_COLORS 256 #define GIF_INTRO_TERMINATOR ‘;‘ //0X3B GIF文件结束符 #define GIF_INTRO_EXTENSION ‘!‘ //0X21 #define GIF_INTRO_IMAGE ‘,‘ //0X2C #define GIF_COMMENT 0xFE #define GIF_APPLICATION 0xFF #define GIF_PLAINTEXT 0x01 #define GIF_GRAPHICCTL 0xF9 #define PIC_FORMAT_ERR 0x27 //格式错误 #define PIC_SIZE_ERR 0x28 //图片尺寸错误 #define PIC_WINDOW_ERR 0x29 //窗口设定错误 #define PIC_MEM_ERR 0x11 //内存错误 typedef struct { u8 aBuffer[258]; // Input buffer for data block short aCode [(1 << MAX_NUM_LWZ_BITS)]; // This array stores the LZW codes for the compressed strings u8 aPrefix[(1 << MAX_NUM_LWZ_BITS)]; // Prefix character of the LZW code. u8 aDecompBuffer[3000]; // Decompression buffer. The higher the compression, the more bytes are needed in the buffer. u8 * sp; // Pointer into the decompression buffer int CurBit; int LastBit; int GetDone; int LastByte; int ReturnClear; int CodeSize; int SetCodeSize; int MaxCode; int MaxCodeSize; int ClearCode; int EndCode; int FirstCode; int OldCode; }LZW_INFO; //逻辑屏幕描述块 __packed typedef struct { u16 width; //GIF宽度 u16 height; //GIF高度 u8 flag; //标识符 1:3:1:3=全局颜色表标志(1):颜色深度(3):分类标志(1):全局颜色表大小(3) u8 bkcindex; //背景色在全局颜色表中的索引(仅当存在全局颜色表时有效) u8 pixratio; //像素宽高比 }LogicalScreenDescriptor; //图像描述块 __packed typedef struct { u16 xoff; //x方向偏移 u16 yoff; //y方向偏移 u16 width; //宽度 u16 height; //高度 u8 flag; //标识符 1:1:1:2:3=局部颜色表标志(1):交织标志(1):保留(2):局部颜色表大小(3) }ImageScreenDescriptor; //图像描述 __packed typedef struct { LogicalScreenDescriptor gifLSD; //逻辑屏幕描述块 ImageScreenDescriptor gifISD; //图像描述快 u16 colortbl[256]; //当前使用颜色表 u16 bkpcolortbl[256]; //备份颜色表.当存在局部颜色表时使用 u16 numcolors; //颜色表大小 u16 delay; //延迟时间 LZW_INFO *lzw; //LZW信息 }gif89a; extern u8 gifdecoding; //GIF正在解码标记. u8 gif_check_head(FIL *file); //检测GIF头 u16 gif_getrgb565(u8 *ctb); //将RGB888转为RGB565 u8 gif_readcolortbl(FIL *file,gif89a * gif,u16 num); //读取颜色表 u8 gif_getinfo(FIL *file,gif89a * gif); //得到逻辑屏幕描述,图像尺寸等 void gif_savegctbl(gif89a* gif); //保存全局颜色表 void gif_recovergctbl(gif89a* gif); //恢复全局颜色表 void gif_initlzw(gif89a* gif,u8 codesize); //初始化LZW相关参数 u16 gif_getdatablock(FIL *gfile,u8 *buf,u16 maxnum); //读取一个数据块 u8 gif_readextension(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif, int *pTransIndex,u8 *pDisposal); //读取扩展部分 int gif_getnextcode(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif); //从LZW缓存中得到下一个LZW码,每个码包含12位 int gif_getnextbyte(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif); //得到LZW的下一个码 u8 gif_dispimage(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif,u16 x0,u16 y0,int Transparency, u8 Disposal); //显示图片 void gif_clear2bkcolor(u16 x,u16 y,gif89a* gif,ImageScreenDescriptor pimge); //恢复成背景色 u8 gif_drawimage(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif,u16 x0,u16 y0); //画GIF图像的一帧 u8 gif_decode(const u8 *filename,u16 x,u16 y,u16 width,u16 height);//在指定区域解码一个GIF文件. void gif_quit(void); //退出当前解码. #endif
const u16 _aMaskTbl[16] = { 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000f, 0x001f, 0x003f, 0x007f, 0x00ff, 0x01ff, 0x03ff, 0x07ff, 0x0fff, 0x1fff, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, }; const u8 _aInterlaceOffset[]={8,8,4,2}; const u8 _aInterlaceYPos []={0,4,2,1}; u8 gifdecoding=0;//标记GIF正在解码. //检测GIF头 //返回值:0,是GIF89a/87a;非零,非GIF89a/87a u8 gif_check_head(FIL *file) { u8 gifversion[6]; u32 readed; u8 res; res=f_read(file,gifversion,6,(UINT*)&readed); if(res)return 1; if((gifversion[0]!=‘G‘)||(gifversion[1]!=‘I‘)||(gifversion[2]!=‘F‘)|| (gifversion[3]!=‘8‘)||((gifversion[4]!=‘7‘)&&(gifversion[4]!=‘9‘))|| (gifversion[5]!=‘a‘))return 2; else return 0; } //将RGB888转为RGB565 //ctb:RGB888颜色数组首地址. //返回值:RGB565颜色. u16 gif_getrgb565(u8 *ctb) { u16 r,g,b; r=(ctb[0]>>3)&0X1F; g=(ctb[1]>>2)&0X3F; b=(ctb[2]>>3)&0X1F; return b+(g<<5)+(r<<11); } //读取颜色表 //file:文件; //gif:gif信息; //num:tbl大小. //返回值:0,OK;其他,失败; u8 gif_readcolortbl(FIL *file,gif89a * gif,u16 num) { u8 rgb[3]; u16 t; u8 res; u32 readed; for(t=0;t<num;t++) { res=f_read(file,rgb,3,(UINT*)&readed); if(res)return 1;//读错误 gif->colortbl[t]=gif_getrgb565(rgb); } return 0; } //得到逻辑屏幕描述,图像尺寸等 //file:文件; //gif:gif信息; //返回值:0,OK;其他,失败; u8 gif_getinfo(FIL *file,gif89a * gif) { u32 readed; u8 res; res=f_read(file,(u8*)&gif->gifLSD,7,(UINT*)&readed); if(res)return 1; if(gif->gifLSD.flag&0x80)//存在全局颜色表 { gif->numcolors=2<<(gif->gifLSD.flag&0x07);//得到颜色表大小 if(gif_readcolortbl(file,gif,gif->numcolors))return 1;//读错误 } return 0; } //保存全局颜色表 //gif:gif信息; void gif_savegctbl(gif89a* gif) { u16 i=0; for(i=0;i<256;i++)gif->bkpcolortbl[i]=gif->colortbl[i];//保存全局颜色. } //恢复全局颜色表 //gif:gif信息; void gif_recovergctbl(gif89a* gif) { u16 i=0; for(i=0;i<256;i++)gif->colortbl[i]=gif->bkpcolortbl[i];//恢复全局颜色. } //初始化LZW相关参数 //gif:gif信息; //codesize:lzw码长度 void gif_initlzw(gif89a* gif,u8 codesize) { mymemset((u8 *)gif->lzw, 0, sizeof(LZW_INFO)); gif->lzw->SetCodeSize = codesize; gif->lzw->CodeSize = codesize + 1; gif->lzw->ClearCode = (1 << codesize); gif->lzw->EndCode = (1 << codesize) + 1; gif->lzw->MaxCode = (1 << codesize) + 2; gif->lzw->MaxCodeSize = (1 << codesize) << 1; gif->lzw->ReturnClear = 1; gif->lzw->LastByte = 2; gif->lzw->sp = gif->lzw->aDecompBuffer; } //读取一个数据块 //gfile:gif文件; //buf:数据缓存区 //maxnum:最大读写数据限制 u16 gif_getdatablock(FIL *gfile,u8 *buf,u16 maxnum) { u8 cnt; u32 readed; u32 fpos; f_read(gfile,&cnt,1,(UINT*)&readed);//得到LZW长度 if(cnt) { if (buf)//需要读取 { if(cnt>maxnum) { fpos=f_tell(gfile); f_lseek(gfile,fpos+cnt);//跳过 return cnt;//直接不读 } f_read(gfile,buf,cnt,(UINT*)&readed);//得到LZW长度 }else //直接跳过 { fpos=f_tell(gfile); f_lseek(gfile,fpos+cnt);//跳过 } } return cnt; } //ReadExtension //Purpose: //Reads an extension block. One extension block can consist of several data blocks. //If an unknown extension block occures, the routine failes. //返回值:0,成功; // 其他,失败 u8 gif_readextension(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif, int *pTransIndex,u8 *pDisposal) { u8 temp; u32 readed; u8 buf[4]; f_read(gfile,&temp,1,(UINT*)&readed);//得到长度 switch(temp) { case GIF_PLAINTEXT: case GIF_APPLICATION: case GIF_COMMENT: while(gif_getdatablock(gfile,0,256)>0); //获取数据块 return 0; case GIF_GRAPHICCTL://图形控制扩展块 if(gif_getdatablock(gfile,buf,4)!=4)return 1; //图形控制扩展块的长度必须为4 gif->delay=(buf[2]<<8)|buf[1]; //得到延时 *pDisposal=(buf[0]>>2)&0x7; //得到处理方法 if((buf[0]&0x1)!=0)*pTransIndex=buf[3]; //透明色表 f_read(gfile,&temp,1,(UINT*)&readed); //得到LZW长度 if(temp!=0)return 1; //读取数据块结束符错误. return 0; } return 1;//错误的数据 } //从LZW缓存中得到下一个LZW码,每个码包含12位 //返回值:<0,错误. // 其他,正常. int gif_getnextcode(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif) { int i,j,End; long Result; if(gif->lzw->ReturnClear) { //The first code should be a clearcode. gif->lzw->ReturnClear=0; return gif->lzw->ClearCode; } End=gif->lzw->CurBit+gif->lzw->CodeSize; if(End>=gif->lzw->LastBit) { int Count; if(gif->lzw->GetDone)return-1;//Error gif->lzw->aBuffer[0]=gif->lzw->aBuffer[gif->lzw->LastByte-2]; gif->lzw->aBuffer[1]=gif->lzw->aBuffer[gif->lzw->LastByte-1]; if((Count=gif_getdatablock(gfile,&gif->lzw->aBuffer[2],300))==0)gif->lzw->GetDone=1; if(Count<0)return -1;//Error gif->lzw->LastByte=2+Count; gif->lzw->CurBit=(gif->lzw->CurBit-gif->lzw->LastBit)+16; gif->lzw->LastBit=(2+Count)*8; End=gif->lzw->CurBit+gif->lzw->CodeSize; } j=End>>3; i=gif->lzw->CurBit>>3; if(i==j)Result=(long)gif->lzw->aBuffer[i]; else if(i+1==j)Result=(long)gif->lzw->aBuffer[i]|((long)gif->lzw->aBuffer[i+1]<<8); else Result=(long)gif->lzw->aBuffer[i]|((long)gif->lzw->aBuffer[i+1]<<8)|((long)gif->lzw->aBuffer[i+2]<<16); Result=(Result>>(gif->lzw->CurBit&0x7))&_aMaskTbl[gif->lzw->CodeSize]; gif->lzw->CurBit+=gif->lzw->CodeSize; return(int)Result; } //得到LZW的下一个码 //返回值:<0,错误(-1,不成功;-2,读到结束符了) // >=0,OK.(LZW的第一个码) int gif_getnextbyte(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif) { int i,Code,Incode; while((Code=gif_getnextcode(gfile,gif))>=0) { if(Code==gif->lzw->ClearCode) { //Corrupt GIFs can make this happen if(gif->lzw->ClearCode>=(1<<MAX_NUM_LWZ_BITS))return -1;//Error //Clear the tables mymemset((u8*)gif->lzw->aCode,0,sizeof(gif->lzw->aCode)); for(i=0;i<gif->lzw->ClearCode;++i)gif->lzw->aPrefix[i]=i; //Calculate the‘special codes‘ independence of the initial code size //and initialize the stack pointer gif->lzw->CodeSize=gif->lzw->SetCodeSize+1; gif->lzw->MaxCodeSize=gif->lzw->ClearCode<<1; gif->lzw->MaxCode=gif->lzw->ClearCode+2; gif->lzw->sp=gif->lzw->aDecompBuffer; //Read the first code from the stack after clear ingand initializing*/ do { gif->lzw->FirstCode=gif_getnextcode(gfile,gif); }while(gif->lzw->FirstCode==gif->lzw->ClearCode); gif->lzw->OldCode=gif->lzw->FirstCode; return gif->lzw->FirstCode; } if(Code==gif->lzw->EndCode)return -2;//End code Incode=Code; if(Code>=gif->lzw->MaxCode) { *(gif->lzw->sp)++=gif->lzw->FirstCode; Code=gif->lzw->OldCode; } while(Code>=gif->lzw->ClearCode) { *(gif->lzw->sp)++=gif->lzw->aPrefix[Code]; if(Code==gif->lzw->aCode[Code])return Code; if((gif->lzw->sp-gif->lzw->aDecompBuffer)>=sizeof(gif->lzw->aDecompBuffer))return Code; Code=gif->lzw->aCode[Code]; } *(gif->lzw->sp)++=gif->lzw->FirstCode=gif->lzw->aPrefix[Code]; if((Code=gif->lzw->MaxCode)<(1<<MAX_NUM_LWZ_BITS)) { gif->lzw->aCode[Code]=gif->lzw->OldCode; gif->lzw->aPrefix[Code]=gif->lzw->FirstCode; ++gif->lzw->MaxCode; if((gif->lzw->MaxCode>=gif->lzw->MaxCodeSize)&&(gif->lzw->MaxCodeSize<(1<<MAX_NUM_LWZ_BITS))) { gif->lzw->MaxCodeSize<<=1; ++gif->lzw->CodeSize; } } gif->lzw->OldCode=Incode; if(gif->lzw->sp>gif->lzw->aDecompBuffer)return *--(gif->lzw->sp); } return Code; } //DispGIFImage //Purpose: // This routine draws a GIF image from the current pointer which should point to a // valid GIF data block. The size of the desired image is given in the image descriptor. //Return value: // 0 if succeed // 1 if not succeed //Parameters: // pDescriptor - Points to a IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR structure, which contains infos about size, colors and interlacing. // x0, y0 - Obvious. // Transparency - Color index which should be treated as transparent. // Disposal - Contains the disposal method of the previous image. If Disposal == 2, the transparent pixels // of the image are rendered with the background color. u8 gif_dispimage(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif,u16 x0,u16 y0,int Transparency, u8 Disposal) { u32 readed; u8 lzwlen; int Index,OldIndex,XPos,YPos,YCnt,Pass,Interlace,XEnd; int Width,Height,Cnt,ColorIndex; u16 bkcolor; u16 *pTrans; Width=gif->gifISD.width; Height=gif->gifISD.height; XEnd=Width+x0-1; bkcolor=gif->colortbl[gif->gifLSD.bkcindex]; pTrans=(u16*)gif->colortbl; f_read(gfile,&lzwlen,1,(UINT*)&readed);//得到LZW长度 gif_initlzw(gif,lzwlen);//Initialize the LZW stack with the LZW code size Interlace=gif->gifISD.flag&0x40;//是否交织编码 for(YCnt=0,YPos=y0,Pass=0;YCnt<Height;YCnt++) { Cnt=0; OldIndex=-1; for(XPos=x0;XPos<=XEnd;XPos++) { if(gif->lzw->sp>gif->lzw->aDecompBuffer)Index=*--(gif->lzw->sp); else Index=gif_getnextbyte(gfile,gif); if(Index==-2)return 0;//Endcode if((Index<0)||(Index>=gif->numcolors)) { //IfIndex out of legal range stop decompressing return 1;//Error } //If current index equals old index increment counter if((Index==OldIndex)&&(XPos<=XEnd))Cnt++; else { if(Cnt) { if(OldIndex!=Transparency) { LCD_Draw_Hline(XPos-Cnt-1,YPos,Cnt+1,*(pTrans+OldIndex)); }else if(Disposal==2) { LCD_Draw_Hline(XPos-Cnt-1,YPos,Cnt+1,bkcolor); } Cnt=0; }else { if(OldIndex>=0) { if(OldIndex!=Transparency)LCD_Draw_Point(XPos-1,YPos,*(pTrans+OldIndex)); else if(Disposal==2)LCD_Draw_Point(XPos-1,YPos,bkcolor); } } } OldIndex=Index; } if((OldIndex!=Transparency)||(Disposal==2)) { if(OldIndex!=Transparency)ColorIndex=*(pTrans+OldIndex); else ColorIndex=bkcolor; if(Cnt) { LCD_Draw_Hline(XPos-Cnt-1,YPos,Cnt+1,ColorIndex); }else LCD_Draw_Point(XEnd,YPos,ColorIndex); } //Adjust YPos if image is interlaced if(Interlace)//交织编码 { YPos+=_aInterlaceOffset[Pass]; if((YPos-y0)>=Height) { ++Pass; YPos=_aInterlaceYPos[Pass]+y0; } }else YPos++; } return 0; } //恢复成背景色 //x,y:坐标 //gif:gif信息. //pimge:图像描述块信息 void gif_clear2bkcolor(u16 x,u16 y,gif89a* gif,ImageScreenDescriptor pimge) { u16 x0,y0,x1,y1; u16 color=gif->colortbl[gif->gifLSD.bkcindex]; if(pimge.width==0||pimge.height==0)return;//直接不用清除了,原来没有图像!! if(gif->gifISD.yoff>pimge.yoff) { x0=x+pimge.xoff; y0=y+pimge.yoff; x1=x+pimge.xoff+pimge.width-1;; y1=y+gif->gifISD.yoff-1; if(x0<x1&&y0<y1&&x1<320&&y1<320)LCD_Fill_Rect(x0,y0,x1,y1,color); //设定xy,的范围不能太大. } if(gif->gifISD.xoff>pimge.xoff) { x0=x+pimge.xoff; y0=y+pimge.yoff; x1=x+gif->gifISD.xoff-1;; y1=y+pimge.yoff+pimge.height-1; if(x0<x1&&y0<y1&&x1<320&&y1<320)LCD_Fill_Rect(x0,y0,x1,y1,color); } if((gif->gifISD.yoff+gif->gifISD.height)<(pimge.yoff+pimge.height)) { x0=x+pimge.xoff; y0=y+gif->gifISD.yoff+gif->gifISD.height-1; x1=x+pimge.xoff+pimge.width-1;; y1=y+pimge.yoff+pimge.height-1; if(x0<x1&&y0<y1&&x1<320&&y1<320)LCD_Fill_Rect(x0,y0,x1,y1,color); } if((gif->gifISD.xoff+gif->gifISD.width)<(pimge.xoff+pimge.width)) { x0=x+gif->gifISD.xoff+gif->gifISD.width-1; y0=y+pimge.yoff; x1=x+pimge.xoff+pimge.width-1;; y1=y+pimge.yoff+pimge.height-1; if(x0<x1&&y0<y1&&x1<320&&y1<320)LCD_Fill_Rect(x0,y0,x1,y1,color); } } //画GIF图像的一帧 //gfile:gif文件. //x0,y0:开始显示的坐标 u8 gif_drawimage(FIL *gfile,gif89a* gif,u16 x0,u16 y0) { u32 readed; u8 res,temp; u16 numcolors; ImageScreenDescriptor previmg; u8 Disposal; int TransIndex; u8 Introducer; TransIndex=-1; do { res=f_read(gfile,&Introducer,1,(UINT*)&readed);//读取一个字节 if(res)return 1; switch(Introducer) { case GIF_INTRO_IMAGE://图像描述 previmg.xoff=gif->gifISD.xoff; previmg.yoff=gif->gifISD.yoff; previmg.width=gif->gifISD.width; previmg.height=gif->gifISD.height; res=f_read(gfile,(u8*)&gif->gifISD,9,(UINT*)&readed);//读取一个字节 if(res)return 1; if(gif->gifISD.flag&0x80)//存在局部颜色表 { gif_savegctbl(gif);//保存全局颜色表 numcolors=2<<(gif->gifISD.flag&0X07);//得到局部颜色表大小 if(gif_readcolortbl(gfile,gif,numcolors))return 1;//读错误 } if(Disposal==2)gif_clear2bkcolor(x0,y0,gif,previmg); gif_dispimage(gfile,gif,x0+gif->gifISD.xoff,y0+gif->gifISD.yoff,TransIndex,Disposal); while(1) { f_read(gfile,&temp,1,(UINT*)&readed);//读取一个字节 if(temp==0)break; readed=f_tell(gfile);//还存在块. if(f_lseek(gfile,readed+temp))break;//继续向后偏移 } if(temp!=0)return 1;//Error return 0; case GIF_INTRO_TERMINATOR://得到结束符了 return 2;//代表图像解码完成了. case GIF_INTRO_EXTENSION: //Read image extension*/ res=gif_readextension(gfile,gif,&TransIndex,&Disposal);//读取图像扩展块消息 if(res)return 1; break; default: return 1; } }while(Introducer!=GIF_INTRO_TERMINATOR);//读到结束符了 return 0; } //退出当前解码. void gif_quit(void) { gifdecoding=0; } //解码一个gif文件 //本例子不能显示尺寸大于给定尺寸的gif图片!!! //filename:带路径的gif文件名字 //x,y,width,height:显示坐标及区域大小. u8 gif_decode(const u8 *filename,u16 x,u16 y,u16 width,u16 height) { u8 res=0; u16 dtime=0;//解码延时 gif89a *mygif89a; FIL *gfile; gfile=(FIL*)malloc(sizeof(FIL)); if(gfile==NULL)res=PIC_MEM_ERR;//申请内存失败 mygif89a=(gif89a*)malloc(sizeof(gif89a)); if(mygif89a==NULL)res=PIC_MEM_ERR;//申请内存失败 mygif89a->lzw=(LZW_INFO*)malloc(sizeof(LZW_INFO)); if(mygif89a->lzw==NULL)res=PIC_MEM_ERR;//申请内存失败 if(res==0)//OK { res=f_open(gfile,(TCHAR *)filename,FA_READ); if(res==0)//打开文件ok { if(gif_check_head(gfile))res=PIC_FORMAT_ERR; if(gif_getinfo(gfile,mygif89a))res=PIC_FORMAT_ERR; if(mygif89a->gifLSD.width>width||mygif89a->gifLSD.height>height)res=PIC_SIZE_ERR;//尺寸太大. else { x=(width-mygif89a->gifLSD.width)/2+x; y=(height-mygif89a->gifLSD.height)/2+y; } gifdecoding=1; while(gifdecoding&&res==0)//解码循环 { res=gif_drawimage(gfile,mygif89a,x,y);//显示一张图片 if(mygif89a->gifISD.flag&0x80)gif_recovergctbl(mygif89a);//恢复全局颜色表 if(mygif89a->delay)dtime=mygif89a->delay; else dtime=10;//默认延时 while(dtime--&&gifdecoding)Delay_Ms(10);//延迟 if(res==2) { res=0; break; } } } f_close(gfile); } free(gfile); free(mygif89a->lzw); free(mygif89a); return res; }
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFs (C)ChaN, 2014 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If a working storage control module is available, it should be */ /* attached to the FatFs via a glue function rather than modifying it. */ /* This is an example of glue functions to attach various exsisting */ /* storage control modules to the FatFs module with a defined API. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "diskio.h" /* FatFs lower layer API */ #include "sdcard.h" /* Example: MMC/SDC contorl */ #define MMC 0 /* Example: Map MMC/SD card to drive number 1 */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get Drive Status */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DSTATUS disk_status ( BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ ) { DSTATUS stat; int result; switch (pdrv) { case MMC : result = SDCARD_Get_Sector_Count(); if(result == 0)stat = STA_NOINIT; else stat = 0;//OK return stat; } return STA_NOINIT; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Inidialize a Drive */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DSTATUS disk_initialize ( BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ ) { DSTATUS stat; int result; switch (pdrv) { case MMC : result = SDCARD_Init(); if(result == 0)stat = 0; else //STM32 SPI的bug,在sd卡操作失败的时候如果不执行下面的语句,可能导致SPI读写异常 { SPI2_Set_Speed(SPI_SPEED_256); SPI2_Write_Read_Byte(0xff);//提供额外的8个时钟 SPI2_Set_Speed(SPI_SPEED_4); stat = STA_NOINIT;//error } return stat; } return STA_NOINIT; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read Sector(s) */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DRESULT disk_read ( BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ BYTE *buff, /* Data buffer to store read data */ DWORD sector, /* Sector address in LBA */ UINT count /* Number of sectors to read */ ) { DRESULT res; int result; switch (pdrv) { case MMC : result = SDCARD_Read_Sector(buff, sector, count); if(result == 0)res = RES_OK; else res = RES_ERROR; return res; } return RES_PARERR; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Write Sector(s) */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if _USE_WRITE DRESULT disk_write ( BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */ const BYTE *buff, /* Data to be written */ DWORD sector, /* Sector address in LBA */ UINT count /* Number of sectors to write */ ) { DRESULT res; int result; switch (pdrv) { case MMC : result = SDCARD_Write_Sector((u8*)buff, sector, count); if(result == 0)res = RES_OK; else res = RES_ERROR; return res; } return RES_PARERR; } #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Miscellaneous Functions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if _USE_IOCTL DRESULT disk_ioctl ( BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */ BYTE cmd, /* Control code */ void *buff /* Buffer to send/receive control data */ ) { DRESULT res; switch (pdrv) { case MMC : switch(cmd) { case CTRL_SYNC: SD_CS=0; if(SDCARD_Wait_Ready()==0)res = RES_OK; else res = RES_ERROR; SD_CS=1; break; case GET_SECTOR_SIZE: *(WORD*)buff = 512; res = RES_OK; break; case GET_BLOCK_SIZE: *(WORD*)buff = 8; res = RES_OK; break; case GET_SECTOR_COUNT: *(DWORD*)buff = SDCARD_Get_Sector_Count(); res = RES_OK; break; default: res = RES_PARERR; break; } return res; } return RES_PARERR; } #endif