1. [LeetCode 39&40] Combination Sum I & II
4. [LeetCode 22] Generate Parentheses
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Given two integers n and k, return all possible combinations of k numbers out of 1 ... n. For example, If n = 4 and k = 2, a solution is: [ [2,4], [3,4], [2,3], [1,2], [1,3], [1,4], ] * */ public class Combinations { // 26 / 26 test cases passed. // Status: Accepted // Runtime: 262 ms // Submitted: 0 minutes ago //时间复杂度O(n!) 空间复杂度O(n) public List<List<Integer>> conbinations = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); public List<List<Integer>> combine(int n, int k) { combine(n, 1, new ArrayList<Integer>(), k); return conbinations; } public void combine(int n, int begin, List<Integer> conbination, int k) { if(conbination.size() == k) { conbinations.add(conbination); return; } for (int i = begin; i <= n; i++) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(conbination); list.add(i); combine(n, i + 1, list, k); } } public static void main(String[] args) { } }