Well, this week I tried to use some class things.
Following are parts of my exercising codes.
//note that cnt is a static member of this class to count the number of
//instances created.
//as you can see, the 2nd one is a Copy Constructor. And since both of
//two constructors have same name but different parameters , they
//are also kind of Overloading.
// when passing parameters, ref is needed in front of value types to pass by
// reference; while, it‘s not necessary if you pass an object (the output will be post
// later).
//these functions are used to display the contents of the instances.
----------So Much About The Time class---------
Now, let me write some codes to test the Time class.
//create two objects t1 and t2(with copy constructor)
// I first invoked GetBirthTime, passing an object, then invoked GetBirthTime
// secondly, passing value types by reference.
---------------So Much For Test---------------
In the end, let‘s have a look at our Output...
// pay attention to the change of the cnt (static member);
//also, we‘ll find the amazing effect of passing by reference.
-----------END & To be CONTINUED-----------^ ^