/* * touchScroll * param:el,evt * evt:{start:function(){},move:function(){},end:function(){}} */ (function(window,document,undefined){ var hasTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window, hasPointer= navigator.msPointerEnabled, winW = document.body.clientWidth, winH = document.body.clientHeight; function Translate(el,evt){ this.content = typeof el == 'string' ? document.getElementById(el) : el; this.wrapper = document.getElementById('previewContent'); this.point={x:0,y:0,endX:0,endY:0} this.result = {x:0,y:0} this.evt = evt; this.initEvents(); var _this=this; this.content.onload = function(){ _this.imgHeight=this.height; } this.previewContentHeight = parseInt($('#previewContent').css('height')); this.bordersWidth=parseInt($('#border').css('height')); } Translate.prototype = { initEvents: function (remove) { var eventType = remove ? this.removeEvent : this.addEvent; eventType(window, 'orientationchange', this); eventType(window, 'resize', this); /*PC*/ eventType(this.wrapper, 'mousedown', this); eventType(window, 'mousemove', this); eventType(window, 'mousecancel', this); eventType(window, 'mouseup', this); /*windows phone*/ if ( hasPointer ) { eventType(this.wrapper, 'MSPointerDown', this); eventType(window, 'MSPointerMove', this); eventType(window, 'MSPointerCancel', this); eventType(window, 'MSPointerUp', this); } /*IOS android*/ if ( hasTouch ) { eventType(this.wrapper, 'touchstart', this); eventType(window, 'touchmove', this); eventType(window, 'touchcancel', this); eventType(window, 'touchend', this); } eventType(this.wrapper, 'transitionend', this); eventType(this.wrapper, 'webkitTransitionEnd', this); eventType(this.wrapper, 'oTransitionEnd', this); eventType(this.wrapper, 'MSTransitionEnd', this); }, start:function(e){ var touches = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e; this.point.y = touches.pageY; this.enabled=true;//是否可以移动 //console.log(0,this.point); e.stopPropagation(); if(typeof this.evt.start == 'function') this.evt.start(this); }, move:function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if(!this.enabled) return false; var touches = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e, diffY = parseInt(touches.pageY - this.point.y); this.point.endY = this.result.y+diffY; this.point.endY = this.result.y+diffY; //console.log(this.point.endY,this.result.y,diffY) /*if(this.point.endY>=0 || (this.imgHeight+this.point.endY)<this.previewContentHeight){ //this.point.endY =0; return; }*/ if(this.point.endY>=0){ this.point.endY =0; return; } if((this.imgHeight+this.point.endY)<this.previewContentHeight){ this.point.endY=this.previewContentHeight-this.imgHeight; } this.moveXY(this.point); if(typeof this.evt.move == 'function') this.evt.move(this); }, end:function(e){ this.enabled = true; this.result.y = this.point.endY; if(typeof this.evt.end == 'function') this.evt.end(this); }, transitionEnd:function(){ //CSS动画结束时操作 }, moveXY:function(point){ //this.content.style.left = point.endX+'px'; //if(this.imgHeight-Math.abs(point.endY)<this.previewContentHeight) this.content.style.top = point.endY+'px'; }, handleEvent: function (e) { switch ( e.type ) { case 'touchstart': case 'MSPointerDown': case 'mousedown': this.start(e); break; case 'touchmove': case 'MSPointerMove': case 'mousemove': this.move(e); break; case 'touchend': case 'MSPointerUp': case 'mouseup': case 'touchcancel': case 'MSPointerCancel': case 'mousecancel': this.end(e); break; case 'transitionend': case 'webkitTransitionEnd': case 'oTransitionEnd': case 'MSTransitionEnd': this.transitionEnd(e); break; case 'DOMMouseScroll': case 'mousewheel': //this._wheel(e); break; case 'keydown': //this._key(e); break; } }, destroy: function () { this._initEvents(true); }, addEvent:function (el, type, fn, capture) { el.addEventListener(type, fn, !!capture); }, removeEvent:function (el, type, fn, capture) { el.removeEventListener(type, fn, !!capture); } } window.Translate = Translate; })(window,document);
滑动,兼容了pc wp,但是主要更适用于Android IOS。
new Translate('element',{ start:function(){ }, end:function(scroll){ } });
var fileElem = document.getElementById('file'); fileElem.onchange = function startRead() { // obtain input element through DOM var file = fileElem.files[0]; if(file){ console.log(file); getAsText(file); } } function getAsText(readFile) { var reader = new FileReader(); // Read file into memory as UTF-16 reader.readAsText(readFile, "UTF-16"); // Handle progress, success, and errors reader.onprogress = updateProgress; reader.onload = loaded; reader.onerror = errorHandler; } function updateProgress(evt) { if (evt.lengthComputable) { // evt.loaded and evt.total are ProgressEvent properties var loaded = (evt.loaded / evt.total); if (loaded < 1) { // Increase the prog bar length // style.width = (loaded * 200) + "px"; } } } function loaded(evt) { // Obtain the read file data var fileString = evt.target.result; console.log(fileString); // Handle UTF-16 file dump if(utils.regexp.isChinese(fileString)) { //Chinese Characters + Name validation } else { // run other charset test } // xhr.send(fileString) } function errorHandler(evt) { if(evt.target.error.name == "NotReadableError") { // The file could not be read } }