Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.
Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete at most two transactions.
You may not engage in multiple transactions at the same time (ie, you must sell the stock before you buy again).
<span style="font-size:18px;">public class Solution { public int maxProfit(int[] prices) { if(prices.length == 0){ return 0; } int profit = 0; for(int i = 0; i < prices.length-1 ; i ++){ profit = pro(0,i,prices) + pro(i+1,prices.length-1,prices) > profit ? pro(0,i,prices) + pro(i+1,prices.length-1,prices) : profit; } return profit; } public int pro(int i, int j,int[] prices){//i到j这几天的最大收益 if(i == j){ return 0; } int buy = prices[i]; int sell = prices[j]; int profit = sell - buy; int index = i + 1; while(index <= j){ if(prices[index] > sell){ sell = prices[index]; profit = sell - buy > profit? sell - buy: profit; }else if(prices[index] < buy){ sell = prices[index]; buy = prices[index]; } index ++; } return profit; } }</span>
感觉是DP,但是怎么也想不到,试了试解法一,结果不出所料,Time Limit Exceeded
public class Solution { public int maxProfit(int[] prices) { if(prices.length <= 1){ return 0; } int[] left = new int[prices.length];//存储从左向右扫描得到的第i天最大的收益 left[0] = 0; int min = prices[0];//第i天之前最小的值 //需找DP方程 //当prices[i] - min > left[i-1] 时 left[i] = prices[i] - min; //当prices[i] - min < left[i-1] 时 left[i] = left[i-1],且min = MIN(prices[i],min) for(int i = 1; i < prices.length ; i ++){ left[i] = prices[i] - min > left[i-1] ? prices[i] - min : left[i-1]; min = prices[i] < min ? prices[i]: min; } //同理 int[] right = new int[prices.length];//存储从右向左扫描得到的第i天的最大收益 right[prices.length-1] = 0; int max = prices[prices.length - 1]; for(int i = prices.length - 2 ; i >= 0 ; i--){ right[i] = max - prices[i] > right[i+1] ? max - prices[i] : right[i+1]; max = prices[i] > max ? prices[i] : max; } int profit = left[0] + right[0]; for(int i = 1 ; i < prices.length ; i ++){ if(left[i] + right[i] > profit){ profit = left[i] + right[i]; } } return profit; } }
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III