标签:style class blog code java http
1.变量var 常量let,不用指定类型,自动推断
let explicitDouble:Double=7 //7.0
let label="The width is" let width=94 let widthLable= label+String(width)
let apples=3 let summary="I have \(apple) apples" // I have 3 apples let oranges=5 let fruitSummary="I have \(apple+oranges) pieces of fruit"//I have 8 pieces of fruit
var array=["catfish","water","tulips","blue paint"] array[1] array[1]="bottle of water" var occupations = [ "malcolm":"Captain", "Kaylee":"Mechanic", ] occupations["Jayne"]="Public Relations" //改了一个值,这语法貌似是跟groovy的map一样的 occupations //这个直接起到了打印效果,至少在playground里是
let emptyArrary=String[]()
let emptyDictionary = Dictionary<String,Float>()
let shoppinglist=[] let dictionary=[:] //如果类型能推断出来才用这里的两种写法
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play import Cocoa var myVariable=42 myVariable=50 let myConstant=42 let implicitInteger=70 let implicitDouble=70.0 let explicitDouble:Double=70 let explicitFloat:Float=4 let label="The width is " let width = 94 let widthLabel=label + String(width) let apples=3 let oranges=5 let appleSummary="I have \(apples) apples." let fruitSummary="I have \(apples+oranges) piece of fruit" let floatNumber:Float=4 let name="Ting" let floatsummary="i am adding \(floatNumber+explicitFloat), haha \(name)" var array=["catfish","water","tulips","blue paint"] array[1] array[1]="bottle of water" var occupations = [ "malcolm":"Captain", "Kaylee":"Mechanic", ] occupations["Jayne"]="Public Relations" occupations let emptyArrary=String[]() let emptyDictionary = Dictionary<String,Float>() let shoppinglist=[] let individualScores=[75,43,103,87,12] var teamScore = 0 teamScore for score in individualScores{ "aaa" println(score) } "aaa" for score in individualScores{ if score > 50 { teamScore+=3 } else { teamScore+=1 } } teamScore var optionalString:String? = "Hello" optionalString == nil var optionalName:String? = "John Appleseed" var greeting = "Hello!" if let name = optionalName{ greeting = "Hello, \(name)" } else if optionalName == nil { greeting = "Hello, nil" } let vegetable = "red pepper" switch vegetable{ case "celery": let vegetableComment="Add some raisins and make ants on a log" case "cucumber","watercress": let vegetableComment="That would make a good tea sandwich" case let x where x.hasSuffix("pepper"): let vegetableComment="Is it a spicy \(x)?" default: let vegetableComment="Everything tastes good in soup." }
标签:style class blog code java http