There are two sorted arrays A and B of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).
错误:1. 由于python没有事先定义整数还是浮点数,导致错误
class Solution: # @return a float def findMedianSortedArrays(self, A, B): la,lb = len(A),len(B) lc = la + lb if la*lb == 0: C = A if lb == 0 else B if lc%2: return C[lc/2] else: return (C[lc/2-1]+C[lc/2])/2 else: i,j = 0,0 if lc%2: for index in range(0,lc/2): if A[i]<B[j] : if i != la-1: i=i+1 else: return B[lc/2-la] else: if j != lb -1: j=j+1 else: return A[lc/2-lb] return A[i] if A[i] < B[j] else B[j] else: num = 0 for index in range(0,lc/2): if A[i]<B[j] : num = A[i] if i != la-1: i=i+1 else: if lc/2-index-1 > 0: return (B[lc/2-la-1]+B[lc/2-la])/2 else: return (num+B[lc/2-la])/2 else: num = B[j] if j != lb -1: j=j+1 else: if lc/2-index-1 >= 0: return (A[lc/2-lb-1]+A[lc/2-lb])/2 else: return (num+A[lc/2-lb])/2 return (A[i]+num)/2 if A[i] < B[j] else (B[j]+num)/2
Median of Two Sorted Arrays 解法