(1) 服务器处理时间久。当用户在表单中填完信息,点击“提交”按钮后,由于服务器反应时间过长没能及时看到响应信息,或者出于其它目的,再次点击“提交”按钮,从而导致在服务器端接收到两条或多条相同的信息。
(2) forward跳转引起的重复提交。当用户将信息提交到服务器,服务器响应采用forward方式调转到下一个页面后,此时地址栏中显示的是上个页面的URL,若刷新当前页面,浏览器会将再次提交用户先前输入的数据,就会再次出现表单重复提交的问题。当然你可以选择redirect方式跳转页面,这样就不会出现重复提交的问题;但有时为了达到某种效果或者出于网站安全的目的需要隐藏网页跳转,而不得不采用forward跳转方式。
2、 对token的简单理解:
(1) 当用户首次访问包含表单的页面时,服务器会在这次会话中创建一个session对象,并产生一个令牌值,然后将这个令牌值作为隐藏输入域的值,随表单一起发送到服务器端,同时将令牌值保存到Session中。
(2) 当用户提交页面时,服务器首先判断请求参数中的令牌值和Session中保存的令牌值是否相等,若相等,则清楚Session中的令牌值,然后执行数据处理操作。如果不相等,则提示用户已经提交过了表单,同时产生一个新的令牌值,保存到Session中。当用户重新访问提交数据页面时,将新产生的令牌值作为隐藏输入域的值。
<action name="doAddParameter" class="com.do.action.CaAction" method="doAddParameter"> <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" /> <interceptor-ref name="token" /> <result name="success" type="redirect">/car/listParameter.action?calculator_product_id=${#request.calculator_product_id}</result> </action>
这里面重要的代码是:<interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />
<interceptor-ref name="token" />
(2)jsp页面中在form表单中添加<s:token></s:token>,并且在jsp头上引入<%@ taglib uri="/struts-tags" prefix="s"%>
<tag> <name>token</name> <tag-class>org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.TokenTag</tag-class> <body-content>JSP</body-content> <description><![CDATA[Stop double-submission of forms]]></description> <attribute> <name>accesskey</name> <required>false</required> <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue> <description><![CDATA[Set the html accesskey attribute on rendered html element]]></description> </attribute> ............ </tag>
/** * @see Token */ public class TokenTag extends AbstractUITag { private static final long serialVersionUID = 722480798151703457L; public Component getBean(ValueStack stack, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { return new Token(stack, req, res); } }
注释:在这里面new Token对象。
@StrutsTag(name="token", tldTagClass="org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.TokenTag", description="Stop double-submission of forms") public class Token extends UIBean { public static final String TEMPLATE = "token"; public Token(ValueStack stack, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { super(stack, request, response); } protected String getDefaultTemplate() { return TEMPLATE; } /** * First looks for the token in the PageContext using the supplied name (or {@link org.apache.struts2.util.TokenHelper#DEFAULT_TOKEN_NAME} * if no name is provided) so that the same token can be re-used for the scope of a request for the same name. If * the token is not in the PageContext, a new Token is created and set into the Session and the PageContext with * the name. */ protected void evaluateExtraParams() { super.evaluateExtraParams(); String tokenName; Map parameters = getParameters(); (1)注释在参数map中查看是否包含name字段,假设没有 if (parameters.containsKey("name")) { tokenName = (String) parameters.get("name"); } else { if (name == null) { tokenName = TokenHelper.DEFAULT_TOKEN_NAME; //(2)<span></span> } else { tokenName = findString(name); if (tokenName == null) { tokenName = name; } } addParameter("name", tokenName); } String token = buildToken(tokenName); addParameter("token", token);//(3)保存Token addParameter("tokenNameField", TokenHelper.TOKEN_NAME_FIELD); } /** * This will be removed in a future version of Struts. * @deprecated Templates should use $parameters from now on, not $tag. */ public String getTokenNameField() { return TokenHelper.TOKEN_NAME_FIELD; } <p> (4)创建Token </p> private String buildToken(String name) { Map context = stack.getContext(); Object myToken = context.get(name); if (myToken == null) { myToken = TokenHelper.setToken(name); context.put(name, myToken); } return myToken.toString(); } }
public static String setToken(String tokenName) { Map session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession(); String token = generateGUID(); try { session.put(tokenName, token); } catch(IllegalStateException e) { // WW-1182 explain to user what the problem is String msg = "Error creating HttpSession due response is commited to client. You can use the CreateSessionInterceptor or create the HttpSession from your action before the result is rendered to the client: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(msg, e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return token; }
(5)Struts2的内置拦截器<interceptor name="token" class="org.apache.struts2.interceptor.TokenInterceptor"/>中TokenInterceptor.java 的源码:
* @see TokenSessionStoreInterceptor * @see TokenHelper */ public class TokenInterceptor extends MethodFilterInterceptor { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6680894220590585506L; public static final String INVALID_TOKEN_CODE = "invalid.token"; /** * @see com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.MethodFilterInterceptor#doIntercept(com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation) */ protected String doIntercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Intercepting invocation to check for valid transaction token."); } //see WW-2902: we need to use the real HttpSession here, as opposed to the map //that wraps the session, because a new wrap is created on every request HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(true); synchronized (session) { //(1)判断Token是否有效 if (!TokenHelper.validToken()) { (2)Token无效,返回结果invalid.token return handleInvalidToken(invocation); } } //(3)Token有效时,去做更多的处理 return handleValidToken(invocation); } /** * Determines what to do if an invalid token is provided. If the action implements {@link ValidationAware} * * @param invocation the action invocation where the invalid token failed * @return the return code to indicate should be processed * @throws Exception when any unexpected error occurs. */ protected String handleInvalidToken(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception { Object action = invocation.getAction(); String errorMessage = LocalizedTextUtil.findText(this.getClass(), "struts.messages.invalid.token", invocation.getInvocationContext().getLocale(), "The form has already been processed or no token was supplied, please try again.", new Object[0]); if (action instanceof ValidationAware) { ((ValidationAware) action).addActionError(errorMessage); } else { log.warn(errorMessage); } return INVALID_TOKEN_CODE; } /** * Called when a valid token is found. This method invokes the action by can be changed to do something more * interesting. * * @param invocation the action invocation * @throws Exception when any unexpected error occurs. */ protected String handleValidToken(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception { return invocation.invoke(); } }
public static boolean validToken() { String tokenName = getTokenName();//(1)获取tokenName if (tokenName == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("no token name found -> Invalid token "); } return false; } String token = getToken(tokenName); //(2)获取token的值,注意这是页面上传来的 if (token == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("no token found for token name "+tokenName+" -> Invalid token "); } return false; } //(3)在session中获取token值 Map session = ActionContext.getContext().getSession(); String sessionToken = (String) session.get(tokenName); //(4)比较2个token是否一致 if (!token.equals(sessionToken)) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn(LocalizedTextUtil.findText(TokenHelper.class, "struts.internal.invalid.token", ActionContext.getContext().getLocale(), "Form token {0} does not match the session token {1}.", new Object[]{ token, sessionToken })); } return false; } // remove the token so it won‘t be used again //(5)token合法,把session中的token删除 session.remove(tokenName); return true; } public static String getTokenName() { Map params = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters(); if (!params.containsKey(TOKEN_NAME_FIELD)) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Could not find token name in params."); } return null; } String[] tokenNames = (String[]) params.get(TOKEN_NAME_FIELD); String tokenName; if ((tokenNames == null) || (tokenNames.length < 1)) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Got a null or empty token name."); } return null; } tokenName = tokenNames[0]; return tokenName; } public static String getToken(String tokenName) { if (tokenName == null ) { return null; } Map params = ActionContext.getContext().getParameters(); String[] tokens = (String[]) params.get(tokenName); String token; if ((tokens == null) || (tokens.length < 1)) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("Could not find token mapped to token name " + tokenName); } return null; } token = tokens[0]; return token; }