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Love every movie by Shirley Temple

时间:2015-04-09 07:41:03      阅读:122      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


She is the curest thing ever existed-of the whole universe.

As a 6 years‘ she can both sing and dance. She remenbers all the lines in the show, and

expresses them in a just proper way. She is just an adorable child which impresses everyone

she has contact with.

I remember some lines and lyrics in her movies.

"I should say that I could cry, with a very good reason why."

"London bridge just falling down, my fair lady"

" I want to make mud pie, I know I find happiness"

"I really want to know how much it means to be loved by you."

"I have a lot of toys, but I don‘t want to play, when I am with you."

"Even spinach tastes like puk pie, when I am with you."

"I am now going to vocation, to know more friends"

"You are the only friends i ever have. But this minute you are good, and the very next minute you are bad."


Shirley was a fantastic child-star, and her starring carreer actually ends here, because after she grew up she didn‘t make any movies as popular as before. She retracted the movie carreer when she became 22.

She worked in political area in her middle age. 

She married twice.

She died when she was 89 years old.


Love every movie by Shirley Temple



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